Got some good news!

Mar 11, 2009

I am so excited! While I was callling every PCP I've had ( Need to get better about that) the dr.'s office called me to inform me that BCBSNC had updated their policy and that instead of the 5 years of weight history they only needed 2 and those had been submitted so I was good! I was like YAY! Then she heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. I said yes? She said you will need to bring your primary support person with you to your appointment on Friday. I was like who can it be? My husband doesn't want me to have the surgery. My mom is still in ICU (can't wait until she is well enough to go into her own room, better yet come home) my sister drives schoolbus so she can't make it and my dad had something to do, so that left my MIL. I called her and asked her and she said sure she would go with me! I am ecstatic! I could hardly sleep last night. I'm having "skinny fantasies." I am nervous as I dunno what about going under, but I will be fine. I know who my redeemer is! LOL I just wanted to share that with you guys. I will try to post what goals I want to accomplish/what I wanna be able to do after wls. I will keep you updated as often as I can!

I hate waiting....

Mar 10, 2009

Since my first appointment is Friday..I have been scrambling to make sure that all of my weight history is faxed to the Dr.'s office. The needed 2005-2008. So far I have 2005 and 2008...OMG. One office stated that it was in storage and they had to go dig out my files. (Faxed all of these places the last week of February.) They said it would take at least a week and none of them have really been on it. If I don't have all of the years, they will cancel my appointment. I really don't want my appointment cancelled. I only have 5 more vacation days left for the year and I am holding on tight to them for this surgery. As far as my mom, she's getting better. She has been acting really mean because she has been in ICU for over a month now and is not too sure what is going on. They just tell her what they are going to do and whatnot. But she is being hateful to everyone! Anyway, as I sit here eating my Bojangles Fries and Chicken biscuit I wonder how I will react when I can no longer eat these things or even have them in moderation. I am so ready to be free. I know it's about the choices we make and yes I chose this. I am also choosing to have.....RNY. I think that will be the best option for me. I know that I had be unable to make up my mind but just by reading and going over what is best for me, I think this is it. Bring on the saggy skin! As long as I can get it in a 10/12 I will be thrilled! Thanks guys for listening. 

First appointment scheduled

Feb 22, 2009

I think I'm on my way! I have my first appointment on March 13th. My insurance does cover the procedure. I just need to get the last 4 years of my medical history. I think I can do that. I have been trying to make up my mind if I want the Lapband or the RNY. I think I'm gonna get RNY. I am scared of it not working for me. I know you  have to work with it...but I dunno. If I can do the band I might as well do the RNY. It just seems to work well with everyone achieving their weightloss goals quicker. It looks like with the band.. I might as well just continue to do what I have been doing now. I'm just may work fast for everyone else but I want to see results quick and I'm ready to feel better.  For those that remember, how was  your first appointment?


Feb 12, 2009

So I went to my first seminar last night and I am convinced that this was meant for me to do. I am excited (still nervous) but excited nevertheless. I filled out the paperwork and now it's just finding out how much the insurance will cover and If I have to do any type of supervised diet. They said from this point will be about getting appointments scheduled and they said have a surgery date at least 3 months from now. I have BCBS and they said that it may take 1 wk to hear back from them for approval. I am excited. The Dr. said that the procedure takes 35 mins  and you may be able to leave the same day or next day and may be able to return to work in a week or less! They also have Thursday after hours appointments and 1 Saturday a month available also. This will be great for me because I only have 1 wk left for vacation and I want to use it for that. So step one is complete I went to the seminar and I plan on having the surgery. Scared or not....!



