2 months out...

Mar 15, 2013

Hey all : ) I just passed the 2 month mark & feel pretty good. Not alot of energy, but enough. Work kicks my a$$ daily & Im goin to bed between 6-8 but I work an active job, so I guess thats to be expected.

As for my weight & food: I have discovered the hunger is all in my head. I am truely not hungry at all, ever. Even if something sounds good, it doesnt really taste all that good. Food & I are just not friends anymore & Im fine with that. Im saving $$$ too so I get to do sum shopping with the extra! Very motivating if you like to shop! I have been forced to buy new undies, as the pro op undies were riding just below the boobs (which I can honestly say are disinigrating fast : (  ) Oh well fat loss is fat loss so Im not complaining. I hoped to be down to 246 by today & Im 9 lbs over my goal....however I do not exercise right now. Im working crazy hours at work & barely have the strength to do that. My daily intake is up to 500 cals or so now & Im pretty happy I can eat that much. I have 2 Nectar Roadside Lemonade drinks daily, a little lunch & try for some dinner. Tonights dinner was a light cheese stick. I dont always get the 500 cals, but I strive for it daily. I love Special K protein water in lemonade too, but its hard to find anymore.

I return to the surgeon April 16 & I want to be in the 220's. Im going to have to work for it & thats fine. I do hope some of these snowbirds return home....

Until 3/14/13 - my 3 month hope you all have much success on your journey & try to enjoy it every day. Believing you can do this is half the battle!! Live for yourself & do it like your life depends on it ~it does!!




1 month out

Feb 13, 2013

 Exactly 1 month ago today, 1/14/13 I layed patiently on a gurney waiting to have my* guts rearranged * I stole this from eggface. My thoughs at the time were, this is going to make losing wt once & for all a cake walk, once I get past the acute post op period. Never once did I consider its physical, psychological or any of the other changes surgery would bring. I couldn't, I was only a pre op...& not that being a pre op was a cake walk to get to, it just rendered me clueless, ignorant to the post op metamorphic things to come.

2 days ago, I weighed in at the MD office as I met with Laurel, my nutritionist whom I adore & have known professionally for many years, to find myself down 40 lbs total wt. I had a goal set, to lose 20 lbs each month & I think it's fair to say I met my goal for this month. Changes I have noticed are my clothes are not fitting snug any longer & some I have had to get rid of. I have decided yard sale is the way to go. Advertised on Craigslist to attract the "big girls" I would obtain some extra $$ to spend on new stuff & get rid of my old crap, 2 big plusses in my book! My dos wt was 286, & I'm certain I met my 266 goal for today. Feeling good about that I set another 20 lb goal for next month. What would I tell a pre op now? Hang on, your in for a ride!! So far, it has been the best ride of my life : ) Food wise, I am on a pureed diet at the moment so daily I have 2 protein drinks of Nectar roadside lemonade, some veggies with feta cheese & lemon or lime, & 1 egg (who in the H*** eats like that & likes it??) Yeah, that's what works for me, so I stick with it. 2/22 my diet will advance & I want a salad or veggies to crunch! Of all things to miss a salad, really?? You could have never told me pre op I would crave crunchy veggies (at least I would not have believed you & gave you a polite smile & nod)

I will post pics for each month. If your a newbie or a post op, KEEP STALKING!! It totally helps to read what others have experienced & know what 'the norm" is for each stage. I still stalk periodically. It's motivating to see their pics too, so to all of you I have stalked, here's a big thank you!!

Until next month, stay healthy!


OMG Im a stalker...

Jan 26, 2013

Things are going just okay, still having alot of pain despite eating only liquids : / I have found when Im in doubt I turn to this site or other gastric bypass sites looking for answers. When I don't find what Im looking for I just lurk at ppl's profile, reading what they went through & looking at before & after pics. I can't tell you how much that helps!!! It does feel a little eeirey reading so much personal info about ppl I don't even know but I figure, hey they put it out there....So here is my appology to those profiles I have stalked (and Im not going to say which ones) Some of them I wish I were friends with, such great personalities clearly evident through your writings!! I thank you all for putting it out there..you have helped me : )

Until a lighter time,



Revision from Sleeve to RNY

Jan 20, 2013

After just stalking a few blogs, I have decided to start my very own. My original sleeve was done in Oct 2007, I lost wt for about 6 months, then started maintaining....not good. Finally, after 5 long (L-O-N-G) years, I had a revision to the RNY. Of course, Dr is great, hospital was great, 6 puncture incisions, no drains & minimal pain...while I'm still. I can tell you Lortab in the liquid form tastes....well I don't think I'm allowed to say what I think it tastes like on here! But yeah, it's pretty bad!! I had the RNY 1-14-2013 & doing quite well. Trying to walk daily. I have had a wonderful support group to welcome me home as well. I'm inundated with flowers (sorry now I'm just bragging) but I truly feel loved by them all. My family has been great too, as well as most of the intelligent people at work....

Still on full liquid & cant tolerate anything heavy, including cream of soups. I'm doing the Crystal light drink mix in a water bottle & now the Special K vitamin water as well as yogurt & broth. I have tried the protein drinks, that I actually liked prior to surgery...yeah, NO!!! Everything has changed!! Wait I thought this was just about the size of my stomach & ability to absorb food?? Surprise! I am surprisingly I am satisfied with what I am able to tolerate without nausea. I felt totally different when I woke today, until I realized that there is going to be way more to this journey than just weight loss & eating habits.

As for me, I started at 340 prior to the sleeve, then back up to 308 just prior to the RNY. Day of surgery I was 286. I will weigh again Tuesday when I have my follow up with the nutritionist. Which is another story. I am also an RN, I have worked with the nut. for several years through a home health co. so I feel totally comfortable with her. Guess I'm lucky there too. I am 44 yrs old, have a wonderful, amazing & hot hubby of 10 yrs. I also have 2 pretty amazing boys, ages 14 & 20. I'm also going to be a Grandma in June, early yes but I'm pretty excited for a girl : ) I have 2 close friends that have also had WLS that absolutely admire!! They too have boys so we have more than WLS in common & both of their boys play football. Yes when I mentioned my friends are awesome & supportive, I wasn't lying! I want to get healthy as not to see the open heart boys anytime in my life time, or DM or CVA, etc. You get the pic. We have a goal to travel when the 14 y/o starts college & I'm pretty stoked about starting out in travel nursing!  Goal wt...140-150 I don't know yet. I'm 5'9 so lets just see how low I can go : )


About Me
north port, FL
Mar 27, 2007
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