Forest Bathing: The Best Immunity Boosting Pill?

Jul 05, 2010

  It's called, going outside or -- in Japan -- "forest bathing". Read the research here.

A recent study on 280 healthy people in Japan compared the stress hormones, pulse rate, AND blood pressure in 2 conditions:

1. when walking through a forest or wooded area for a few hours

2. when walking through a city area.

What happened? (even MORE research if that first one just wasn't enough)

Being among plants actually lowered the cortisol (stress hormones) in the blood, it decreased the pulse rate, and lowered blood pressure as well. This accords well with the data showing that walks in the woods can raise your level of white blood cells which help to fight infection and sickness (one more study for you -- last one, I promise).

So get outside! It's good for your heart, your body, your soul, and you'll be healthier for it in many many ways.

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