I love my sense of humor, my mostly optimistic out look, and that I am the queen of starting over, even though I’m only 42. I also treasure my blind faith, it has assured that fear isn’t a road block for me. Well I have my surgery in two days ( and a wake up) Can't wait! Not one bit of fear, ? just lots of faith that your all gonna nurse me through this.. I'm so glad I found ya'll.

Well I'm out of surgery I've had no problemss what so ever "knock on wood" so far...... wow I can't beleive that's it.. I've had dental work that hurt much more, I never needed any pain meds, I had a slight head ache but that's it... the Staff, Including the antisiaologist : Mr. Polk and Dr. Wes Powell were great, the nurses at Huntington were just wonderful. except for the carrot cake left in the hall way everything was perfect...LOL thanks everyone.

About Me
Palmdale, CA
May 24, 2004
Member Since

Friends 18
