I've been overweight most of my life . . . I was skinny as a rail until I hit about 13-years old.  Sick and tired of carrying around this weight, I opted for the lap-band January 2007.  I did well and lost about 70 pounds.  In 2012, I noticed the weight began to creep back on and it hasn't stopped.  I've gained about 40 pounds back and I'm not a happy camper.  

I found out that the lap-band port was twisted and I kept losing fluid.  I got to the point where I couldn't keep anything down and I decided to have the band removed before going in for gastric by-pass surgery.

I had the lap-band removed December 22, 2015.  Gastric by-pass done on June 21, 2016.

About Me
Houston, DE
Dec 07, 2015
Member Since
