All you ever wanted to know about me and more! LOL


Lets see I am 34, married for 16 years, and am a mom to three kids. My oldest girl was 12 in June, My middle child also a girl turns 8 in Aug, and my "baby" turned the big 4 in June. I stay at home with them.

I began to look into surgery in 2003, and made a apt. to discuss it with my Dr, he did a pregnancy test and it came back positive, so WLS, was put off, and a ob/gyn visit was in order. LOL A very happy surprise. I just thought ok after I have the baby I will then pursue WLS, How wrong I was.

When I was pregnant with my son, and ending the difficult pregnancy, I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. The type of cardiomyopathy I have is from the pregnancy. Its called peri pardum cardiomyopathy or PPCM. This disease really changed everything in one blink. I had to have my son at 35 weeks, we both had to stay in the hospital after, me for a total of 11 days, and ,my son 2 weeks. But we both made it home. My life changed a lot. I wasnt the mom I was to my girls, or the mom I thought I was going to be with 3. ALL my engery was gone, poof. My days revolved around naps, meds, the kids, and MANY Dr. apts. During my sons first nine months, I was in the hospital a total of 14 days. (not counting all the ER trips) I had 3 surgeries during that time. I also was told I would need a new heart, but told sorry you wont get one, your too fat to be listed. (not the exact words, but that is what I heard) I knew something had to be done, I wasnt going to "live" my life and go down without a fight. So I brought up the WLS again. My PCP is awsome, he said yes I was a risk, but in his mind he said I am damned if I do, damned if I dont. So I met with my card, and we began to make a plan. I had to wait 9 months after that to show some stable tests results, and the transplant DR had to agree to the WLS as well. I was finally given the go ahead from her after a echo showing my heart was still bad, but stable. (the 3 echo with the same results) I just kept telling my Drs if I were to die trying at least my headstone will say she tired everything to stay, Not shoulda coulda woulda, but didnt.


In April of 06, now 10 months into the process I started the class for my 6m diet. Every DR apt, was done, and we all kept our fingers crossed that my heart would stay stable, and I could (barely) qualify heart wise for the surgery. I finished classed in Oct, and had my consult just 4 days after I finished the "classes". I think I scared the WLsurgeon. (No, I know I did) he didnt like my heart history, and said no straight away to the bypass. But he said yes to the band. I was willing to try anything. The plan going into the WLS was to do the band, loose 50lbs, in 9m-12m. and then convert to the bypass. I was ok with that, so we charged forward with the surgery. My Dr cancelled surgery for about 3 hours he day before it was scheduled, because of the risk my heart. Finally my cardiologist agreed to be in the surgery with me and monitor me, and the surgeon agreed. So back on the band surgery!!!

I had the surgery 11-16-06, a mere 17m. after starting the process, and jumping threw so many hoops my ankles hurt, but I did it. I was told so many times how well I did, and they never thought I would. My the surgeons partner said, I am so glad we didnt kill you...LOL um me too! So now I am at 20m out and am doing well. I have some energy back from before my whole heart nightmere started. (A true dream come true for me!!!) My heart has improved!!!  But I am still hopeful for more. I am 30 lbs, away now from my goal of 180, which is the max weight I need to be to get a new heart, if need be. But I am hoping that at 180, I will have gained the heart function to never have to hear the word tranplant again!!!!!!!

Last week at the WLsurgeons office for a fill I asked about the bypass, and he said no I was doing way to well with the band. (besides the heart isnt bouncing up..YET) SO I was happy to hear that!

Well thanks for reading the novel! LOL

About Me
Oct 29, 2006
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 3
My heart has improved!!!
Weight lost so far
