a long overdue update

Jan 16, 2007

Where does the time go?? One year ago today, I was discharged from the hospital with my JP drains from my tummy tuck and chest reduction. God has truly blessed me with the good fortune of having had RNY. My life has changed in so many ways. I have had the opportunity to meet some really great people along the way that I share this woderful journey with.
I'm writing today because I just got back from my PCP. I have actually maintained my weight for a full year! That, to me, is nothing short of a miracle! I have NEVER been able to accomplish something like this. My blood pressure, EKG and all other testing that he's done has come back, get this, NORMAL. 
I have had a real rough time the past month or so. Thankfully I have been able to realize this, not eat my way through it, and ask for help. Help from my support group, and help from the doctor. I got a script for Wellbutrin and I have to say, in the words of my 'idol', "It's a good thing." While I'm not floating around thinking that the world is all peaches and sunshine, I am feeling like the walls are NOT closing in on me and that I can work my way through this thing we call life. Funny thing about that, wether you're fat or a 'normal' size, I don't know that I'll ever consider myself  "thin" there's always stuff to deal with. How you opt to handle it is all up to you. In my past life, because I do feel like it was that long ago, I would have grabbed a bag of whatever and eaten my way through it untill I felt "better". Amazingly enough, it never made me feel better. I'd plow my way through another bag of whatever and when the dust settled, things were worse because of the the guilt and dissappointment I'd feel for eating like such a cow. 
Now I must face the crap and deal with it. I guess that's what people who aren't  "foodies" do. It's a whole new world to explore. 
So, where do we go from here? I ask myself the same question a lot. I am learning to take each day as a challenge that's only going to last for 24 hrs. Tomorrow will be completely different, new challenges, different problems different ways to deal with things. But, with the help of my support system I'll get through it. I may eat a bit more once or twice, but I'm human. I'll forgive myself and move on. I've learned to reach out when I need some help, and accept that help, graciously. It's what I would do for others and it's really nice to know that people care enough about me to offer it in the first place. What a gift of clarity to realize that. Mary would be so proud! 
So ahead of me are new challenges at work, which can be either good or bad, I guess how I handle the challenges will decide the outcome. I am going to Florida for a week of vacation soon and simply CAN NOT wait to go.
Thanks to everyone that is involved in my recovery. I have read about food addictions, have seen myself in some of those cases and have learned in the process. Thanks too to the people that read these updates, I hope that my experiences will give you a little insight to this incredible WLS journey.
Wishing you all the very best. . . .


Nov 02, 2006

8-04-06--I can't believe it has been this long since I've posted an update. True to form, A LOT has happened since the last time I posted. Where do I begin??
Well, the job thing was a real bust. i was working for a man that didn't want to make any changes, even though he asked for my ideas and input and said he wanted to make changee to make his business better. The man that was training me was next to impossible to please. Nothing ever seemend 'right enough'. I had been in contact with my old boss from Dunkin' the whole time and the third time he called me, we sat down, talked, and worked out a deal. So, here i am, back at the pink and orange selling coffee and donuts again. It's good though. I got reassigned to the store that I really wanted, got the money I was getting before and went right back onto my insurance, and reinstated with all my vacation time. This wa a change that I had to make. I had to leave to see what else was out there, and it was really nice to be 'courted' to come back.
Personally, there have been a few milestones in the family. My middle niece, Maria, graduated from UConn School of Nursing in May and got a job at Yale Hospital. I am quite proud!! and My oldest niece, Sara, just got married on July 15. How proud was I to escort my sister into the church in this new body? I so belive that this whole experience has been nothing short of a miracle. I also was able to see and speak to my brother and his family. We had a falling out and haven't spoken in several years. He too had gastric bypass in February of this year. He's doing very well and looks great. It was nice to see and speak to him. Hopefully this might be the start of trying to improve and heal our relationship. I hope and pray that this is the case.
It's amazing to me how much more tolerable summer and 100degree weather is without 150 extra pounds on you. I am trying to plan a vacation or 2 this summer. I'd love to get down to Virginia to see some very dear friends and would also like to get to Florida to see my sister.
So, I am quite busy living life. What an awesome feeling. I am very happy with this new improved body, and love living as a 'normal'sized person. Recovery from the tummy tuck has been completely uneventful. I'm very happy witht the results, Dr. Passaretti did an amazing job, I'd love to go back for him to do the back, which would equal a lower body lift, but alas, until that oak tree outside starts sprouting $100 bills. . .
I am posting a new picture today too. This was taken recently in a park in New York City. Do you see a change from my before shot??
That's about it for now, I'm going to try to not wait so long before I update again. Wishing you well in your journey.
All the best. . .

