
Aug 11, 2006

8-12-06 Well I told myself that I would keep this updated so here goes. I got a call yesterday at work from Natilie from Kaiser to set up my pre-op appts. She also told me that Dr. Brown can tie my tubes durning my rny. WOOO HHOOO. Not a big deal to most but big to me. I also got to go have lunch with a great gal I met through OH Shirley if you read this I had a blast. Great to get to finally meet you after all thoes E-mails and phone calls.This all still feels sureal. As of the start of spring I haden't heard anything from Kaiser and now I will have my surgery before fall. WOW.

Sept 11 is my day

Jul 23, 2006


Its starting

May 08, 2006

5-9-06 Well I went to my appointment yesterday. It was really more of a formallity than any thing. Just to make sure I was ready to start the 10 weeks of classes. He asked if I had any questions, told me about the classes, and what to expect . I will need to be losing weight durning my classes. Not a certain amount but losing. I will be in class with 24 other people who are all going through the same thing so I am hopeing for a great support system.I dont have to follow a certain diet and like so many of us I am an expert at more than one LOL. I think I will get out my old Weight Watchers stuff. I have done that one so many time that it should be easy to follow and fit into my life easily.Well when I was at the appointment he told me that the May 25 class was full so it would be sometime in June and the class location was about an hour away.I would do it if I have to no complaints here but just in case I called the gal that sets up the classes to tell her I was very interested in the May class and its locationwas much closer. She called me back about 1 hour later and said that when I called she was on the phone with a gal in the May class that needed to switch to the June class and I could have her spot.WOOOOOHOOOOOO, I cant believe my luck.So I got the very last spot in that class.What a great sign. Thats all for now


May 01, 2006

5-02-06 Well I finally heard from Kaiser yesterday. I have an Intake appointment on monday May 8 and then poss. start classes as early as may 25. I cant believe they finally called. I called last week and they said it would be a couple of months still.WOW. It is finally starting. So heres to no bumps in the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$2,000 out of pocket max

Mar 01, 2006

3-3-06 Well hello again I still have not heard from Kaiser yet but I found out one of the girls I work with has a client that had wls in January. I talked to her on the phone one day while she was makeing her appt.What a nice girl she is I have only met her a couple of times and boy did she let me pick her brain.She also has Kaiser insurance it was nice to here how long it took for her to start her classes and get her surgery.It took her about one year from her approvel till her surgery.Its about what I thought so I am still right on track.She also tols me another piece of great news I have been so worried about the 30% co-insurance that Kaiser said I was responsible for.They told me that 30% could be as high as $10,000.I called and called and know one really could help me.Well this nice girl I was talking to said she also had a 30% coinsurance but that they can only charge you up to your anual out of pocket max after that they right the rest off.WWWHHHHAAAAATTTTTTT. Do you mean the answer was this simple all along.So I called today to find out and yep she is right and my total out of pocket for the year can be no higher than $2,000 total. Holy Crap $2,000 total for the whole year that includes the $150 they are going to charge me for classes all copays for all my pre op my $100 hospital copay all come off that $2000 max WOOOOHOOOO. I had long ago just accepted that I would have this bill for the next couple of years and now it is looking alot brighter........

getting closer

Jan 20, 2006

1-21-06 well not much going on yet I got antsey again and called Kaiser to find out how much longer she said that the people in the january classes were approved in march and april of 05 about 2 months before me.GETTING CLOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 02, 2005

11-3-05 JUst a quick update. I got antsey today and called Natalie at Kaiser to find out how far up on the list I am. Well she said they dont hold classes in Nov. and Dec. so right now she is calling people for jan. and those people recieved their letter of approvel about 5 months before me.So Im not sure what that means for me. Sounds like 4-6 more months before I here from them.THIS WAITING IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She also told me they start new classes every week not just once a month and lots of people change their minds,insurance change, wrong time of year for people, or just get scared. So lots of potential to move up faster.


Sep 11, 2005

9-12-05 This waiting is killing me.I keep waiting for the bottom of all of this to fall out.The gal at kaiser said that I wouldnt here from them for 6-9 months and not to worrie but I cant help it. On the good side I have done lots of reading about wls and I still want it. My summer has flown by.In one way its good surgery is getting closer but I had so much fun with my kids and husband that I wasn't ready for school to start.So back to the dailey grind that is our life school, oldest 2 girls are in girl scouts and roller hockey youngest just started pre school plus all of the other stuff that goes along with school age kids. well thats all for now will up date later.

What do I pay

Jul 06, 2005

7-05 well I had a very very very hard time finding what this 30% is total. I guess this is a very new (thing) so member services told me to call the buisness center and when I would call them they would tell me that I was to call member services?????????????? after about 6 phone calls and talking to a very nice man who put me on hold while he found some answers rather than telling me it was someone elses job.. So he had me talk to a lady at the hospital who finally had answers (thank the lord) The wls is about $30,000 of that the hosplital knocks off $12,000 because they are a contracted hospital. Iam responsible for 30% of that.She also said that I could apply for assistance for this total.or set up payment arrangments.


Jul 02, 2005

7-05 well recieved a letter telling me that I am responsible for 30% for the cost of my wls (ouch) I guess it could be worse??

About Me
Northglenn, CO
Surgery Date
Jun 13, 2005
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Dr Brown
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