Dr. Byers drives me crazy!!!

Nov 06, 2006

Well Dr. Byers has requested no surgical cases for the week of Nov. 30th...so my surgery has been bumped to Dec. 7th. Which screws with my mom's time off and my friend Donna who would be my mom's hospital tour guide and is my best friend down here has an out of town trip planned from the 7th-14th. So that's just no going to work very well...and why not just go to the 14th...well duh Donna still isn't going to be back and it's just getting too late for what other things are going on. Also, I have to be recovered for the start of the new year and new semester at work.  Tomorrow I see my PCP and I'm going to see if she will call Dr. Byers and get her to change her mind...with all the hoops I have jumped though and the 60lbs I had to lose for this at least she could do is do on the date when Dr. Thaller is available...especially since her office wouldn't even speak to me until Dr. Thaller gave me a date, they still haven't given me a clinic appointment!

I'm no longer SUPER!!!

Nov 05, 2006

That's right...after what has probably been 26 years (I was semi normal till age 3) of being SUPER MORBIDLY OBESE. This morning I weighed 280...giving me a BMI of 49.5 making me only EXTREMLY OBESE or better known as Morbidly Obese. I am officiall removing the big red and yellow "S" from my chest in regards to my weight...I am still SUPER in regards to other matters!!!!

I started out with a BMI of 88.9....I have lost almost 40 BMI points...a BMI of 40 makes a person Morbidly Obese!!! 

So I have not lost a person I have almost lost a Morbidly Obese person!!!

Monica 911

Nov 04, 2006

O.K. someone call Monica Ganz to come take my scale away from me!!!

I just put my nightshirt on and went pee to get ready for bed and was curious so I stepped on the scale...280.8...and it's at night!!!! OMG...now I can't wait for the morning!!!!

The shameful thing I did this morning...

Nov 04, 2006

I've been anticipating being 282 and no longer SMO...so I did my daily ritual of stepping on the scale. I had my pjs and slippers on. I weighed 283.4. So I decided to take the slippers off...and 282.6.  Then I thought...hmmm...sometimes I weigh naked...so I stepped off and TOOK OFF MY PANTS!!! 281.8...

I know....I know...sad...very sad.... I'm really ashamed of myself. Tomorrow I'll remember to strip before even stepping on in the first place

It's gonna happen Nov. 30th!!!

Nov 03, 2006

Come on EVERYONE do the HAPPY DANCE!!!

I just got off the phone with my plastic surgeons office, my hernia repair and panniculectomy is scheduled for Thursday, November 30th. They could have scheduled for Monday, Nov. 20th but the WLS surgeon has clinic on Mondays, I was like well with what she has put me through the past 2 years she should cancel her clinic!!!

So that means Henrietta's Goodbye Party will be over Thanksgiving weekend...I wonder if I can convience her the parade is just for her?

Update to those who might not have known...after returning from the OH event in Lexington and having the oppertunity there to attend 2 sessions of WLS revisions and learn the stastitical risks, etc. I decided to instead proceed with the panniculectomy and hernia repair I already had approved. My appeal for the revision had been denied anyway, so I was going to have to fight BCBS even more.

Cellulitis Again...

Mar 05, 2003

Well last Monday I finished my IV antibiotics at home and was
cleared by my doctor on Wednesday. Then Saturday night my leg began to
hurt and I had a temp of 99.5 which rose to 100.8. Luckily my doctor
makes sure I have oral antibiotics at home to take right away until she can
see me. This Monday she arranged for a new IV antibiotic for me to
receive at home...blessed by having had a mediport put in. So today was
the first day I administered it myself, I have 14 days, pray this clears
up the infection so that I can have my surgery April 7th.

Surgery Postponed

Feb 19, 2003

Well I should be 10 days post-op but my surgery was postponed
because the cellulitis in my leg returned the morning of
surgery...while I was waiting to be taken down to the pre-op area!  My temperature
reached 101.3 and the nurse said there was no way I was having surgery.
  Dr. Cook came up to check on me and explained that it was just too
risky to do surgery if my body was already weakened from fighting an
infection.  He sent me back to Athens so that my doctor could treat me
close to home.  I went into the hospital here in Athens to get IV
antibioics.  IV access for me is nearly impossible so I had a mediport placed in
my chest, which should come in handy when I do have surgery.  I just
got home yesterday, I spent longer in the hospital because of the
infection than I would of if I had the surgery.  My new date is April
7th...which isn't as far away as I thought.  Everything happens for a reason,
even if I don't know what that reason is right now.

I'm becoming an OH Addict

Feb 05, 2003

I have been on this site so much.  My surgery is in 4 days!  I
have so much to say...I have said a lot in answers on the Q&A page.
  Three years ago I decided I needed to get healthy.  I went to a doctor
and she ran a bunch of test, everything was fine.  She mentioned WLS I
was against it.  About a year later I had reached a point where I was
almost immobile.  I began physical therapy.  I love to swim!  I also began
overeaters anonymous...but there was usually only 2 of us at the
meeting.  I began to fix my mind and realized I needed help to fix my body.
  By December 2001 I had lost enough to be down a size in underwear and
not have to recline my carseat but I had no idea how much weight I had
loss because I could not find scale that went that high.  Finally I
went to a junk yard and weighed myself...502 I couldn't believe it, how
could let myself get that big...and how high had I actually been!?!  My
weight goes up and down because of excess fluid in my legs.  After the
nutrition classes this past December I was down to 448...but at my
first appointment with Dr. Cook a month later I was at 462...ugh!  Could it
be different scales?  I was told my ideal weight is 120...I used to
weigh 125...in 2nd grade.

Hi, I'm new here!!!

Jan 26, 2003

I am a 25 year old graduate student at Ohio University.  I hope
to be healthy and educated by my graduation next June.  I truly am
making a new life for myself.  I told the other people in my office about
my surgery today.  I just got my date on the 23rd.  A new co-worker
told me about this page because her father is having the same surgery on
February 27th.  I am finding answers to questions I didn't know I had!

About Me
Portsmouth, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
September 2000 - My 23rd Birthday...on my way to being one of my last. Highest weight ever, way over 500lbs, but 502 was the highest I ever saw on a scale.
February 2007-Post-op Panniculectomy...I've lost half myself!!!

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