I survived!

Jun 26, 2012

 Made it through surgery on June 12Th with-out any major complications I did have to have 2 units of blood on day 2 post-op and an iron transfusion on day 3 but to be honest, I felt fine and was somewhat surprised when the nurses came in to start them!

I got to come home on the 18Th with a post surgical weight of 287 (gain from pre-surgery weight but thanks to all the information I have found here, I knew that happened sometimes so it didn't really bother me). I think the hardest part for me has been the mood swings and emotions. I read a post on here that explained that hormonal surges as well as the shock of surgery on the body can cause most of this. I was really pretty energetic until 3 days ago and then, as Cleopatra Nik so eloquently put it, I feel like a "walking corpse"!

I had lab and check-up with my PCP yesterday and got a B-12 injection so hopefully that will help some. I weighed today and have lost a total of 103 pounds (9 pounds since surgery). Which means that not only have I lost over 100 pounds, I have passed the halfway point to my goal weight 

Life is Good 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2012
Member Since

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