3-29-06--A lot has happened since the last time that I updated. I am now 10 weeks post-op from the tummy tuck et al. I feel fantastic. This has been an awesome experience. I am very happy with the results and I have to say, finally, pretty pleased with my appearance. I guess the physical body is finally in sync with the mental image that I had always wanted for myself. After a lot of work and effort, that's a pretty good place to be. I have had no complications from the surgery and the healing and recovery went really well.
I have the confidence to walk into any situation without fear or worry about what people are thinking, if they're trying to figure out how much I weigh, etc. It's a pretty liberating experience. If there is a judgement to be made, it's about the person that I am, not the package that I arrived in. As I said before, it didn't come without a lot of work, effort, and the love and support from the people that I sorround myself with.
In other developments, I have successfully "asked for what I need" (thanks Mary Z.), and have landed a new job. I will be bidding the pink and orange of Dunkin' Donuts farewell on April7. Amazingly, sometimes you can tell a prospective employer just what you want from him and they might just agree to it. Who knew?? You don't always have to take the 'crumb' that you think you're entitled to, if you tell them what you deserve, they may agree with you and that sure does make for a great experience. I have accepted a position of store manager with Party Depot in Ridgefield, CT. It is an independently owned company, doing very well, and getting ready to open their 4th store! I'm very excited and nervous, but I will be ok. I'm looking forward to the challenge and hope to do well.
So, what else? Like there's time for more? I continue to really enjoy PARTICIPATING in life and the world around me. Can't wait untill spring and the exciting season ahead of us. Getting out, enjoying the company of friends and family, doing things, LIVING!!!
What a great feeling. It's really nothing short of miraculous, I feel like we (WLS patients) really have gone through a very positive change of life. Better than anything we probably could've ever imagined. Agree? There are a few things on my "to do" list that I still need to work on, but that's one of the glories of life. I guess if your to do list is done, you're done. I don't want to get to that point. EVER!
There has been such a circle of strength and support around me, family, friends, support group friends-that are now my family too! Each person brings a different type of support and I am so grateful to all of you. You all continue to be the strength and support that helps to get me through it all. I hope that I give that back too.
Life is so good, and I am so thankfull for the new life that I have. God has truly blessed me when He gave me the clarity to walk through Dr. Ehrlich's office the first time to retake control. I am so thankful and humbled for that divine intervention.
To everyone reading this, I wish you luck in your journey, wherever you are. The strength to get through the tough times, and the blessing of having great people around you to support you.
Thank you to my "team". You're all the greatest!
All the best. . .

2-3-06--Just a quick note, almost 3 weeks post-op, already, wow! I can't believe it. It is an awesome feeling to look in the mirror and see, yet another, incarnation of Bob. I like this one!! This is the one that I have wanted to see for so long. Oh God, It's for real. I hove posted some pictures in the link above. There are pre- and post-op in there. View them at your own risk. LOL. I am getting around, and doing things. It's amazing that after not doing a lot, I think, I'm wiped out. This is going to take some getting used to. Also, I am freaking because I'm not allowed to go to the gym until I'm six weeks out. I really miss it. It's amazing that that could even come out of my mouth. Hard to believe.
So the post-op life is good. The support that I have gotten from family and friends has been great. Once again, they've been at my side. Thank you all, you have made such a difference in my life. Will update again soon, Until then,
All the best. . .

1-23-06--One week post-op, and it's not so bad! The percocets are definately keeping pain at bay, but I don't feel like there's that much pain. It's very uncomfortable. I still have all 4 drains in me. I'm hoping that the 2 from my chest will be out on Wednesday when I go see the Dr. The other 2 will probably be in for another week or so, as they are still putting out a bit of fluid, Yuck! The Dr's told me that they actually took 5 lbs of skin off my stomach and 1lb from my chest, pretty cool huh? I have a big ole binder on around my stomach and my chest is wrapped up in an ace bandage that has GOT TO GO! I am so itchy I want to scream. So, I am up and getting around a bit. Able to do some things. Actually got out yesterday for a few minutes, felt good, but wow did it tire me out.
So what else can I tell you? I can tell you that already the change in my body is pretty amazing, I can actually see and feel, get this, BONES!! Apparently there's a sternum in there and hipbones! That's some shit, huh? I took some before pictures the night before surgery, my niece took a few the other day. I'm not sure how I'll be sharing them just yet, LOL. As far as I'm concerned, those befores need to be "classified", for select eyes only. I guess I'll figure out a way to post them though. As soon as the drains come out, I'll take a few more and post them somewhere on line.
Big thanks to Dr's. Passaretti and Ehrlich for doing such a great job and taking such good care of me. They're the best. Norwalk Hospital, once again, fantastic people. And that nurse up on 6 that reprimanded me for not standing up straight, I hated you then, but I love you too! You were right. All those nurses up on 6 were great. Very caring, gentle, and thoughtfull. A few of them even remembered me from my bypass surgery 2 years ago. Thanks to everyone was thinking about me and praying for me throughout the surgery. It is with your support and good thoughts that everything worked out for me. I am such a believer in the power of positive energy and prayer. Thank you again.
I look forward to getting to really know the new me. Mind, body, and soul. So many new goals. Life is good, thank God!
A good journey to all, filled with all the best of God's blessings, good health, family and friends that love you, and support to get you through even the darkest of times.
All the best. . .

