Laura F. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Christie - I saw the you had your surgery at NEMC, my date is now set for 2/1/2002. I was interested to here how it went for you. Thanks - Laura

Leigh S. 22 years, 5 months ago

Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate-also any type of herb tea. My favorite Peach and Ginger. Then Earl Gray for in the mornings.

kylakae 22 years, 5 months ago

Hey Cristie, congratulations on your successful journey to the other side. Sounds like you are already doing wonderfully! With the excellent exercise you get and your powerful willpower you are going to do great! Best wishes on your continuing journey, I can't wait to watch you shrink!

Ellen H. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi Cristie, Congrats on a "textbook" surgery. I knew you'd come thru with flying colors. I'm happy for you. Take care of yourself and keep us updated. Bye for now...

Cristie L. 22 years, 5 months ago

<b>Good Morning!</b> I am back home after my December 10th Lap RNY surgery. I spent a few days recuperating at my parent's home; they were wonderful! Much love to them as well as to my amazing fiance, Tom, who has been a phenomenal support throughout my journey! (I'm so glad to be able to wear my gorgeous engagement ring again...can't wait until it needs to be sized DOWN! LOL) <p>Thank you Lord for Your care and guidance...may Your blessings continue to shine over the AMOS family! <p>Special thanks to my AMOS Angel, <b>Jen P. in Illinois</b> who provided me with lots of useful information prior to surgery! Her posts to my surgery page were always inspiring...she also spoke to me while I was in the hospital, and updated you all on my progress. (((HUGS))) Jen! <p>Surgery was "textbook" according to my fantastically skilled surgeon. The hospital stay itself is another story for another time. It was ~fair~, but definitely could've been better! <p>I am so thankful that we have this community to come to when we need support/have questions. I've been on the boards all morning, researching questions, and most have been answered by looking through the archives! Yay! <p>I'm sore, but not "in pain"...I've been off pain meds since day 5 post~op. I must say when I awoke in the recovery room, however, I wasn't prepared for the amount of pain! LOL I guess I had high expectations for myself! Hee hee... The only trouble I'm having right now is sleeping (I awaken often.) I'm going to buy some Tylenol PM today and try that tonight. <p>Can someone email me at [email protected] and tell me how to change my font/color on the message board? Thanks In advance! <p><b>Blessings to all...*Love Your Guts*...</b>

Jenper 22 years, 6 months ago

********Angel Alert!!!******** CRISTIE L from Worcester, MA, had surgery on Monday and I just got off the phone with her. She had Lap RNY and sounds GREAT!! She was a little surprised by her pain, but otherwise has been drinking/sipping since Tuesday and gets to go home today!! WOO HOOO! Way to go Cristie, and welcome to the LOSING SIDE! Thank you all who went to Cristie's page and pledged your support to her. Your well wishes mean a lot! Thank you, Lord, for seeing Cristie through! ((HUGS)) to all!!*************

Elizabeth P. 22 years, 6 months ago

Hi Cristie, Congradulations on the prior weight loss--losing 100 pounds with conventional dieting is phenominal. Good luck with the surgery I am sure that you will see great results.

Jacqueline B. 22 years, 6 months ago

Hi, Christie I wish you the best. I will be praying for you and your family. Cant wait to see your update on the board.

sheryl titone 22 years, 6 months ago

hi christie! hope all went well with ur surgery today. thinking of u & wishing u the best of luck

mama2matthew 22 years, 6 months ago

What an amazing job you've done so far! The energy that jumps off your profile page is intoxicating! Sounds like with those muscles you are going to bounce back from surgery quickly. Congrats on arriving to your new bday.
About Me
Gardner, MA
Surgery Date
May 14, 2001
Member Since
