6 months post op

Apr 06, 2009

6 months this week!  I have lost 100 lbs, and very excited to lose the last 58!  I hope to make my goal weight by my next birthday (March 2010).  I still struggle with bathroom issues, probably because I haven't reduced enough fat from my diet.  I am no longer a sugar junkie- as a matter of fact, I have become very sensitive to sweets.  I do, however, still struggle witIh carbs.  I just eat when I'm hungry and quit when I'm full.  I am surprised by how much I can already eat at 6 months out. I hope since my "honeymoon" period was so brief, and I am already on my "forever" diet, that  I won't have a drastic rebound gain. I am no where close to a model DS'er,  I just take my vitamins and protien.  Sometimes I take a probiotic for the stomach funk. 
Vanity wise, I wish that my double chin would shrink faster, and that I wouldn't need plastic surgery, but I know I will.  I'm pleased that I look much better than I did 6 months ago (at least in clothes).
Keeping up with my boys (3 1/2 and 19 months)  has gotten much easier.  I can run with them and play tag for more than 5 minutes!
My new pic is too large to use for an avatar (even after resizing) but there is a 6 month pic in my photos.

12 weeks post op

Jan 02, 2009

I am down 65 lbs.  I still get nauseous, usually in the morning.  I poop a couple times in the morning before I can get going, and poop some more in the evening. "Poop your way thin" with Troy McClure!  (for you Simpsons fans).  Honestly, that is the worst part for me.  I am not excersizing yet, and I need to get my arse to the gym. 

1 comment

5 Days post-op

Oct 13, 2008

I feel pretty good.  I have bouts of chills and hot flashes, but considering what I've been through, I'm doing well.  I have been out walking every day and don't need the extra sleep and naps that I did the first few days.  I "dumped" on hospital food my last night there (thanks to the nurse who gave me ice cream, Popsicles etc.. from the "full liquid" menu)  I wanted water and she gave me liquid food because I had already drank my 2 thimbles of water for the hour- lol! Oh well, I learned a lesson very early.  Cheese is the only dairy for me now.  I'm switching to Soy milk, and it's too early to pledge a lactose free ice cream just yet. 
I still have the drain (to be removed on day 8) My 3 y/o yanked on it last night, which hurt like a bee-yatch!!!  I think it is still intact, though.  I am still covered in bandages.  I would feel 75% better if I could take a real shower.

It's finally here!

Oct 06, 2008

We left Unicare and are now with BCBS.  They won't pay for the DS, either,  but will kick in a little for the gall bladder and hospital.  I am borrowing the rest (about $17K).
I'm having surgery 10-08, this Wed.  Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories.  I am confident that I have made an informed decision and chosen the right surgery for my needs.  I will be on the boards soon; inevitably seeking help for issues I haven't even thought of yet.  Till then....

More money down the drain...

Jun 18, 2008

UniCare sucks. Not just for WLS, either.  Every time anyone on my family visits the doctor, we get a bill, and this is  IN ADDITION the $600/mo and $35 co-pays.  We're going to drop it and either get a private policy or set up a HSF.

To finance or not to finance...

May 16, 2008

Well, both Unicare and the surgeon I have chosen say that due to my policy exclusion I will have to be self-pay.  There's something telling me to try to pursue appeals and go down that road,  but another part of me saying "just get the financing and get on with your new life."  Of course, that would be yet another monthly expense that we don't need.
My consult is June 2, maybe I should look for another surgeon between now and then and see I can find one who has had sucess beating an exclusion through Unicare.  These jerks have taken $600 a month from my family and never paid much on any of our bills.  So frustrating!

About Me
Garland, TX
Surgery Date
May 08, 2008
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5 Days post-op
It's finally here!
More money down the drain...
To finance or not to finance...
