Karen Renee 22 years, 9 months ago

Dear Susan, If it were not for people like you..I wouldn't have had the courage to go through to the other side. I am so happy for you and the very best of everything to you!

Susan M. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hi everyone. It has been so long since I've posted an update, I'm ashamed. Yesterday I had my 6-month appointment (albeit a couple of weeks late). Started at 5'1" and 231 pounds. Darn it, still 5'1", but now at 135.5 pounds. I can't believe it!! Wore a size 10 snappy, little black dress to the Dr. Felt great, and looked even better. I want/need to lose about another 10-12 pounds. My GOD, I can't believe I am saying that. This was the best thing I ever did for myself. I pray that all enjoy the same success and happiness this surgery has brought me. I'm getting to where I would rather shop for clothes than pay my electric bill!!!! Good luck to all the post-ops and pre-ops as well. May your dreams come true.

Melissa M. 23 years, 3 months ago

Susan thank you so much for your prayers!! I too have extended my prayers to you!! All went well and is getting better with each passing day. I wish you the best success with you surgery. Here's to the beginning of our new lives!! Luv YA!!!! Melissa

Susan M. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi everyone. As long as I was here and posting an angel update on dear Jill Evans, I thought I would update everyone on my progress. I am now 18 days post-op from open RNY and feel wonderful! Other than tiring easily and having a tough time getting in protein, I'm doing well. Hard to believe I had major surgery such a short time ago. I have lost about 20 pounds so far. I try to keep away from the scale. Love peanut butter and crackers and hash browns. Seems odd to take a tablespoon or so and be absolutely stuffed! One cracker takes me 20 minutes to eat. WOW!! Good luck to all you pre-ops (and post-ops) as well. I pray your journey will be as uneventful as mine has been! It has almost been tooooo easy (knock on wood). Thanks toeveryone for your e-mails and well wishes. They have meant more to me than I can say.

Cheryl L. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi Susan - I did it on January 15 and am so full of energy it scares me. I've lost 27.5 lbs in less than 4 weeks! The only thing I've found is nothing appeals to me to eat. My doctor says this is normal and will change in time. I am really watching that I take my water, vitamins and protein. I did cheat today and "gummed" a french fry but it made me queasy. In two weeks, I can go off the pureed foods and onto regular and hope that will change my taste buds. It sounds like you are doing very well - just a quick note to let you know you're going to feel better and better each day, especially when you have to start giving away clothes that do not fit! Best of luck to you. Aloha,

Jill E. 23 years, 4 months ago

Susan- so happy to hear all went well. I am so sorry that I haven't written sooner. I have been swamped with my pre op last week and then a surprise endoscope thing down my throat the following day. When you feel like it let me know what to expect since I'm 9 days away and counting! With tons of love, Jill

toni D. 23 years, 4 months ago

HOME SWEET HOME!! I bet you are so glad to be there. You are an inspiration. I 'm so glad everything went so well for you. Take it easy for a while.Looking forward to hearing about your experiences in the hospital. Take Care ..Toni, Antelope.

Susan M. 23 years, 4 months ago

Hi everyone. Most of you know that I am now home after Open RNY on Tuesday 1/30. Everything went great. The accommodations stunk, but that is a whole other story. As I am more comfortable sitting at the PC I will update my profile to fill you in. It ranged from everything like spending 36 hours in a trauma hospital's recovery room to having an almost knock down, drag out fight with a nurse trying to get me to eat beef and rice and vegetables (he said it was OK as long as I shoved it into the one ounce medicine cups). But I am home and doing well. Showered, walked to the mail box, did two loads of wash and scooped the litter boxes. WOW! Haven't really needed the pain meds for a couple of days. Hey, I'm no wimp! I will update my profile within a fw days with all the gory details for those who like that kind of stuff. You will find it particularly interesting if you are having surgery at UCDMC here in Sacramento or at a similar teaching institution. Most of the problems stemmed from the "teaching" aspect of the hospital. Well, I hear someone at the door. I'll check in later.

Theresa O. 23 years, 4 months ago

Susan, I'm so glad to hear you're home and that everything went ok! You'll have to keep us updated on how you're doing when you're able. Good luck and Best wishes to you!

jay B. 23 years, 4 months ago

Hi Susan, Welcome home. I am so glad to hear that everything went good and that you are now home. Best wishes for your new life to be filled with beautiful dreams will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVES...LOL Jay Biller
About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2000
Member Since
