Di B. 21 years, 11 months ago

<b>I just wanted to say thank you for posting your prayers and wishes for me. It means alot and I am thankful for all of the help and support I have received by many on this site. Muwahhhh ~Diane~</b>

Mary H. 22 years ago

Well I finally got the wonderful tube removed today...Good news....17 blasted pounds gone....Will return in 2 weeks to Dr. I hope that anyone that is having this surgery will realize that some people are different!! Some have no pain some have lots..For me its been pretty smooth sailing. The real problem for me is not being able to drink anything after I eat for ninety minutes. Incision healing and I can drink all the water that is required and them some. I am just so happy to have the G tube removed I could scream!! I might even do a dance. Good luck to everyone having surgery in the future. It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself.........

Sunny4x4chick 22 years ago

Well wishes and prayers for your new journey in life. Hope everything is going ok!

Peaska W. 22 years ago

Mary, So glad you made it home! But I knew you would be fine.. So Happy for you "Postie" I called last night and you were gone. Sorry I have problems with bollod gas and getting Dr. Benitez office to call me back. I have been waiting since Monday and I called 7 times. Hoping surgery may go ahead but cannot get thru to find out! Okay Mary enough on me.. Show me how a good "Postie" takes that weight off !! So excited for you... (((huggies))) Your Friend indeed Peaska

Mary H. 22 years ago

Well.......So this is what it is like!!! I'am home as of Tuesday am. Tired but want to get going!!. Having some discomfort from good ole gasecola. Know I will feel better daily. Wanted to take this opportunity to thank Patuska Withheld for being so loving and kind to followup posts for me. She has a great spirit so we need to really pull for her and give her the support that is so needed.!!! Will write more later...Looking for a sugar free popsicle or something to get rid of the burps... Mary

Moma V. 22 years ago

WTG Mary, ya loser! Hugs and prayers :)

Sharon Neva 22 years ago

MARY~~WISHING YOU A SPEEDY RECOVERY~~May you always have an Angel by your side. Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true. Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun. Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide. May you always have love and comfort and courage.

L. Brown 22 years ago

Mary, You made it to the losing side!! So glad to hear that you came through with flying colors. Soon you will be feeling 100% and living the life you always dreamed of, healthy and full of energy.

Sharon L. 22 years ago

You will love your new life. It will be worth the wait and pain to get there. Here's to a speedy recovery time.

Ellen H. 22 years ago

Hi Mary, glad to read that you made it safely through your surgery. Please take care and keep us updated as to your progress. From a Fellow Floridian.
About Me
Surgery Date
May 03, 2002
Member Since