1-15-06--Tuck Eve! The night before the big tuck and pull of 2006. Nervous? A bit. Excited? A lot. Scared? A touch. Ready? Hell Yeah! Looking forward to starting the next leg of this wonderful journey that I began a little over 2 years ago.
I'm taking Sandy's advice tonight and thanking my body for hanging on all those years of eating badly and doing no excercise. I'm thanking it for bouncing back from bypass surgery so well and giving it the chance to be more streamlined and more efficient. I'm sending an APB out to the healer cells, C'mon guys, you've got some work to do in the next few weeks!! And I honor the commitment that I made to myself 2 years ago, to get on track, get myself healthy again and start living a better life.
Thanks Sandy for the inspiration. You are the greatest! I pray to God for a swift and uneventful surgery, that HE guide the hands of my surgeons and that He hears the thoughts and prayers of all those around me that care for me.
I wish my parents were here to see what I've accomplished. Although they were never judgemental about my weight, I know they'd both be very proud of where I've gotten to and my progress. I know you'll both be watching out for me, again, as you did before.
And to the circle of strength that sorrounds me, the circle that I'll walk into the hospital with Sandy, I say from the bottom of my heart Thank You very very much. I'll update in a few days.
All the best. . .

12-29-05--On the brink of a New Year, and a new me!! It's been a while, sort of, since I've updated and I thought I'd let people know what's happening in my world. Biggest news? Plastic surgery is SCHEDULED!! January 16, 2006. YIKES! I'm nervous, excited, scared, hopefull, terrified, you name it, I'm it, usually 2 or 3 emotions at the same time. I have great faith in the doctors, and I know that I will be ok. Why not? I got the scripts for the percocet today. I wonder if I can start taking them now?? Post-op, I may actually be the smaller person that I have always wanted to be. When you're 6' tall and almost 400 lbs, I always felt that I was just too big, too tall, too wide, too much me. Always felt that I was the biggest person in the room, like I just took up too much space. Since I can't really do anything about the height, and I've made great changes to the width and girth thing, this is just the next natural step. I'm so looking forward to actually seeing a normal sized person looking back at me in the mirror. As Sandy would say, "Oh, the possibilities!" While I don't think that I will actually ever consider myself thin, this will certainly help me to not still see the fat person that I was. If, in my minds eye, I wind up normal looking, the surgeries will be a big success.

Yes, I said surgeries. Full abdominoplasty, and correction of gynochomastia. No more boy boobs for me!! I'll be out of work for about 6 weeks, if I can go back before that I'll try, but I really don't think that I'm going to want to. Plus, I hope that by the time I go back, you'll actually begin to see signs that it's working. The doctor told me weight wise I'd probably only lose about 5 pounds or so, but would probably lose 4-6 inches in my waist. I almost can't even begin to imagine that. That would make me a 34" waist, nearly unbelievable considering I was a 52/54 prior to bypass. Maybe even a Medium on top, no more larges? Imagine that!

So that's what's happening with me. I'm in countdown mode now. Have a ton of things to do before the 16th, better fire up that 'TO DO" list. As always, thanks to the amazing people that I have met along the way. The people that continue to make this journey exciting and rewarding and SO worth it. I wish you all a safe and happy new year, one filled with love, health, happiness and limitless possibilities for all of us. All the best. . .

11-24-05--Thanksgiving Day. So much to be thankfull for, where do I begin?Thankfull for my friends and family that have supported me through this exciting journey. Thankfull too, for those that haven't. They have taught me so much, about myself, my needs and just what I will or won't permit in my life. Thankfull for my brother, he is a constant source of strength and encouragement. He's had a tough year but through it all has remained positive and helped to keep me motivated and strong. The friends that I have made through our support groups. They're the best! Encouraging, kind, supportive, what more could you ask for? Thankfull that I am able to help the 'next generation' of WLS'ers, to pay forward the insight that I have gained through this experience. To all that have their surgeries scheduled or are waiting for dates, I wish you all the best and all of God's blessings. What an exciting time of your life. So many possibilities and options just waiting for you.
To update my progress. My weight is holding steady at about 235. That's about 150 pounds lost. If that's not something to be thankfull for, than what is?? In about 6 weeks, I will be experiencing the next step of my journey and will be having some plastic surgery done. Full tummy tuck and male breast reduction. My date is scheduled and I am ready to go ahead and do it! I have great faith in the doctors that will be performing the surgery and look forward to really seeing a smaller version of me in the mirror, the Bob that I had always hoped to see. I have only ever seen the fat Bob, now this smaller version of me still looks fat. With the support that I have around me, I willhandle the next challenge and will continue on this road of recovery, education, and growth. I wish you all the peace and love of Thanksgiving, and hope that we all learn to carry that feeling in our hearts throughout the next year. All the best. . .

10-26-05--Just 2 days away from my 2-year anniversary. WOW!!
Where do I begin? I'll start by sharing an e mail, and my response to it, that I got from a person that I am honored to call friend. Sandy, I'm taking your advice and posting this as you suggested!

