One Year Surgiversary!!!!

Mar 07, 2014

Wow!!! Today is my one year surgiversary!!! I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am with my decision to have RNY!!! I have gone from my high weight of 216.8 down to 108.8 today.  This is a loss of 108lbs!!!!  I NEVER imagined that I would loose this much or ever be this small again - am I perfect? absolutly not but I am so much happier and healthier than I have been in YEARS!!!!  I exercise every day, get in all my protein, water, and vitamins, and I can run around with my kids and play without being exhausted!!!  I eat healthy and I finally feel healthy!!!  I just signed up for my first race/obstacle course and I will be training for the next several months!!!

Do I have saggy skin??? yeah of course I do but it's not that bad and I feel better than I have in forever so I don't mind. 

I don't get to post much on here but I am on here reading everyones journey quite often!!!

To all those that had surgery around my time - Happy One Year!!!

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9 month follow up appointment

Dec 10, 2013

Had my 9 month follow up appointment yesterday and I am doing well.  Doctor is extremely happy with my progress - they said my weight is fine where it is but that they don't want me to loose anymore weight.  I'm 117.4 on my scale and 118.2 on the scale at the doctor's office.  They told me I should start to plateau now - which sounds fine with me, I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't be able to stop loosing.  I go back in 3 months for my one year surgiversary!!! and will have updated labs for that appt. 

Can't say it enough how happy I am that I decided on RNY!!!


Unbelievable measurement update!!!

Oct 28, 2013

So I finally had time to take my measurements and since I began my journey on March 7, 2013 I have officially lost 61.5 total inches off my body!!!!  I have gone from wearing a size 16/18 pant to a size 2.  I started out at 216.8 and today I weigh 122.4  - that's a total loss of 94.4 pounds!!!  Holy Moley!!!!  I have never felt so good in my life!!!  I am running around with my kids and went on all the rides at Disney and walked the parks without getting tired!!!  RNY was the best decision I have ever made!!! - oh and my 3 and 6 months labs were excellent too!!!


7 1/2 months post-op!!!

Oct 16, 2013

I am 7.5 months post op and so absolutely amazed at the transformation.  I weighed in this morning at 125.0  - This was always what I was hoping to get too, I just never expected it to be so soon!!!  It's great that the weight is gone, but oh gee... I have no clothes that fit lol (never thought they would all be too big)

I haven't taken measurements in a while so hopefully tonight I'll have time.


Goal reached & 6 month appt!!!!

Sep 06, 2013

Had my 6 month appt today and everything went great!!!

Weighed in at home this am at 132.2 and was 134.0 on the doctor's scale!!!  BMI 27.1

Things are going great!!!  I am loosing some hair but luckily I have ALOT of it

I feel great :)  Measurements to come soon


Week 23 and only 2.8lbs left till personal goal!!!

Aug 21, 2013

Today makes 23 weeks post RNY - I can't say enough about how happy I am that I went through with this surgery!!!  I feel amazing, and am even beginning to look amazing in my own eyes - see... I never felt the size I was - I always felt that I was smaller and when I would see a picture of myself it was like disbelief that I looked that way. 

I am only 2.8lbs away from my personal goal of weighing 135lbs :)  I just can't even believe I'm almost there and this soon

I started off running very slowly and for only a minute at a time on the treadmill and now I can run up to 12 minutes without stopping.  I am taking spin classes and walking everyday at lunch. 

My only issue is that I have not told anyone that I had the surgery - everyone knows I just changed my lifestyle and that I work out everyday  but it kind of urks me that people flat out ask me how much weight I've lost - the compliments are great but since when did people get so personal and want exact numbers - it makes me feel weird - I've started to just ALOT when they ask because personally I don't think it's any of their business.

I feel great though, and even my kids have noticed how much more energy I have and can keep up with them.  I am thankful everyday for this opportunity and would not trade it for the world!!!


19 weeks Post Op

Jul 26, 2013

Yesterday was 19 weeks post op!!! The time has flown by. I can't believe how positive my outcome has been. 

I am down 63lbs and like 36 total inches. 

I have gone from a size 16/18 in women's to a size 8 - still in awe

I feel so much better and I am able to do so much more activity now than I have in years. 

I am an avid gym member again and I am spinning 4 times a week. I set a personal goal of 135 for myself and I'm only like 10 lbs away in such a short time. 

I can run and chase my kids around everywhere and we have been going to the beach all the time where I am able to swim and jump waves for hours!!

Thanks to RNY I feel like I am in control of my life again ;)

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16 weeks post -op :)

Jun 27, 2013

Hello All

So as of yesterday I am officially 16 weeks post op.  I am currently down 55lbs!!!!! (still can't believe it)

I went shopping to pick up a few pairs of shorts the other night with my mom and couldn't believe that I fit into a size 10 and still had room - they were not tight at all!!!   I was currently wearing between a 16/18 in clothes prior to surgery!!!  This is a huge NSV for me!!! and I am in a Medium top!!!  Holy moley :)

I have 19 lbs to go to get to my own goal of 135

I am 4lbs away from my surgeons goal of 150

Everything was going really well for me but the last 3 weeks or so have been a bit of a struggle.  I have been experiencing all different kinds of mood changes and I'm not liking it - I am chalking it up to the rapid weight loss but it's driving me crazy!!!  I just want to feel normal again.  Also - as far as food goes - I've suddenly been having a lot of trouble with chicken - which I didn't have the past few months at all.  I'm hoping it's all a fluke and I get back to feeling like me soon.




Better late than never....

Jun 09, 2013

So I usually post my progress every 4 weeks or so - this time.... a little longer.

13 weeks and 4 days today

Total Weight Loss =  (starting day before surgery at 209.4 and today at 160.4) = total loss of 49 pounds!!!!!!

Total Inches Lost from start to now = 29 inches!!!!!

I have stopped weighing myself daily - I usually just weigh in a max of 2 times per week - and always on Thursday which was my surgery day.

I have a baby shower and a wedding to attend within the next 2 weeks and I have NOTHING that fits me any longer lol                      I went shopping this weekend to try to find a dress that I could wear to both and was able to fit into something at every store I walked in to!!!!!  That feeling was amazing!!!!  It was actually fun to shop and I was able to go into stores that I haven't set foot in in many years lol

I even went baithing suit shopping with my daughter who is 10 - this weekend before heading over to a family outing and my daughter looked at me and said - "wow mommy you look so skinny" - what a great NSV!!!!

I have my 3 month post op appointment today - can't wait to see how my labs look



40lbs !!!!!

May 21, 2013

I haven't weighed myself in a few days so I stepped on the scale just a little while ago and I am down 40lbs!!!!!

I can't even believe it!!! This Thursday will be 11 weeks - so happy with my progress ;)

