Hello I'm Jeanice ...I've been Wanting to loose weight for years ,yes I've lost and gained several times ,I'm 52 now and 5'6  ,223 lbs,ii carry my weight in my mid section .. stubborn fat I call it ..I'm not keen on exercising but I am active ..I  have diabetes ,hbp,high cholesterol,and sleep apnea ..I want to lose the weight in hopes that I can get  rid of these things ..My Family and friends say I don't need to loose the weight cuz I'm not that big ,,well I try explain my reasons to them but they think I'm making a mistake ,that all I need to do is exercise and eat right..They don't understand ..i'.m going to do it ..


About Me
Sep 17, 2016
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me Sept 1st 2016