Well Bob? Right about now 2 yrs ago you were doing the preop diet. Do you remember your mindset, your hopes and dreams for the future (then)? Could you have even imagined the huge changes you have made to be even possible...dare to dream the chains of obesity could be broken? Were you even able (then?) to understand how much your life would change for the better? How has it turned out? As you journey this next week towards that golden date of 10/28, on the days that you want to pull your hair out... keep in mind you could still be doing it (whatever that "it" is) morbidly obese and with no hope for change in the future.... with less self esteem... less Bob. You have now have all the possibility in the world... ANYTHING is possible now... yes with effort, but possible. Ain't NOTHIN' stoping you now! I am so very grateful that you took that step ahead of me, for you have been a guiding force in my journey. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY... one week early!
Your pal... TOWANDA! ;- )
NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that I would have gotten to this point. I wished, and hoped, and prayed for it, but, given my past history, I never thought it would've happened. I wanted to lose at least 100 lbs, but I wanted just to be back on a healthy track. If that's all that had happened it would've been great. I can't begin to tell you just how thankful that I am for all that has happened. I really feel that that "moment" when Dr' Floch's name came to me at work was a bit of divine intervention. Would I have been as successful and happy had I gone to Dr. Crum? This has been an amazing time in my life. I am really a very lucky and very blessed man. I have to remind myself of that, often. I have met some awesome people, you, Leona, Carmine, Bette, Mary W and Z, Michelle too and we are so very lucky to have each other, we all bring something different to the table, but are there for each other, to lend an ear when needed, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a positive word or thought when we think there just isn't anyone left on this earth that really cares.
It really amazes me how much and how differently being fat has affected all of us. Each in a completely different manner, and how badly we all wanted to be better, get better, live a better life. A life filled with choices, and chances we never would've taken pre-op. Long ago, I resigned myself to believe that I was going to be fat and alone forever. I thought that I was "supposed" to be fat. If I wasn't, certainly God would've made it easier for me to lose weight and to keep it off. In two years, so many options have opened up to me. It really is nothing short of a miracle. Miraculous too, is the change that I have seen in others too. You especially. I see a person more confident, willing to put herself out there, and admit she's vulnerable, and HUMAN! Not retreating, not fading into the scenery. You too, my dear, have come a long way baby, and, likewise, there's NO stopping you either. I see great strength in others too. Mary W., who easily could've given up months ago, still persevering, having her band replaced/repaired. Yet she still has the desire to make things better. You all continue to motivate me. Make me want to achieve more, make me realize that there's still more that I can do. I should've given up on the whole plastic surgery thing months ago. There's no way in creation that I can really afford to spend 12,000 on this. BUT, I don't think that I can afford NOT to do this. I truly believe that this will keep me on track and keep me from gaining any weight back.
Sandy, thank you for taking this trip with me. You've been a sweetheart through it. Thanks for listening to me carry on about M. I'm realizing now that I think I made a mistake in letting her go, but I know I couldn't have kept on seeing her, knowing how badly she wanted and needed more that I just couldn't give her. I do believe though, as you said last night that our paths will cross again and that maybe at that point things will be different for both of us. Who knows? maybe at that point our wants and needs will be more in sync.
Thanks again for the wonderful thoughts and well wishes. You've made me reflect on the past 2 years a lot this morning. Made me really think about how far I've come and what new challenges lie ahead for me. I know that the road ahead is filled with more excitement, more challenges, more rewards, and most importantly, more chances to help our "little brothers and sisters" like Diedre and that room of people that we met last night. Who would've ever thought that we could be mentors, especially when it comes to matters of weight loss. What a concept!! Thanks again, please don't ever stop being the Sandy that you are. You're the best and that's why I love ya!! I'll talk to you soon, Bob

So, this week has been filled with a lot of reflecting as well as looking ahead. Thank you to everyone that has been a part of this journey.
Re; the plastic surgery, going for a second consultation Thursday 10/27, and to book a date for a Tummy tuck. OMG!! I'll post again and let you know what happens.
All the best. . .

