Give me the 10 truths about VSG

Nov 13, 2016

I am nearing the end of my 6th month diet. I have meet with Dr A because I felt bypass would be better for my diabetes (since he says I will proberly leave the hospial in remission). I have from day one felt like "okay , I'm not sure about this bypass thing" (Dr. A promotes bypass mainly).  I went to see Dr B (he promotes VSG) He was informative and his workshop was packed (Dr A's was not). I even had a consult last month with Dr A, and I am not "felling it". I thought that meeting with him would put my mind at ease. It did not.  I have done  tons of research over the last 6 months on RNY and VSG I still am unsure which to get. I know no one who has had it, or shall I say will admit to having it, that I can have a talk with about it. So you guys are the lucky ones! I will try to be breif. I am diabetic- oral meds only- morning levels under 180 no matter what i eat or do. I have high blood pressure,  high colesterol. I have little mobility- not due to weight, due to a injury. I have no reflux or heartburn insues. My stomach is like cast iron- nothing bothers it really. I do have issues with intestional stuff- due to the injury. Which is another reason why I question the RNY for me.

1) Does everyone get reflux? Even if you did not have it prior to surgery.

2) Do you get dumping with a VSG? I have read it is a RNY thing, if you make bad food choices.

3)I have read some people cannot eat after surgery. I mean months after, and that if they do they vomit. How common is this?

4)Hair loss. If  I make sure I get in my potien daily does it still happen? Does it grow back?

5)Did you mobilty improve? 

6) How long before your co-morbidities went into remission?

7) I know after surgery you can only eat very little amounts. If a protien shake is 11 oz with 30 g protien. How long does it take you to drink it? Are you sipping on it for hours?

8 )Any complications?

9)What pre-op testing was rquired?

10) Regrets...? Either haveing WLS or the type you chose? 



Diabetes and VSG

Nov 13, 2016

Can you please tell me how long it took for your diabetes to go into remission after haveing VSG. I was considering RNY because it has a greater effect on diabetes. However, as  I have been prepairing for my WLS. I just really have problems with the whole idea of a bypass. One surgeron tells me VSG works as you lose the weight and may take a few months. Another that is pro bypass says VSG will not work. I am not on insulin, but do take oral meds. Waking levels are under 180 no matter how I eat the day before.


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