Building Better Brains Program Tomorrow noon EST

Dec 03, 2010

 Hi guys!! 

It's been a while since I've posted here, but I would love to interact with you guys ... my program is on this week and I've decided to post the FB Event notification here. 

We can chat together during the show, if you want ... by video or audio ... hope you can make it. 
Time Saturday, December 4 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Location AUDIO location: VIDEO location::

Created By Will Clower Fan Page

More Info Join me tomorrow!! We'll be talking about how to increase your BRAIN function, and how to cook foods so you don't leach out the healthy nutrients. Plus, the health news of the week. We're on radio, internet radio, and VIDEO!! Interact with me during the show.

Radio Program Today

Nov 12, 2010


I want to engage you guys in a conversation about wellness on my radio program. Let me know what YOU want to cover, and I'll put in on the show!! 

For today, here's the flight plan ... for what I'm talking about (I'm on from 12:00 to 12:30 EASTERN). 

Call to chat: 412.333.1360 Listen live by clicking here. 


  • Starbucks defeats woman's lawsuit over spilled HOT tea in her lap
  • Mayor of San Fran BANS Happy Meal Toys. A good thing or not? 
  • Caffeine Alcohol Drinks land kids in hospital ... what do we do about that?
  • Data: Chocolate leads to longer lives in women. Surprised?
  • Mailbag: Linda asked about Supplements. I'll follow up to clear the air. 
  • Mailbag: I respond to a question that leads to the USDA, Cheese, and ... incest. 


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Radio Program Today

Sep 03, 2010

LISTEN: You can listen live here. 
WATCH: If you want to see me on uStreamTV, here's the link. 
CALL: to chat with me on the show: 412.333.1360

Content for today's show (I'll be on from noon - 1:00pm EST.)
I'm talking about the Island food, what they eat, blah blah blah.
ALSO .... * FDA says that Franken Fish is A-okay, expect Super Salmon in a store near you soon.
* The Health Care Changes you hate to love (if you're a business).
* Honey smuggling through China: the land of a thousand toxins.
* One more reason to buy local
* My guest: "Salsa Man"   Bookmark and Share For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower's website.

Eating Bugs, Dangerous Drugs, and Food Industry Thugs

Jul 15, 2010

Radio Program TodayHi everyone ....

I just recorded my radio program for this weekend, and the video of me acting like a lunatic in the studio is here.  

I talk about "bug eating", obesity is more like heart disease than malaria, the "Stupid Headline of the Week", and the new obesity drug.

Let me know your thoughts!!


Webcam Radio Program Saturday Noon EST

Jul 09, 2010


Forest Bathing: The Best Immunity Boosting Pill?

Jul 05, 2010

  It's called, going outside or -- in Japan -- "forest bathing". Read the research here.

A recent study on 280 healthy people in Japan compared the stress hormones, pulse rate, AND blood pressure in 2 conditions:

1. when walking through a forest or wooded area for a few hours

2. when walking through a city area.

What happened? (even MORE research if that first one just wasn't enough)

Being among plants actually lowered the cortisol (stress hormones) in the blood, it decreased the pulse rate, and lowered blood pressure as well. This accords well with the data showing that walks in the woods can raise your level of white blood cells which help to fight infection and sickness (one more study for you -- last one, I promise).

So get outside! It's good for your heart, your body, your soul, and you'll be healthier for it in many many ways.

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2010 Dietary Guidelines ... more of the same

Jul 05, 2010


Every five years the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are revised, but after two years’ work on the 2010 draft document, we’re back to pretty much where we were five years ago.
And not much has changed since the first guidelines were published in 1980. In fact, it would not be a huge stretch to sum up the new 699-page report with Michael Pollan’s simple advice: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
So why bother mandating this rather painful, politically fraught process??
You know what to do. Eat less. Don't eat fake foods, fake ingredients, or any synthetics. Use your behaviors to control your portion distortion. Our obesity rates continue to rise, and we are struggling as a culture to get a handle on this solution.
There is an intuitive correctness to our call for you to "eat real food, and control your portions through your eating behaviors." You know this is the right answer, and you don't need scads of academics telling you how many of this or that carbohydrate should or shouldn't be in your meals that you may eat 3 or 6 times per day as a percentage of a 2000 calorie/day diet. Yech.
Honestly? I don't know that we need someone else to tell us what we should be putting in your mouth. You have enough common sense to make this evaluation on your own. You just need to let go, and have the courage to make health decisions that you know are correct: "eat real food, control your portions through your eating behaviors."
  Eat less. Move more. Why do we need the 2010 Dietary Guidelines?

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Webcam Radio Program Today Noon EST

Jul 02, 2010

Hi everyone,

Here are my topics for today (below), and we are hooking up the webcam for your viewing pleasure!! The link is below 

The Dr Will Clower Radio Program

Click Here at 12 Noon on Saturdays To Listen Live-- plus NEW Webcam!

Topics This Week:

1. 101 Great BBQ Ideas!! 2. Sleep Off Your Weight? Really? 3. Twist in HealthCare Law Suit. Governors DEFEND it! 4. Picnic Safety. 5. America's FIRST ever Ice Cream recipe, written by our Founding Father of Food! From the Library of Congress.
6. How to live FOREVER ... your individual mileage may vary.


Video: Skin Cancer vs Vitamin D: Who Wins?

Jun 05, 2010

 Ugh. Gross picture. You couldn't get that taken care of before it got THIS bad?   VIDEO: I did this on KDKA-TV this past Friday, talking about the relative risks of sun over-exposure versus sun under-exposure.  
  Bookmark and ShareFor more information: Click here to visit Will Clower's website.

Radio Program Today

Jun 04, 2010

MicrophoneWomanDr. Will Clower's The Culture of Health show at noon today. 

Click Here To Listen Live: Call in and talk: 412.333.1360
On Tap Today:
1. Your prostate is BLINDED by Science 2. The "FAT Tax". Some in America Want this more than others ... guess who? 3. Bogus Kelloggs Claims exposed.  4. How to give your kids Asthma.  5. IS organic food healthier??
6. What is the Mediterranean Diet doing for us anyway? 

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For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower's website.