8-3-05--It's been a while, so here's an update for you. I saw Dr. Ehrlich about 2 weeks ago, all is well. His scale says 144 lbs lost, I know it's more though. The weight loss has slowed down, a lot. But, that's ok, and that's good news. I have lost 5 lbs since I saw the Dr. in January. In that time though, I have been eating a bit more, not overeating, but eating more. I really feel like I am eating more like the way 'normal' people do. I try to make healthy choices, but I'm human and don't always do that. So what then? Beat myself up over it? NO WAY!! As a lot of you know, I manage a Dunkin' Donut shop, and I have a donut now and then, the way 'normal' people do. The other day I realized halfway through one, that I was eating it because I was aggrivated, stressed, it wasn't the donut that I allow myself. I was angry because I did it out of habit without even thinking. We talked about this at support group the other night. No matter how much you lose, the old habits and thinking are always there, just waiting to rear their ugly heads. Mary Ziller says all the time that relapses are ok, as long as they don't turn into a collapse. Rewind to 2 years ago, I would've eaten my way through a half dozen of those donuts. I guess that's progress. And, I'm thankful for that. For the knowledge to realize what I've done, for the power to stop it, for the love and support that I get when we talk about it at a meeting.
So what's new with me? Not too much. Work is the same. Hot News! Vacation starts this Friday, Hallelujah!! Headed down to Florida to see my sister and her family. I'm going to surprise an aunt and some cousins that I have not seen since my surgery. That should be fun! Looking forward to a week of fun in the sun. Who knows, I may even take off my shirt and go in the pool. Not something I would've done about 150 pounds ago.
Our circle of 'family' grows larger. I have met a few more post-ops from our practice and a few pre-ops too. All great people that help to make this journey even more fun, exciting and rewarding. I realized last night that 2 years ago I started this whole process. I went to my first information seminar in August of 2003. What an incredible ride. And to all the people that have been there through it all, THANK YOU.
Moving forward I am looking forward to all of the new challenges and rewards that lie ahead. Priority one is KEEPING the weight off. That requires being conscious and, as Mary says, being present! That's a work in progress. I have also made an appointment for a plastic surgery consultation. I don't know how that's going to go, but we'll find out soon. I have a feeling he's going to tell me that I'm not ready for it. I know that I can't afford it, but I'm going to do some investigating anyway. Plus. I need to make some changes at work. A whole "To Do" list to keep me busy. With the help of my friends and family, and my extended support group family, I will get through it and hopefully make the right choices.
I read this great quip on a Starbucks cup the other day, yes I go to Starbucks, don't tell my boss though! I want to share it because it's pretty poignant about living in the present and enjoying the moment.
"Embrace this right now life while it's dripping, while the flavors are excellently woesome. Take your bites with bravery and boldness since the learning and the growing are here in these times, these exact right nows. Capture these times. Hold and kiss them because it will soon be very different." --Jill Scott, musician.
A little something to think about these balmy hot summer days.
Wishing you all the best on your jouney, enjoy this right now life.
All the best. . .

6-11-05--Today was amazing day. I walked in a 4 mile charity walk today. Not only did I walk in it, I completed it, I raised $540 myself, helped to raise over $27,000 for the charity, and best of all, I felt GREAT when it was done. It was hot and humid this morning, but I didn't feel like I was going to die, wasn't really winded or out of breath, It was unbelievable. This journey continues to be exciting, rewarding and unlike anything I have ever experienced. The support of friends and family continues to push me forward every day.
Special thanks to the 2 Dr.'s Floch and Ehrlich for beginning the process of change in me. I always try to tell people that are thinking about the surgery, that it is just a small part of the beginning of a new life. To the great people that I have met through our support groups. We have grown to be so much more than people that meet twice a month to talk about the surgical procedures that we have in common. We have formed a friendship that I am so lucky to be a part of. Sandy, Bette, Carmine, and all of the others, you guys are the best! Thanks for riding along with me!
I go back to see Dr. Ehrlich in July so I will update my progress after that. May God continue to bless us all as we share our journeys together.
All the best. . .

4-17-05--I'm about 18 months post op at this point, and down about 150 pounds. I don't go back to see the Dr. until July, but I had some photos taken today and wanted to post one on my profile. Not being a computer whiz, I am so hoping that it actually works! What an incredible ride this has been! I have met some wonderful people, that I am so honored to call 'friends', have gained a new confidence in myself and have been given a whole new life. A life where I am free to PARTICIPATE, like everyone else does. The ability to walk through a flea market for 5 hours without eating at every stop, not obsessing over eating before finishing the current meal. I have been blessed, like so many others who have had WLS. My "before" life was NOT horrible. My "after" is just so much better.
I am energized anew by the signs and promise of spring. I'm looking forward to the new (smaller) clothes that I have bought for this season as last years XL's are just too big. I have bought new larges, no X's, and I am still simply amazed that they fit. As I've said before, Life is Good!
To everyone reading this, wherever you are on your journey, I wish you good luck and all of God's blessings.
All the best. . .

1-26-05--It's just about 15 months since I had my surgery. I saw Dr. Ehrlich last week I am officially at 237 lbs, that is a loss of 145 lbs. I must be doing something right because I don't have to go back to the doctor until July!
Things are great. I know that this was the absolute very best thing that I have ever done for myself. My quality of life has improved so much it is amazing. No more worries about what people think as I enter a room because they're pre-judging me because of my size. Obesity really is the last acceptable prejudice.
I am passionate and excited about WLS. So many people that I know have had, or are about to have WLS. I find it hard sometimes not to tell someone my story. I have to always remember that not everyone is open to my message. It took me a long time to be open to WLS. But, in the course of a day, I see so many people that I want to try and help by telling them my story, showing them the before pictures. I was very open about having the surgery, I told anyone that would listen. Now, i want to help others too.
So, by the grace of God, life continues to be great, and new, and exciting, and a lesson. Everyday I learn more about myself and others. I continue to thank God for for giving me the chance to get myself healthy and to improve my life. I continue to try to help others on their WLS journey and continue to ask for and provide support, at our support groups. They are SO very vital for long term success.
I won't wait till July to update. Good Luck to everyone on your WLS journey!!
All the best. . .

