A little at a time

Jul 16, 2016

I'm 29 years old and weighed 295lb at migh max weight. I've always struggled with my weight but after getting diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and completing 3 years of medical school I finally was coming to terms with the effect it was having on my life. I think the moment that terrified me the most was a patient I had who was morbidly obsese with fatty liver disease so severe he needed a transplant. However even though it was his obesity that was killing him he wasn't elegible for transplant because his BMI was > 40. The resident I was working with made several comments about how he did this to himself and all sorts of nasty comments about him being fat but all I could think about was that my BMI was 50.6 more than my patients'. So that was the moment I said enough and went to visit my surgeon. So I used my summer break and my STEP 2 study time to have my RNY. I'm 2 weeks and 2 days post-op now after having to go back into the hospital 5 days post op for a ileus which was terrifying. However I'd sean and treated patients with worse post op complications and I got a new lesson in empathy for any patient I ever give an naso gastric tube to. Ironlicly I want to be a surgon and I had forgotten how terrifying it is to be the one one the table. I think it's worse when you are used to being the one prepping the patinet, holding the camera, and closing the patient to lose that control and have to trust in other's skills who you can't watch. Don't get me wrong I think my surgeon was technically superb and had a good bedside manner I just didn't like being the one on the table. I'm finally onto the purreed diet which is a nice change from liquids. I had started to feel very weak. As of today I'm 270lb and my operative weight was 285. I personally haven't been able to really see the results yet in the mirror. I'll upload some photos later. I'm glad this online community is here becasue almost all my friends in medical school are thin, fit, and healthy and can't really relate to how I'm feeling. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2016
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