kasi H. 21 years, 11 months ago

my thoughts are with you and i wish you the best!

Danna B. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi everyone! Here I am. At home and doing great. Thanks Kim for keeping everyone updated. I am slowly adjusting to me new life, but I have lost 15lb.s in 1 week so I feel motivated. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts throught my surgery and recovery. I covet every one of your prayers and appreciate them more than you can know. Love to all!

kimperez 21 years, 11 months ago

~*~ Angel Posting~*~ I spoke to Danna today at about 4:00pm. She did not sound too good in spirit. I think she was just tired but also she was upset she was not going to get to go home today. She ran a fever last night and also this morning so they wanted her to stay so they could make sure she was okay. She was also saying she was in more pain tonight. She is now on the oral meds so I suppose she is feeling it a little bit more. I will update everyone tomorrow.

ctyst 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Danna! We met at the support group last month. Glad to hear that you are now on the losing side. I just knew you would do great!

kimperez 21 years, 11 months ago

~*~Angel update~*~ (1:30p.m.) Danna is in her room and I finally was able to speak to her myself. She sounds great!!! She has been doing her walking and was having her first liquid meal. She was being very positive and said she was just focusing on the soon weight loss. She doesn't have any drains and her doctor took her nose drain out this morning, after her upper GI, and they knew everything was looking good. She hopes to go home tomorrow. She was still pretty "graugy" but it was nice to hear her voice.

Lawanda C. 21 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations Dana!!!! You're on your way!!! You have been such a good source of support for others. It's YOUR time now. I pray you an uneventful and speedy recovery and GREAT success on this side of your journey. Always remember that God will perfect that which concerns us.

Lawanda C. 21 years, 11 months ago

kimperez 21 years, 11 months ago

Another Angel update... Danna is doing very well. She was in a lot of pain this afternoon but is doing much much better this evening. I have not been able to talk to her personally (which is just killing me!) but I am passing on the report via Trent. She is still in the ICU so hopefully I will get to talk to her tomorrow when she gets to her room.

kimperez 21 years, 11 months ago

Well, I just got off the phone with Trent and Danna is now out of surgery (1:25pm). He said that everything went well and that she will be in ICU over night. According to Trent, this is standard procedure for Dr. Ferrari due to Danna's sleep apnea. They were able to complete the procedure LAP so this means a faster recovery for Danna. She has such a positive spirt so I know she will get through this just fine.

kimperez 21 years, 11 months ago

I just spoke to Danna's husband, Trent, and she is still in surgery. They took her back about 10am but said they would be starting within the hour (hopefully 11am) so, I don't know anything yet and I will keep everyone posted! Her angel, Kim
About Me
Cypress (Houston), TX
Surgery Date
Feb 18, 2002
Member Since
