what is food for???

Apr 25, 2014

this is a question that i've never thought about not even all those years ago when i had GBS. i never even considered it until i started pursuing a primal lifestyle and i read something that said, FOOD IS FUEL. i was like SERIOUSLY??? no it isn't! food is for when i am feeling happy, food is for when i am feeling sad, food is for celebration food is for comfort and food is for yumminess. food is for a lot of things to me but it has never, ever been considered JUST FUEL.  this difficult concept was even more driven home in my mind one day as i was TRYING (real hard) to eat some kale last year and i was in dismay cuz it tastes like ish! i thought about it and posed the question to some girlfriends i was in an fb weight loss group with, 'why does every bite you put in your mouth have to be the yummiest bite ever?' if you embrace the concept that food is for fuel then you eat the kale, fill your tank and keep it moving but if you live the way that sooooooo many of us here at OH have been born into, then woe unto you who attempts to eat and love kale. LOL. this has been a GREAT week for me as i have gotten back to the basics as my surgeon, Dr. Madura, suggested all those years ago when he said, "every now and then, get back to the basics and go on liquids." I have gone on partial liquids with a Jamba Juice smoothie for brunch and an extremely sensible (veggie and protein only) dinner. one thing i have been extremely cognizant of during this week is my water intake attempting to get in the 64 ounces daily. I AM A JUNK FOOD JUNKIE (another post for another time) but this week has helped me curb that tremendously, i will even not lie and say a couple of nights i DID have a half a cup of Pop chick a Pop Pop Kettle Corn which i believe speaks volumes about the nature of addiction but like i said another post for another time. last night i did not feel the need to snack because i ATE ENOUGH CHICKEN AT DINNER. i think that's where most people make mistakes because they feel by restricting calories and starving to death they will lose. they might but it's painful. i'd like to see people eat REAL FOOD and fill up and still lose. fighting a one woman battle. i ask my patients all the time, WHAT IS FOOD FOR? HOW DO YOU USE FOOD? some of them seem taken aback when i ask this, some of them smile and nod. i think it's a question that anyone whose ever attempted to change their food relationship, shift their food paradigm needs to ask themselves and honestly for me, the answer changes daily. 


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Chicago, IL
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2006
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