I was a chubby kid, and teenager.  I was wearing a size 26 in pants by the end of highschool.  I managed to lose a lot of weight in University, and got down to a size 14 for a few years.  I got married and and slowly put weight back on, and lost it, and put it back on, and lost it, and put it back on.  I got divorced and managed to get back to a size 14, and got remarried and put it all back on over a number of years.  

I ended up being diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetis.  Scary stuff.

Although at 5'2" and 210pounds I was 'only' 38% over my BMI I was obviously not in a healthy place.  My GP recommened the surgery for me and I decided to go for it.  My friends were mostly surprised by this decision, thinking that I wasn't 'overweight enough'.  Most of my group of friends is overweight and so me moving forward for this triggered some things in them.  My friends are supportive and encouraging me now in the post op stage, but they are also not yet at the same place that I am in this weight loss journey.  I am here to get support from people who are more in the same place that I am, although with ideas on how to be as successful as possible.

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2017
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Highest weight
Jan 1, 2018
