
Feb 14, 2010

After Super Bowl Sunday and salty food my weight jumped up to 173.  It's taken me all week to get that back off.  Why or why does it come so quick and leave so slowly?  So now I'm back to where I was (170).  Just one more pound, just one more pound, just one more pound............I'm just going to chant that all day long and hit the gym tonight.  Maybe, just maybe I can see 169.?? tomorrow.  On another note, hubby doesn't think I need to lose 25 more, maybe 15.  Any my daughter was on an eliptical at the gym behind where I was at on the treadmill.  Apparently she doesn't really see me as any weight, just mom.  So when another lady got off a treadmill that she assumed was my size, then walked by me, she said, wow you are getting tiny.  She said I looked more like the tiny lady on the other side of me.  She does make my heart proud!  Stuff like that is always nice to hear because I look in the mirror and still see that I'm too big.  It's weird but when I first hit size 16 I thought I looked great, now I'm fitting into size 12 mostly and some size 10, but I don't feel that small.  Do our brains/eyes ever catch up to watch is actually in the mirror?  I think it's time to take more progress pics.

P.S.  The eliptical kicks my ass!  I could only do 5 minutes then had to switch to the treadmill.  My goal is to increase my time on the eliptical by at least one minute each time.  The ab work was fun but boy do I feel it!


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Billings, MT
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2008
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