11-23-04--The big 4-0!!!!!!!! Holy Crap!! Where did the time go??? What a great day, I have always kidded with people about my age and often don't tell the truth, I've only just started admitting to being 30! But I am so ready for this. I am in a much better place, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually than when I turned 30, that I can't see anything bad about this at all. I thank God everyday for the life he has given me and for the chance to take back control of my body. My health was spiralling out of control prior to having WLS and I really feel like now I have a good tight handle on things. I'm off all meds, except for my vitamins, and I feel FANTASTIC!! I have people in my life that are supportive of the choice that I made and they are the strength that gets me through each day. I am a very lucky and blessed man. I know that the 40's are going to be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the best. . .

11-12-04--Good News Bad News today. Bad news, I have to keep the c-pap machine for a while longer. I had hoped that the dr was going to tell me that I no longer needed it, but after reviewing the information that he downloaded from the self adjusting machine that I was using, he did give me some good news. The good news is that the pressure is being reduced from 20 centimeters, which is where I started at last year to only 10 centimeters. Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about this. I was hoping to be agle to toss that machine out the window, but I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to dop that. I have an appointment in February to be reviewed again. I think that after the holidays I'm going to cancel that appointment and just schedule another sleep study. I'll spend the night and hopefully I'll be able to be off of it shortly after.
Hope all is well with everyone and that YOUR WLS journeys are going well too.
All the best. . . .

10-22-04--It's just a week shy of my 'anniversary'. I can't believe all that has happened to me in just a year! To quote a t-shirt, "Life is Good". In fact, it's way better than good. I saw my PCP today, first time since last December or so. He was thrilled with my weight loss and even happier with the lab results from last week. Everything came back very normal. No signs of any type of malabsorption issues. Sugar levels were excellent, remember, no sugar pills since last October. Blood pressure was 110/60, no pills since last year either! EKG, just fine, cholesterol was in the 130's. As he told me, "a far cry from last year at this time".
So, medically, things are great. He wished me well and said to give him a call if I needed to. I didn't get a flu shot though, I wonder if I should have??
I am also in the middle of a 2-week test with a new self adjusting c-pap machine to see if I can come off the machine all together. Worst-case-scenario, is I have to use it a bit longer, but it will surely be at a much lower pressure.
On the plate now are some emotional issues to deal with. I'm having some body image issues and trying to work them out. I need to get with the social worker that runs our support groups and get to the bottom of this. I still am seeing that 380 pound person that I used to be. All of these changes have happened so quickly, I swear that the brain is about 5 or 6 months behind. I look at my pants for work, size 38, and wonder "Who the hell do these belong to???" They're sure not the size 52's that I was in last year! It's a lot for the brain to work out.
I can do this though. I have the tools and support around me and I need to put them to use now.
So, by the grace of God and the excellent doctors and support system that I have, This has been a very exciting and positive year. I thank God everyday for the gifts that I have been given and pray for the strength to get me through another day. I find strength in trying to help others on their WLS journey as well. I participate in the the pre-op support groups that the doctors office runs, and have tried to 'mentor' a few friends that have had the surgery as well. I got an anniversary card the other day from the folks at obesityhelp.com. I got a big kick out of that!
So, that's about it for now. I go back to see Dr. Ehrlich in January. Looking forward to an exciting Thanksgiving, will have 3 super special house guests from Virginia for the week and can't wait! Oh yeah, that milestone birthday, too. UGH! Plus, I'm still hoping that Santa will bring me that tummy tuck that I'm wishing for!
That's it for now. Good luck to all of you and enjoy the ride!
All the best. . .

9-22-04--Just a few days short of 11 months. WOW!! I can't believe it's almost my 'birthday'! What a great trip this has been, where do I start?? Most obvious first, as of today I have lost 140 lbs. Gone from a 52/54 pant to a 38/40, and a 3X/4X top to an XL, in fact the new uniform shirts that I got for work are only a large. I have never, in my life, owned a piece of clothing that didn't have at least one X on the size label. What a trip that is!
What else? About a month ago my picture appeared in an advertisement for Fairfield County Bariatrics. What an honor that was to be asked to do this. Just before the ad printed, they decided to tell me it was going to 120,000 homes. YIKES! Can you say anxiety attack? Did I really want that many people to see those scary 'before' pictures? Well they hit the paper and there's no looking back now! Thank you Dr. Ehrlich for asking me to do that it was pretty liberating!
I am so much more active now, more energy, and more desire to be out there living! I say all the time how much better my life has gotten since surgery. I don't want people to think that my life was just awful before, but it certainly has improved.
So, what else is new in my life? I am actually excited about turning 40 in November. I am looking forward to starting another decade in a much healthier place than I was when I turned 30. I have met a really great woman through this journey, and I hope that I have given her a little bit of comfort and maybe even some knowledge as she starts her own WLS journey. Her surgery is scheduled for 9-28-04. She'll do great, I just know it!! My niece's fiance had bypass surgery on 8-31-04 and is doing GREAT! My focus now is to find a new job. And I feel better about doing that than I would have felt a year ago. I've been on a few interviews and I've noticed that I don't feel like I need to walk in carrying a portfolio or something to help 'hide' part of me.
Medically, all is well. I have mad an appontment with the Sleep Center at Norwalk Hospital, hopefully I will be off of the C-Pap machine REAL SOON! I also made an appointment for a physical. This will be the first time that my PCP has really seen me since surgery. Won't he be surprised. Dr. Ehrlich says he doesn't need to see me untill mid January now! He said today that when I see him again, we can assess where I am weight wise and really start to consider some plastic surgery! WOW! I would be so excited if I could loose about 30 lbs more before then, That would put me at 170 lbs lost, and weighing about 210, hard to imagine. I'm pretty sure that I want to get a tummy tuck. You know you need one when you have tan lines, and don't wear anything in the tanning booth! (oops, I think I might have said too much. . .) If money were no object, I'd like some lipo on my thighs and a little lift to tighten them up a bit. And, what about these "man boobs" (that's a technical term my friend Jim taught me)(he had bypass surgery in 2001) But, alas that will have to wait untill I either (a) win the lottery or (b) am left a ton of money from my rich Aunt Tilly. Geez, now I wish I had an Aunt Tilly! Maybe I'll be working for a plastic surgeon in the new year and can get a bargain price. How cool would that be?
I could go on for hours, but I think that I've rambled on long enough! I continue to be thankfull for this surgery and for all that God has given me. I thank Drs. Ehrlich and Floch for their kindness and caring and for all the incredible support that they provide to all their patients post-op. They and their staff are FANTASTIC! I have no problem recommending them to anyone considering this surgery.
If you're still awake and cosidering the surgery for yourself, DO IT!!!! You;ll be glad you did. Good luck in your journey and God Bless! p/s working on new pictures too!
All the best. . .

