kimberley B. 21 years, 4 months ago

Heather, Congrats on having a very successfull year of weight loss. Time to update you photo! KimmieTN

Cinna G. 21 years, 5 months ago

Happy Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please drop by from time to time to share your wls experiences. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

charanewme 21 years, 8 months ago

Heather Way go go!!!!!!!!! You have accomplished a dream come true. Congratulations to you and your hubby for both of your awesome weight loss's. Charlene

Heather K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Wow, I haven't been to the boards in so long. There are so many new faces. I'm posting my six-month post-op status. As you might know, Hubby and I both had lap rny on January 2, 2002 and here it is, a little over six months and I'm just completely different. Completely. I used to sit in front of the computer 24/7, mostly out of sheer exhaustion. Now, I'm going and doing, and I rarely go online. In just six months- I'm down 70 pounds. I'm wearing a size 10 (down from a size 24). I got my belly-button pierced two weeks ago in celebration of this mile-stone. Hubby is down 100 pounds. He is wearing a size 36 (down from a size 52). He is a little more conservative than I am, so his belly-button is still the same old, non-pierced one it was before surgery..'cept smaller (LOL). My stomach is my problem area. I haven't worked out though in so long, it is probably time to start. I have about 30 more pounds to go. I haven't figured out my BMI in so long, I can't wait to see what it says. If you are thinking about this surgery or have questions, please email me. Good luck and best wishes to all. Take care

dhogue 22 years, 3 months ago

Congradulations. I am so happy for you. You rock.....

Sunflower1119 22 years, 3 months ago

Way to go Heather!!!!!!!!!!! I have the same first goal. I started at 262 on Dec 27th and now am 226.5. Gotta get to 199. I think I can...I think I can....I think I can....I know I will!!!!! Marie AZ

kylakae 22 years, 4 months ago

Heather, I know exactly what you mean! I'm down 75lbs and just 26 lbs from goal and I still have trouble seeing it. I think it just takes time for the mental image to catch up with the body changes. Hang in there, we'll get there eventually!

Ali W. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Heather - I read your post and I have to tell you you are absolutely normal. I had the same thing - I never realized how many FOOD commercials that were on TV until I was post op and not able to eat "normal" food. Trust me, it's rough, but it gets better. I kept telling myself that it was only temporary and that I would soon be able to eat real food. When you get to this stage, you will probably be like me and want to eat HEALTHY food - I actually crave chicken and veggies, etc. and I barely crave sugar and breads which were my favorites. Trust me, it gets better. I'll be thinking of you.

Ellen H. 22 years, 4 months ago

Good morning Heather. I was happy to see your post this morning. I feel bad for you when I see what you are going through with head hunger. Been there, done that. All I can tell you is live day-by-day and pack your food for work and ignore everything else. And get that fluid in!! It's going to get better sweetie, I promise. I'll be 6 weeks post-op Monday and it's still no piece of cake. But it's better than what I had before the surgery. Love you, honey.

ctyst 22 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to the other side, Heather! Keep up your sipping and don't forget to try those fat-free/sugar-free ice cream bars--those made my post-op tummy very happy! LOL In a couple of weeks you will be full of energy and ready to rock and roll!
About Me
Daytona Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2001
Member Since