Addicted to food

Feb 01, 2009

So I'm an addict.
I love food. I try not too but I can't help it. I get disgusted at myself sometimes thinking about how here I am eating, thinking about what I'm going to eat next. How fat is that? I love chips. Chip-n-dip, plain, BBQ, salt-n-vinegar, Doritos cheesy-cool--it doesn't even matter a chip-is a chip-is a chip. I got some Girl Scout cookies over the weekend. I purposely left them out in the truck...only because I have an apple turnover in my lunch bag. Why lawd?? I just don't understand. Every Monday at my job is "Bagel Mondays." Did I tell you I love bagels? Cream cheese spread, Veggie Spread, Strawberry...I like creamed anything. But anyway. I still want to have the surgery. I am trying to decide do I want to do RNY or the Lapband. I don't want all of that hanging  loose skin. I really want to loose the weight fast. What has everyone else that had the RNY do? Did you have to have reconstructive surgery? If not, what did you do to combat the loose skin? Anyway, so far my family seems to be supportive, with the exception of my husband. That's a whole other day. But I am still scared of being put under. My mom is having surgery tomorrow. She is having a leaking heart valve repaired and a spot of cancer in her lung removed. I am so afraid and all I can do is eat. I'm praying and eating, eating and praying. She has had a heart condition her whole life and she has had several different surgeries. In case you're my mom is not overweight. She never has been. She is a perfect size 10 (sometimes an 8).  There is something different about this surgery, my sister and I.. I think the rest of my siblings are all having ill feelings. I've been trying to push them away, however they keep nagging at me. But no matter how things turn out. I love her and she is going to be fine. She is going to make it. She will not leave me. IN JESUS NAME. The DEVIL IS A LIAR. AMEN. I want her to be here to go with me through this journey. I am so excited only 10 more days until my seminar. I can't wait! Well I just wanted to let ya'll know I'm still here. Still looking, still eating, still hoping, still wanting and still waiting.


1 comment

About me...

Jan 22, 2009

      I might as well get started...I have been so busy reading about eveyone else's start, I was avoiding talking about myself. I don't know why. I have a couple of blogs out there in cyberspace. Even on them..anywhoo. I am a 32 year old married woman (not happily I might add) and I have a 8 month old adopted son whom is the light of my life. I have been overweight most of my life beginning at around the 3rd or 4th grade. From then on it was up from there. I have been on every diet you can think of....

Weight Watchers
Jenny Craig
Diet Tea
The Water Diet
Lean Cuisine Diet (all made up)
The Cabbage Diet
The Grapefruit Diet
Working out
Joining Gyms
Eating less
Eating More

     Ok, Ok, Enough! This year I have decided to become "Foine in 09." I started on Sparkpeople in Dec of 2006 and I lost 13 pounds using their methods and it really worked for me, I love them. But happened and I gained it all back plus some extra. I set myself up for failure. Everytime I lose weight, I become really nervous and a lil antsy..(conceited...) when people start to notice...I start getting scared. I don't know if anyone else can relate to that but for me it was real. I was afraid of the person that I was becoming or who I would be with losing the weight. I have been researching the Lapband Surgery (Realize) in between diets and the more I read about it, the more I want it, but I'm scared to go "under the knife" or just under. I'm scared that I will not wake up.
       But I know that God is real and I know that he can keep me and I believe that. I stumbled upon this website while looking at a surgeon in the Raleigh NC area. I have already scheduled my seminar and I am looking forward to beginning this journey. I have not been able to get pregnant at all. EVER!
     That is why my son is adopted and I want to be able to run and play with him and hopefully give him a lil brother or sister one day. Right now I weigh 280 pounds (that I know of) and this is the highest weight I've ever been. The lowest has been 145 pounds and I think I was in the 6th or 7th grade then I don't remember. I was a poor looking little girl. My mom used to make me eat I remember crying and crying to get up from the table and her not letting me until my plate was clean. If it was something I didn't like..(black eye peas..when I was younger) I would turn the bowl over on purpose and she would fill it right back up. A part of me used to blame her for me being overweight, but as I got older I realized that Mama's not cooking for me anymore and she's not feeding me..(except on special
     I need to do this. I am going to do this! I have large breast that give me back pain, knee pain, I hurt in odd places. I don't take the steps because of my knees and because of laziness and embarrasment of being out of breath while going up the stairs. I only work on the 2nd floor of my building. ~sigh~ I have been encouraged and motivated by reading everyones story. Please continue to share. I will continue just to post my feelings and to let you know how I'm doing and how close I getting to discovering who I am and who I truly want to be!



About Me
Hollysprings, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2009
Member Since

Friends 280

Latest Blog 36
