RHD Memorial Medical Center

"I have found everyone, from the admitting clerk, day-surgery staff, OR staff and floor staff to be very accomodating and only interested in my comfort and well-being. Not only were they concerned about me, but my husband too since he was there every day and most nights."

Harry Meyers

"I first talked with Dr. Meyers surgery consultant - Ruth (which also happens to be his wife). She was very helpful on the phone. My husband and I met with Dr. Meyers and Ruth for over 2 hours. My first impression was that he was much younger than I expected (he is a retired military surgeon so I expected an old man ... not the case at all). Since I have had previously had a VBG 8 yrs ago, I was not sure if I would even be an candidate for RNY. Dr. Meyers explained the entire procedure in terms both my husband and I could understand including the negatives. He was very straightforward, didn't pull any punches, but very pleasant. Dr. Meyers reviewed my records, including recent Endoscope, CT scan and MRI. Using these reports, my complaints and pictures and talking with my PCP Dr. Meyers discovered the blockage. Within 4 days I received approval from my insurance company for the blockage repair. Dr. Meyers will be submitting the surgery request for the RNY this week. His office staff is very nice and helpful. He and his staff emphasized aftercare including diet and exercise. He also highly recommended at least one support group for both me and my husband. Overall, I am confident about Dr. Meyers ability as a surgeon and his follow up care. "
About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2002
Member Since
