Best Day Ever!!!

Nov 05, 2011

Sooooo! Today my 21 year old daughter and I had a mother daughter day. We have been out shopping since noon today. at one point we ran into a couple of her male friends. We were standing around talking and then i decided to walk around and let the young folks talk. As I was walking away I heard one of the young men say - Damn your Mom is fine!! I was so shocked I think I actually blushed. Next we were in the mall and we went into a store that I usually wait outside of when my daughter goes there because they have never had anything that would fit me. Well today I went into Vicky's Secret with her and beleive it or not I actually walked out with 5 pair of panties! OMG!! I have NEVER bought anything from there, even though I have always secretly wished that I could!! Right now you can't tell me that my s it don't stink! LOL Last thing, we were in another store and I asked the sales lady where the dress slacks were so that I could find something for work. She pointed across the store and said "unfortunately though those are plus sizes Wait. . . . .could she really be implying that i didnt need to go to the plus size section which is where I always shop????? I thanked her and tried to maintain my composure as I walked away. Then my daughter said Mom, did you hear her, how do you feel that she didn't refer you to the plus size section. She said "I got excited for you Mom, I am so proud of you, You are looking good and othwer people are starting to notice"! And then she gave me the biggest hug right in the middle of the store!! I gotta tell y'all I am riding on cloud nine right now! This has definitely been the best day ever!!! woohoo!!!!!

First post-op appointment!

Aug 27, 2011

I had my first post-op appointment yesterday.  Doc told me that i was doing well.   I was down to 234 today!  I remember weighing before i left the hospital and the scale showed 245 which was a little disppointing at the time.  But then i had to remember that i was pumped full of fluids from the IV all week.  So taking that into account i was pleased with the weight today.  So things have been going pretty well.  Not as tired each day as i have been.  Yesterday I hung out with my daughter all day.  We went all over town.  I felt good most of the day but I did have pressure on my left side most of the day.  I have constantly had this pressure near my drain site.  I asked  the Doc about it and he said it was still gas.  Ummm, I guess   Whatever it is, I will be glad when it goes away.  I also keep getting this sharp pain near my sternum.  I think its the area where the diaghram is.  I usually feel the pain when i have been laying down and either roll over or get up.  Anyway, my daughter and I were out all day and it was not planned that way, it just happened to work out that way.  I definitiley did not get all of my protein in yesterday.  :(  I ate some greek yogurt for the first time and was not impressed.  We should have stopped by a gorcery store so that i could have gotten a powerr shake - but they are never cold when you buy them out of the store.  Anyway - no excuse.  Of course while we were out my daughter got hungry so we tried to find someplace to eat that would have some type of soup that i could handle.  We decided on PF Changs and I ordered a cup of the Egg Drop soup so that I could eat the broth.  Our server was really sweet.  I told her that I just had bariatric surgery and wanted some soup that didn't have to many ingredients.  First she bought me the egg drop soup but it had way to much stuff in it and i couldn't eat around it.  Then she suggested the Won Ton soup.  When she bought that to me, she even strained it for me so that I didn't get any of the added ingresients in my cup of soup.  It was wonderful.  Of course when you order a bowl of soup, the bowl is as big as a cooking pot!  But she packaged up the rest of it for me to bring home.  I can eat off of this soup for the next 2 weeks!  But it really felt good to be able to go out to a real restaurant and actually find something on the menu that I could actually eat at this stage.  My daughter kept laughing at me and told me that I was absolutley giddy!    I even told the server that I loved her!!!  She was so nice and went out of her way to make me feel special.  I really did appreciate that.  In the future, I need to be prepared when I go out to have a refrigerator pack or my lunchbox with some type of protein in it.  Just in case.  We had only planned to go one place yesterday but ended up beingout from 10 am to 7 pm.  Whew!! Long day!  It was a good day though and I really enjoyed getting out of the house.  My husband never wants to go anywhere.  He goes to work and then comes home and goes into his man cave.  He will pop his head in every couple of hours and just ask how I am doing, but before I can even tell him, he is back in the man cave.  That aspect of this journey has been very lonely.    He feels like he is supporting me and staying out of my way, but I have told him that I wish wewould sit down and watch a movei together or just talk - anything!  He just doesn't get it.  My daughter moved into her own apartment several weeks ago and she works long hours, so I can't bother her all the time.  I'm trying not to get depressed, but i have to find something to do with my time.  I still have one more week before i go back to work.  I had thought about going back to work early, but I don't even want to deal with the job yet.  I work hard and lots of hours and it was time for a break,so I want to take this break and relax.  I just need to find a way to spend my time.  
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One week out!

Aug 23, 2011

Well I am one week out from surgery today and so far everything seems to be going ok.  My surgery was on Tuesday (16 Aug) and I was released to go home on Friday night (19 Aug).  The surgery went well.  I did lose alot of blood during the surgery and ended up needing a blood transfusion!  Although i was not in pain the whole idea of a transfusion really scared me.  My blood pressure dropped to 77/40 and my blood platlettes were very low.  At one point the Dr thought he was going to have to go back in and make some adjustments.    Luckily he didn't have to and the blood transfusion helped to bring my blood platellets up.      So I came home Friday night and felt pretty good.  It was great to sleep in my own bed for a change.  It was really hard to get comfortable enough to sleep but at least i didn'thave someone waking me up every 5 minutes to take blood or pressures or give medications!

Saturdaty i felt well enough to go out with my daughter while she went grocery shopping.  I actually rode around in one of the electric buggies in the store.  I didn't want to wear myself out.  We were gone for several hours and when i finally did get home i was prretty tired so i came home and got in bed.

Haven't been able to rest comfortably at night but it is getting better.  I keep moving from the bed to my chair.  Haven't been in much pain though.  I've been getting all of my liquids in but am not quite getting all the protein in.  It's easier for me to drink water all day and a carnation instant breakfast.  I tried some Isopure and it definintly has a different tast and I cant take it.  I haven't made any whey protein shakes yet because i'm not sure if that is to thick for my to try right now. 

I have been having hiccups alot and as of yesterday i can feel the gas moving - WOW!!!  When it gets under my ribs and diaphragm - boy does that hurt!!!.  I find myself having chills alot and having to wrap up in a blanket.  I have been outside to walk to the corner and back twice.  I also have a walk off the poinds DVD and have done a mile twice with that.  I know i need to get up and walk more but after a few minutes of anything i feel so tired.

This morning i drank a Atkins shake and it REALLY did not agree with me.  whew!!! i immediately felt nauses even though i did not throw up.  But it definitley got the gas moving!  I have also had several bowel movements today!  yippee!  After drinking the Atkins all i could do was to stay in bed all day.  It hurt to move!  I think i took about 6 naps, but after each nap i am finally feeling better.  Didn't get any extra walking in today - gotta get back on track tomorrow. 

I was looking at my inciscions today and i notice that the area where the drain was and the incision closest to that i very bruised.  I wonder if this is normal. 

Anyway i'm hoping that tomorrow will be a better day!!  For those of you who had you surgery around the same time - hit me up and let me know what your first few days have been like and what you have been drinking that is keeping you going!

CONGRATULATIONS to us!!!!  Now let's get this party started!!!!!

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