How to lower cholesterol WITHOUT killing your liver

May 20, 2010

(Reuters) - People using cholesterol-lowering statins -- like Lipitor -- have a higher risks of liver dysfunction, kidney failure, muscle weakness and cataracts and such side effects of the drug should be closely tracked, doctors said on Friday.
But I want you to take a look at OUR data from a group at Vail Valley Medical Center. We ran the docs, nurses, and staff through the Mediterranean diet and got this level of cholesterol reduction -- without drugs, without giving them cataracts, without causing even ONE kidney failure or liver dysfunction.
A 13.3 point reduction in cholesterol, over 8 weeks. We did this by teaching people how to eat REAL food, and how to eat it using the behavioral habits of healthy eating. That's it. 

Look, drugs are easy because they come in a pill and are pushed by a multi-billion dollar industry. But if you want to do the same thing, without the nasty side effects, change your behaviors.
These data show that our program does just that.
Cholesterol drug side effects need watching: study
| Reuters
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