6-28-04--Today is my 8 month post-op anniversary. I saw the doctor on Friday, and I am down 122 pounds to date. How amazing is that? It was the start of a great weekend, that's for sure. Friday night was great and I hope that the person responsible for that knows it, wink wink. Saturday night I attended a wedding reception and saw a lot of people that haven't seen the "new me". What a trip. Do I need to tell you that I left there feeling like my head was 122 lbs heavier? It was great to know that so many people noticed the change, but it was also a bit unnerving. It makes you wonder what they were thinking before. BUT all in all, it was a great experience. Sunday I helped a friend move some things into her new condo. It's on the 2nd floor and I must have gone up and down those stairs 25 times. Even while carrying boxes,I didn't feel like I was going to have a heart attack while helping. It's little things like this that really make me aware of how much better my life is because I made the choice to have the surgery. Sunday night, I went out to dinner with some friends and then went for a walk. Once again, I wound up on the swings and the slide. Pushed all those kids out of the way so that I could have my turn. Each day continues to be a learning experience. Each day continues to be exciting for me. I find that I deal with situations differently. One night when I was really stressed, when I would have parked in front of the fridge until I 'felt better' I shut off the world and went to bed. Funny thing, the next day, the problems were still there except this time I had an idea of how to deal with them. And that really 'felt better'.
I have celebrated my weight loss and an aproaching milestone birthday by 'rewarding myself' with a new bauble. I park it in the driveway. A 2004 Saturn Vue. :-) As for the gym, still going 3-4 nights a week, and I've even started to tan. Imagine that! I have said it before and I will continue to say it. I am so thankful that I found Drs. Ehrlich and Floch. They have made my life so much better. I have been blessed with excellent doctors, a wonderful family, and supportive friends. Thanks again to all of you. I only hope that I will be able to return the positive energy to the next generation, if you will, of WLS candidates. It's all part of Paying it forward. Keep your eye out for me, you never know where I might turn up.(Just a little tease, more on that later) All the best, will update again soon. . .
All the best. . .

4-17-04--I had a visit to the doc yesterday. It's just a little bit less than 6 months, and I am down 109 pounds. I am amazed, astonished, thankful, so many feelings, it's hard to put them all into words. I am a little frustrated because I don't want the weight loss to slow down. I know that it makes sense that it would slow down a bit, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it.
This is as successful as I have ever been, and, unfortunately, I'm just waiting for something to happen to make me screw up. I really need to sorround myself with positive energy to change these crazy thoughts that are going through my head. Dr. Ehrlich has suggested that I see Mary for some one-on-one counseling, which I will be doing. Anyone out there reading this got any great ideas for me? If so, please e mail them to me.
This has been such a positive experience for me, that I really want to keep enjoying the ride. Right now, there's a few potholes on my road to success.
I am thrilled at the prospect that spring might actually finally be here. I am committed to excercising usually 3-4 nights a week, and I am feeling SO much better. I look forward to being able to get out and enjoy going for a walk or doing fun things. In fact, I amazed a friend of mine the other night by going down a tube slide at a park. It really was a "kodak moment" and a great laugh, in fact it was even a bit liberating.
I have also just sent the great folks at OH 2 new pictures to post as part of this update too. Thanks to everyone for listening to this somewhat negative update, but I hope that I am on the upswing with my feelings and that the new season will be filled with positive events, talk to you all soon.
All the best. . .

