Naes Wls J. 21 years ago

Hi there, glad your days are looking brighter. What you post was steps that one go through when they have major surgery. I read some post and they think after the op they should not have any pain or discomfort. I always tell them You just had major surgery, not a finger cut. LOL but it all goes on deaf ears LOL anyhow it's nice to hear you are feeling better. hang in there and enjoy your wl journey. Congratulations on your wt loss. it gets better....Hugs

Laura K. 21 years ago

Intial surgery 1/15/03. As of May 20th down 62 pounds. An itial problem with pain for 6 weeks on right side that was constant, has now vanished. Had an emergency trip first week for dehydation and pain.Some bruise like marks still next to incisions on right side but not bad. Ocassional vomit problems as well as dumping. I have gained an energy surge finally in the last two weeks. I can see a difference now and will look forward to the coming months. Started at 310lbs.
About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Feb 25, 2003
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