2 week post op - 20lbs down

Feb 14, 2014

Had my 2 week post op appointment today and got the all clear to move on to the next stage - pureed foods. Yippee! I've got the all clear to do anything physically and will return to work in a week. I could have gone back on Monday but decided to take a few additional days to focus on getting a routine down and I still have diarrhea. I was hoping that would be gone before I went back to work but the doc says it may take some time (gradually over months) and to take imodium if it's really bothering me. Well shoot, I don't want to be a big baby b/c all in all my recovery has been pretty easy but geesh this will make day 10 with fluids going in and what feels like more fluids coming out. I literally can FEEL my intestines moving and it sounds like a thunderstorm in my belly pretty much most of the day but it's worse at night. Anyone else have the same issue? I hate to have to go back to work with a diaper on (LOL) but sadly the precaution may just save me from an embarrassing situation. For the sake of keeping it real, leakage happens. I know ewwwww. I'm right there with you. In any case, I'm going to try the imodium and see if it helps even though I don't want to take another pill. My left incision site is still infected but greatly improved. I'm to let him know if it begins to leak (ewww again). I don't think it will though, in just a week it's improved greatly and itches like a mad dog on occasion so I take that as a good sign. 

Speaking of which, I don't know why taking pills bothers me now, Lord knows I'm taking the same amount maybe even a pill or two less than before RNY but I REALLY dread taking my vitamins and other meds. Taking pills makes me physically uncomfortable now. It's a short term feeling - maybe 30 minutes or less but none the less I think after I finish this bottle of calcium pills I'm going to try the chews or the melts. It's got to be easier. I've changed to a chewable multivitamin and a liquid B12 which helps. Has anyone tried the calcium chews or melts? Pro/Cons?

My next follow up appointment is in 2 weeks, I hope to be another 20lbs down by then. Since I'm released to do anything physical (within reason & pain free) I'm starting back on my fitness routine at the Y tomorrow. I start with a personal trainer on 2/26, Brandon. Brandon swears I will be hurting when he's through with me. I'm sure if he has me doing much of anything that'll happen so HA HA on him. LOL! 



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