Nancy C. 23 years ago

6/5/01 Just to update a bit...all is going well. down 11 lbs. not to bad for 12 days out from surgery. I'm happy and feeling better every day.

Nancy C. 23 years ago

Today is Tuesday the 29th of May...5 days since surgery. As my husband said I made it through....1st two days were unbearable!! I prayed to God to stop the pain. I wondered did I make the right decision. Never have experienced so much pain in all my 48 years. Got home yesterday afternoon....have been able to reduce my pain meds alot....just can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time because the bladder gets so full the pain to try and get up is awful. I look pregnant...bigger tummy now than before the surgery...pretty swollen, but it will be fine in time. Trying to walk around the house as much as I can and continue to deep breath. well....I guess that's about all for now..I'll check in later Nancy Chandler

Nancy C. 23 years ago

Nancy had her surgery Fri morning 5/25/01. She went in the OR at approx 7:30AM. The Surgeron, Dr Jacobs, started at 8:00. He came out to give us the good news at 9:15AM, one hour and 10 minutes, after recovery she was in her room at 11:30. Her favorite person right now is the nurse that bring the pain killer every two hours. She and I would like to thank you all for your comment, thoughts, prayers. She should be home on Monday, when I am sure she will be getting back to you all in more detail. All our thanks, Don Chandler (Nancy's husbsand)

Rebecca L. 23 years ago

Nancy, Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I know this is an exciting time, and a very scarry time for you, but god will be with you and lead you to a very fast recovery. Take Care and god bless. Becky Lazerte, Ramsey, MN.

Sharon_Cauthen 23 years ago

Nancy...thanks for posting on my profile..we are surgery date buddies! I feel like I am in a coccoon and waiting to come out...I know that it will be a struggle...but won't it be great when we can fly! Best wishes to you...I'll be praying for all of us as they wheel me in.

KG B. 23 years ago

Nancy, best wishes for your upcoming surgery. I had mine at Abbott-NW six months ago, and I have never had a single regret. Fortunately, the nervousness is over with when you wake up in the recovery room to your new life.

Donna M. 23 years ago

Nancy,thanks for posting a comment on my profile.Thats great we both have the same surgery day.I pray that we both have a fast and speedy recovery.You will be in my thoughts that day.God Bless....Donna Meadows

william R. 23 years ago

Hi Nancy.I know you are excited. I am too . I have been waiting for over a year from start to finish.I see we have the same surgery date. and of course I will keep you in my prayers. I feel confident that everything will be just fine. I have to go on Tuesday to get checked in at outpatient and chest ex-ray ect. then they will tell me what time to arrive on Friday. I was blessed that someone cancelled and I was next on the list!!!!!!!!! My wife, Cathy want to know what is pcos? She is waiting for a surgery date too. She still have to do her physological exam and blood work on Wed. and weigh in the water. We love this page!!!!!!! keep in touch and so will we.

Dana V. 23 years ago

Thank you for posting a comment on my profile, Nancy. I wish you the best of luck and success. Feel free to contact me anytime after so we can commiserate. Take care, Dana
About Me
Crystal, MN
Surgery Date
Apr 16, 2001
Member Since