P/S: Just got new pants for work, 42's WOW! How cool is that?
2-20-04-- It's been a while, but I didn't see Dr. Ehrlich until today. I think that I may have post-op induced delirium (my own diagnosis, by the way), I actually said, "I can't wait to get on that scale!" I thought that my mouth had been taken over by another spirit. 96.6 pounds! in just about 4 months. I am so overwhelmed by it all. I really wanted to hit 100, but I am in no way, shape or form the least bit dissappointed. It has been an amazing trip, a learning experience, a whole new world. I have enjoyed buying new clothes, from a 52 waist to a 46 now, 4X tops to an XL or a 2x depending on the top.I am so thankful to Dr. Ehrlich and his staff. They have given me a whole new lease on life, Everything has gotten better! I am also SO thankfull for my friends and family that have been alongside of me throughout this wild and crazy ride. Their love and support, kind words, and devotion have made it better and so worthwhile.
I am still excersizing 3-4 nights a week, right after work, for about an hour or so.I can now work on a cross-trainer machine without feeling like I'm going to die. Then, onto the treadmill for about 1/2 hour or so, then a stationery bike, then back onto the treadmill or working some weights. 6 months ago, the thought of this would be so foreign to me, that it might have been easier for me to perform brain surgery on someone. I'm trying to get myself toned, who knows, maybe I'll head on over to abc.com and apply to be on Extreme Makeover. I hear there aren't a lot of men and your chances are pretty good. I think that I have some time to mull that over.
Thanks to all of the friends that I have met through this website, and I hope that maybe someone might be reading this wondering if it's really worth doing. IT IS! IT IS! I'm ready to shout from the rooftop about the benefits of this surgery. Did I mention that I am now OFF all my previous meds??
Need some encouragement??? Contact me! Talk to you all soon, Good Luck to all and God Bless you whereever you are on your journey!
All the best. . .

12-19-2003-- Time for an update! I saw Dr. Ehrlich today, I have lost 64lbs to date, I thought I would fall off the scale when he told me that! I cannot begin to put into words how thankful I am for this. I have really been blessed with an excellent surgeon, his amazing staff, and wonderful support from everyone in his office. My friends and family have been incredible! They have all been so supportive through everything. I am SO convinced that having all of this positive energy around you makes all the difference in the world. Both my parents have passed on, I prayed to them every day and asked them to be with me through the surgery. I know they were, as I have had not complications from surgery either at the hospital or since being home. If they were here, they would have been cheering me on, and I know they were with me through everything. Thanks Mom and Dad! I have had a few episodes of vomitting, but in retrospect, I know that each time it was because I ate too fast or thought that I could handle that one extra bite. I'm learning and I'm trying not to beat myself up over it, rather, it's a learning experience, just like every other day of your life is wether you've had WLS or not. I have also joined a gym and have been going after work to work out a bit. It's actually pretty fun! (Did that come out of MY mouth?) I just finished my first week there, and am looking forward to going back. The gym is called Planet Fitness. It's very affordable, and there are people of all shapes and sizes there. The creedo is that they are a 'Judgement Free Zone'. It really is. There are a few muscle-gods there, but alot more "normal" people. I also saw the doctor at the sleep center today. I am about to have the pressure on my C-Pap machine adjusted downward. Thats a good thing. And, my blood pressure prescription went from 50mg to 25mg. Things are looking very positive. This is the first year in a long time that I am actually looking forward to new years! I feel like I have a running start on 2004, and that there are lots more good things waiting for me. I hope that if you're reading this and that you're thinking about the surgery and are scared by all of the horror stories, please don't be. They're out there, we all know that, but there's also a lot of success stories there as well! Focus on the positive, sorround yourself with positive people and energy, turn it over to God, and you'll be ok. Good luck to all and God Bless! I'll update soon, can't wait to hit 100!!
All the best. . .

I had my surgery on 10-28, bypass. To date(11/13) I have lost 36 lbs. I feel really great. It has made a big difference to me already! I am glad that I met Dr. Ehrlich and his staff. They have all been really great throughout the whole process. I am thankfull too for the great people that have been so supportive to me. I am already off of the pill I was taking for my sugar issues, and hope to be off the high blood pressure pills soon too! My biggest problem, to date, has been adjusting to a new way of eating. I really have to force myself to eat much slower because a small amount of food can surely cause trouble. I have had a few problems with the dairy products, but I think that I have that figured out. I wish that I had done this a year or so ago when it was first suggested to me, but I needed to realize that there were serious issues that were directly weight related that I needed to come to terms with. I was borderline diabetic, had high blood pressure, and as the doctor at the hospital told me, one of the worst cases of sleep apnea that he had ever seen. I'm hoping soon that I will be off of the blood pressure meds and off of the C-Pap machine too.
If you're reading this and thinking about doing it, DO IT!!! The surgery was all done laproscopically(sp?), there wasn't that much pain(honest!!), did it on a Tuesday morning, no pain meds after Wednesday night, and home on Friday!! It's a choice that I'm so glad that I made, you'll be glad you made it too!!
Good luck to anyone who's thinking about this, you've found a great surgical team, and a great support team as well!

About Me
Norwalk, CT
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2003
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 2
a long overdue update
