Tommorrow is the first day of my healthier life!

Apr 19, 2012

OK - so they called today and I am sooo damn excited I can hardly stand it!   There is no one here to celebrate with (sorry Charlie - the dog - you just don't cut it!).  My DH is at a meeting tonight and my Mom has gone bowling and my kids aren't home from college/university yet.  So I celebrated with all my new friends on the board.  They are much more fun anyway - because the know the magitude of what is happening!  Whoo Hoooo!

I know that tomorrow is THE last day I will ever step on the scale and have it read a 350 + number.  I weighed in this morning at 351.5.  I start Optifast tomorrow - oh no - my stomach just did a roll - a nervous roll.  It is really here and I can't frickin' believe it.

I had a prescription for 4 weeks of Optifast - only need less than 2!  2 weeks OMG - I have to shout it out  - 2 WEEKS people!

I am so looking forward to our big trip in October - I could be 100lbs lighter by then - that is 6.5 months from the surgery.  That is acheivable right?  Nice way to celebrate a week in Italy and a 10 day cruise to Cypress, Turkey, Isreal and Egypt.  It will be so nice walking around without pain and actually wanting my picture taken.

I have learned so much already with so much more to learn - I am so pumped - don't know if I will sleep tonight.

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About Me
St. Williams, ON
Surgery Date
Oct 12, 2011
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