Scared & Excited for the sleeve

Jul 28, 2009

Hello !  I live in Dallas and am scheduled for the VSG on August 19th.  I am 32 years old, married and have one son who is almost 2.  For most of my 20's, I was fit and stayed around 160 # but dieted all the time and exercised like a maniac.  As I got older it became harder to keep up that pace and pregnancy just made it worse.  Over the last 4 years, I have just lost control.  I am at my heaviest now - 210.  If someone could tell me that I would never gain another pound, I might be OK with my current weight.  However, I am confident that I am on a downward spiral and headed for even more weight gain if I don't stop it now.  I have PCOS, high cholesterol, fatty liver and just feel like crap!  My eating is very disordered (not eating disorder) and I eat too much at most meals.  I do not snack all day - but eat to get full...very full!
What I want from this surgery is to feel good again about myself.  I want to be confident in my clothes and enjoy shopping again.  I want to be my son's beautiful mommy and not the fat one.  While I know that my husband loves me, I want to feel sexy again for him.  Finally, and perhaps, most importantly, I just want to feel better.  I don't share that with anyone because I am too young to feel tired.  However, I want to sleep all day and I never have energy.  Lately, I have wanted to stay at home in bed instead of enjoying my life.  I have too much to be thankful for and am ready to face the world again! 
Yes, I am scared - not for the actual surgery but of my fear of failure?  What if I still eat too much?  What if it doesn't work?  What if I let my family down?  What if it works for 2 years and then I gain it all back?  I am hoping that those with experience can help and guide me!  I am ready to listen!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 27, 2009
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