Naes Wls J. 21 years ago


Linda T. 21 years, 3 months ago

OMG girl! Go back and read your journey. A lot has happened since you started a new life. The pictures are amazing!!!!!!!! Stop and take a deep breath. Regroup. Look at the things that are going on around you. you are such an inspiration to us pre-ops. I'm due on 3-11-03 and I'm so afraid I'll be saying those same words someday. I'm just so grateful to be getting a new chance at life. I've never been able to cross my legs. Ever! I hope a higher up stands by you and guides you through this hard time. Just sit down and look at your pictures. Is the food worth it? This is a test for you and I'm not sure why you are being tested. perhaps to get through it and be an example to others? I'm not sure. I wish like hell I had an answer for you. Just keep your chin up and reach out to anything you can hold on to. We will be watching. Let us know how you get through this test. Please know it is only temporary. Linda Tyler

Denise W. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hey Sharon, SO good to see your wonderful smile. At 17 mos well into week #15 of a plateau, I can hook in to where you're at. Sending you my very best wishes tonight. Drop me a line if I can be of assistance for some words of encouragement. For sure we're all needin' it every now and then!

Leslie E. 21 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations on your weight loss! I'm glad you keep your profile up to date. Its nice to read them and I really enjoyed yours...God bless you and your family! Leslie

Carmen K. 21 years, 8 months ago

Dear Sharon........I love the way you discribed being normal. How we have all wished we could be that! You really put it well on the sacrifice we've made by having WLS to cure MO. I will always have to be careful and there are things I will never be able to do but it's all worth it. The pay is high but you get excellent value for what you give up. I've just never seen it expressed on the message board like the way you put it before. I was thinking YEAH! That's how it is. Anyway, have a good weekend and take care :)

Tami D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Sharon, Speaking from a woman who had a hysterectomy 3 years ago.. you sound exacatly like one who just had one! And yes, the fatigue is from it. It takes a LONG time to come back from that one.. been there done that! Don't worry, it will get better! Tam

Tami D. 21 years, 9 months ago

Sharon, Just wanted to stop in and say wonderful post this morning. I agree many people here lose their perspective and your words really help put it back. Thanks for taking the time to write such a wonderful post Tami

jjtheba 21 years, 9 months ago

Dear Sharon, Shame, shame, shame on that nasty woman. I am so sorry she violated you and your success and tarnished this otherwise wonderful evening. May God heal this poor woman's warped and non compassionate heart and brain. You are beautiful because true beauty comes from inside and your wondeful weight loss has only enhanced yours. God bless Janice

Samar M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Sharon, let me just tell you that YOU LOOK AMAZING in your dress. You are very beautiful and very, very sexy and your husband is a very lucky man. I bet you knocked them dead at the party. The lady that did that to you will always be ugly. She must have felt threatened by you somehow and wanted to belittle you. Showing her that you were upset would have only given her what she wanted. Don't let her get to you. YOU KNOW that witch is just jealous of you.

Moma V. 21 years, 9 months ago

Sharon, you looked lovely in your dress, and that wench at the ball, is ugly through and through. Mean people do suck, I personally could tell a few what to suck :X. Ok I won't go there, she apparently has a little mind and has to be in other peoples business to think she's a part of things. Her kind of ugly goes to the core. Hugsssssss my AMOS Sis
About Me
Oxford,, GA
Sep 02, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
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Wow! You know..I was still a happy person...but some of that needed to go!
Four years later and going strong
