Growing up I had issues with weight at age 9 was on a thousand calorie a day diet with diet pills.  Through the years I tried every fad diet known to man.  Some resulted in weight loss but not long term.In 1995 I had my Bariatric Surgery a Silastic Ring Vertical Gastroplasty. At the time of my surgery I was at 299 lbs with a BMI of 47.  The lowest weight I obtain was 201 lbs about 12 months post-surgery.  I maintained a weight between 220 and 235 until the end of 1998.  I followed the portion control, stayed away for sugary foods and exercised in some form at least twice a week.  The end of 1998 I began to vomit more frequent and it became increasingly painful.  During this time I did not have medical insurance.  I was always told if I vomited to let my GI track rest.  I thought the vomiting was due to not chewing my food well and it becoming stuck.  I never was able to tolerate certain foods like meats and rice well anyway.  So I switched to soft foods.  Eventually overtime the pain eased and eventually went away.Since that time I started to put on weight and am unsuccessful in keeping it off.  I have tried many diets since then –Beverly Hills Diet, Dr. Adkins, The Zone, The Body Shape Diet, The Blood Type Diet, Sugar Busters and Carbohydrate Addict Diet.  Each time I would loose I would gain it back and then some.  During my pregnancy in 2003 I started on a diabetic diet mainly to help reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.  I have stopped all the fad diets and try to adhere to a “diabetic meal plan”.  My main goal has not only to loose weight but deal with insulin resistance issues that are apart of my PCOS.  In 2005 and 2006 I have seen nutritionists to help with deal with this issue.  They have given me pointers on the amount of proteins and carbs I should be consuming and in which form.  This has helped me manage for the most part, but I have not been able to successfully lose weight and keep it off. During an Upper GI on November 14, 2006; it was discovered that my staples where no longer there.  They must have disrupted during the bought of vomiting during late 1998.  Until now I have not had medical insurance that covered treatment of morbid obesity.   I paid for the SRVG out of pocket and was fully vested in making it a success.  I know first hand that this Bariatric Surgery is not a “cure all” it is only a tool.  A person must work hard at losing and maintaining their weight loss.  There are not only obvious physical changes but there psychological issues to address as well. This is a life-style, mind-set and life-altering change.  However due to the staple line disruption, one of my major tools for long-term maintenance failed. 

About Me
Columbia, LA
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2006
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 5
Pre-Op Testing
10 Reason I Want to Lose Weight
The Countdown Begins
