St. Alexius NewStart

"There were some wonderful nurses like John in ICU and Candy on the bariatric floor. "Sarg" my respitory therepist was a Godsend, and overall the experience was nice. I was more pleased than expected. Beleive it or not the bed and pillows were comfy! lol"

Ronald Gaskin

"I was originally scheduled with Dr. Kevin Mitchell. I was slated for surgery Valentine's day. He sadly stopped taking new patients and I hear he is leaving bariatric surgery on a whole. I was very upset because the reason I was given at the time wasn't the truth. I was told there was something erroneous in my psych eval, and upon talking to the psychologist... we stragitened the whole mess out. It is now March 7, 2002. Dr. Gaskin, one of the parntners in this group said he'd take my case. Further more, he said March 19th! OMG less than 2 weeks away. I'm so very happy. I've heard some great things about him and I will meet him the 18th. His office is only about a 15 minute drive from my home, so this will be wonderful! Dr. Gaskin, if you read this, THANK YOU!"
About Me
Fenton, mo
Surgery Date
Nov 28, 2001
Member Since
