
Mar 13, 2011

I feel like I've done the weight yo-yo my whole life.....Where I am weight wise depends on where I am in my life and what demands there are on me. I feel like an odd duck sometimes. Most people seem to eat when they are "depressed" , that's when I don't eat. I eat when I'm happy and socializing.....and dammit, I like the taste of foods and trying new things! I love to be active swimming (just got back from Maui and miss snorkeling) walking the dog, used to go to the gym to start my days......I've been injured on and off over the years which has left me with chronic musculoskeletal injuries that impare my ability to do as much as I'd like.....I feel a little "ripped off" over that.  I work part time right now. Have one son at U of C and another in Grade 5. I'd like to chat with some people in similar circumstance around the Edm. (Stony Plain) area.......

About Me
Mar 13, 2011
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