CarlRay uploaded 2 photos 6 years, 11 months ago

CarlRay uploaded a new photo 6 years, 11 months ago

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 6 years, 11 months ago

NSV first:

I had a great night playing beach volleyball last night after cycling to and from work and doing the yard work. It felt good, and I was able to dive, hop up, dive again, hop up, and dive again in one sequence (I swear the other team

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 6 years, 12 months ago

I had my 3 month appointment with the clinic on Friday. The blood work showed all vitamin levels were great. The nurse did my vitals, all normal. the doc liked my progress a lot, said that the measurements and weight loss (71) are really good for th

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

I'm pretty excited that my wife and I are on a beach volleyball team together. Last week was our first game, and I haven't played in 25 years. I was a little bit concerned about it, but I've handled everything else pretty well so I thought I'd give i

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Last weekend I decided to take down an old rotted out shed in the backyard. I ate breakfast (an egg, a piece of cheese, and a few whole wheat crackers) and went outside with my tools. It wasn't until suppertime that I realized I'd done what I had don

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years ago

Last night I lost my workout buddy to a massive heart attack, suffered while he was at the gym doing the very thing that we were trying to decrease the odds of happening. In 2013, we started this journey and kept on track as best we could. Both of us

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

Ok, well there's a scale victory too, but this is about an NSV.

A couple of years ago, I lost my elderly uncle. We were close, and it affected me pretty badly. Usually stuff like death doesn't, if we're being honest here, but I miss him daily

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

Recently, I posted in the daily what's on your menu thread, and, according to the regular folks on this site, following the guidelines given me by my surgeon is not the correct way to do things. I'm taking in too many carbs, not enough protein, etc. d

CarlRay uploaded a new photo 7 years, 1 month ago

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

Anybody use the crazy hot stuff? I don't mean Frank's or Sriracha (though Sriracha is a favourite of mine). I have some insanely hot stuff called "Flashbang", and it is nothing shy of liquid heat in the mouth. I've always been somewhat of a pepperhea

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

So, over the Easter Weekend, I started aching all over. Then Easter Monday I woke up with a tickle at the back of the throat that wouldn't go away. It started to turn into a cough, and later I felt the dreaded rattling in my chest while breathing. <

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago

Well, this morning I had a scale victory, seeing a few pounds drop off to put me at 289 now. I was riding my bike into work this morning and trying to think of the last time I was this size. I think it was high school. That was a very difficult time

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

I'm so pleased with what's been happening since I had this WLS. Weight stalled for a little bit while my body freaked out, but it's been relatively painless and not too steep of a learning curve. I'm down from 316 surgery weight 4.5 weeks ago, to 291

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

I just finished my last meal of phase 2. I'm 4 weeks post-op as of tomorrow, and I can hardly contain myself about trying something from the phase 3 sample menu. It's also my first day back at work, which I am actually excited about for once. I may

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

Ive got a question re the amount of food I'm eating. I'm following the guidelines given to me by Guelph (for you fellow Ontario folks) and it seems like my bite sizes and the amounts of food are more than what Windsor described in the nutritional clas

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

Greetings all, just a little update FYI from my world

Feb 27th was my surgery date, sw 316 (down 10 thanks to the week of Optifast). I dropped another 12-13 lbs in the first week or so, and then switched to phase 2 full fluids. I went through

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

Here's a weird one for you to chew on. When brushing my teeth, since the surgery, for the first 15 to 20 seconds while brushing my teeth feel like they're on fire. Then like a light switch being flipped they're fine and I can finish brushing. Nothing

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 2 months ago

1week out, and I've never been more excited about oatmeal. I made it through the liquid phase unscathed. I did feel weak and really tired quickly if I tried to do anything. Hoping that improves as I introduce soups and eventually actual food. I thi

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago

So far so good. About 8 lbs down after surgery Monday, feeling great and little to no discomfort from day 1.

I could actually sleep on my side last night which was a blessing for my back.

My question: when eating a half cup of jello

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago

Well, I guess I'm on it now.  I'm 2 days post-op.  I never had a ton of pain, but enough.  I'm home now with my family, relaxing.  Everything went fine, and I'm glad to be at this point. 

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago

I'm sorry if this is a little gross, but has anyone any input on what I'm experiencing?  

I'm 4 days into 7 on these shakes, with my surgery on Monday.  I walk to and from work, 7 miles round trip.  On these walks, this week in particular I've

CarlRay posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago

I've been cruising around the forums for a few weeks now, and saw the call to men to come on over to this thread, so I thought I'd give it a try. 

I grew up on a farm, lived that childhood full of chores, working the land with my family, huntin

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2017
Member Since

Friends 1
