Brian G. H. 20 years, 6 months ago

12/07/2003 Yesterday, I weighed in at St. Vincent Charity Hospital and now I am 371 pounds with a total amount of weight loss of 114 pounds. All is going well and I have a lot of energy and my attitude has been more positive and I feel like I can do more now then before. I definitely have to say that this surgery truely has blessed my life and I feel like a new person and happy one at that. Well, I will keep on posting with updates and I will keep sincerely losing pounds everyday and will stay motivated always, too. I encourage everyone to keep the momentum going with their weight loss journey's and stay focused and do the best they can to maintain their weight and lose their weight and make themselves a newer and happier person, too.

dengera 20 years, 6 months ago

Oh my goodness, Brian!! 107 pounds is wonderful!! Keep up the good work! I plan to be on the "losing side" after December 8th and would love to have the same sort of success that you are having. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation! God bless, Andrea

Randy M. 20 years, 6 months ago

Way to go Brian, It's great to read about all the successes on this site but I especially like to her from other guys. I am having my surgery on Wednesday 11/26 and hope to have as much success as you have. Keep up the great work and best wishes to you.

VegasDeb 20 years, 6 months ago

Brian, that is fantastic! Congratulations and it sounds like 2004 is going to be Year of Brian!! Take care, sweetie! Debbie from Indy

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 6 months ago

<b>Congratulations on reaching the century club, You are doing great, Keep up the good job. I agree wls is great and the answer to our prayers. take care and hang in there**Hugs</b>

Karen N. 20 years, 6 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the Century Club! I wish you continued success as you work toward your goal.

Brian G. H. 20 years, 6 months ago

11/21/2003 Hello everyone who is reading my profile. I am happy to say that I am 378 pounds, which is 107 pounds lost already. Hip hip hooray. I feel like a new person. I am getting a lot of compliments lately. I am so happy I had this surgery. I had a kidney stone and gall stone in the past after my surgery. I still don't mind though because I am down 107 pounds in less then 3 months. Tell me how anyone can do it? Well, it is called Gastric Bypass surgery. I am so blessed that I was able to have this surgery. I would do it again in a heart beat. I highly recommend this surgery to anyone and everyone who has struggled with losing weight all of their lives. It was the only solution for me. I wish everyone the best in their weight loss journey. Remember to stay motivated, and sincerely lose those pounds. Enjoy the holiday season with friends and family, and just jump for joy everytime you lose more weight. Bye for now, and happy trails to a wonderful beautiful you!

Brian G. H. 20 years, 8 months ago

Sorry for not posting in a while, but on 09/16/2003 I went to St. Vincent Charity Hospital and saw my surgeon Dr. Schreiber for my follow up visit and found out that my incision is healing perfectly and I was told that it would be okay to drive again. I also was weighed in and found out that I am now presently 422 pounds, which means I have lost 43 pounds since surgery in 3 weeks and 1 day. So, I am very happy about this and feel that all is going well. Unfortunately, on 09/24/2003 at around 3:00AM I had a major pain in my right side and called emergency line to get in contact with my surgeon and my surgeon was paged and he called me back immediately. He told me to take my pain medication Tylenol with codeine elixir and a Pepcid AC, as it might be a gas pain. If the pain keeps up after an hour to go to ER. Well, the pain kept up after an hour so I went to ER and they ran a cat scan, ekg, numerous x-rays, and an ultra sound. After 8 hours of being in a stressful pain I found out that I had a 3 centimeter gall stone in my body. The hospital admitted me and gave me numerous medications for pain and antibiotics to try to dissolve gall stone. I was told because I lost so much weight in such a short time that I might have caused the gall stone to act up and effect me with pain. Also, fatty foods makes gall stones come out and bother a person too, which I know I haven't eaten any fatty foods since surgery. So, I know it had to be losing a lot of weight in a small period of time. So, I am at my parents home after Thursday the 25th of September evening and just trying to take it easy and taking all of the pertinent medications needed to help take away pain and dissolve gall stone. I also might have to have my gall bladder removed in the future, too. So, I am just going to play it by ear and go from here. I wish everyone continued success with their weight loss journey's and hope all goes well for everyone. Take care all and remember to stay motivated and sincerely lose your pounds! :-)

Brian G. H. 20 years, 9 months ago

I am so happy, I went to St. Vincent's Charity Hospital and saw my friend Chris Unsinger who is an assistant there and she weighed me in and guess what? I was 444 pounds and when I had surgery on 08/25/2003 I was 465 pounds. So, I lost 21 pounds in 9 days woo hoo. I am just going to stay motivated and enjoy this day, and keep plugging away to lose more and more weight rapidly. My next goal is to get under 400 pounds, which I am hoping within a month I can do this. Well, I am going to sign off by saying woo hoo, pat on the back for me! :-)

Shawn S. 20 years, 9 months ago

Brian- Thanks for all the great detail on your post op posting. Us pre ops as you know are always looking for insight and guidence. Thanks for yours and Keep up the good work and be a Looser!!!!!
About Me
Madison, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2003
Member Since
