kylakae 22 years, 7 months ago

<font color="#CC0066"></b> Susie, Happy 1st year Anniversary of your WLS! Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. I hope this anniversary finds you feeling healthy and happy! Please stop by your profile and update us on your progress. </font></b>

Maggie N. 23 years, 6 months ago

Hi Susie!! I am so glad that you were spared any serious damage from that unexpected blood clot! Wow! I was really worried about you! You said that you were missing your "friend" food. I am worried that I may have some problems with that particular loss as well. But we just have to keep in mind the ultimate goal. And with yourself, it is the longevity that you will have in your life after you lose weight and get healthy. You have so many years ahead of you, kiddo! And as for this ole broad, I'm older than your mom, but I would like to have a few years in which I can wear regular sized clothing and not have to shop with Omar the Tentmaker. So let's just get our minds in gear and get all those food related cravings banished! Talk to you soon - with smiles.

Maggie N. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi, y'all! It is Saturday, 11/11, Veteran's Day and also the day that Susie got to go home from the Baptist Hospital in Oxford, Mississippi (plug for Ole Miss)...I just talked to Susie and though she yawned a couple of times, she sounded pretty good! I know that a number of you have been wondering how she is and she thanks everyone for their concern. She should be back online in a week or so and is on the road to recovery and her new life!

sarah2cu 23 years, 7 months ago

Susie, We have never talked , never seen one another , never passed E-mail to one another but yesterday a friend told me how things was going rough for you right now and I wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers. I'd like to tell you shortly about a special place I have here at my home in Tennessee. It is what people around here call a Old fashion Rock Alter. We have a small creek in the woods. Beside the creek is a lovely place I go to talk with the Lord alone. A few years back ,I noticed I'd always find small stones laying around and I'd pick one up and kinda carry it while praying and thinking.Later when someone asked me to pray for them , or when problems came that I took to the Lord,I'd leave the small rock there on what has grown to be a large pile now. Looking back over the few years ,I can plainly see just how much "weight" of burdens God has carried for me. Dear friend , yesterday ,a small stone was placed on that pile for you ,it doesn't have your name on it ,it looks much like the others stones, but God knows the difference,He knows which is for you and I know He hears the prayers. Hang in there. God Bless you and your family.

Victoria B. 23 years, 7 months ago

Susie: Please know that I care deeply and continue to send you my best wishes and prayers your way.. I know the last few days have been rough.. My prayers will continue that you recover fully..

Maggie N. 23 years, 7 months ago

Wednesday - Nov. 8 I just called over to Oxford to check on Susie's progress, only to be shocked to be put through to her mother in ICU. She was doing very well on Monday after surgery, but early Tuesday morning, she began to run a high fever and complain of shortness of breath. It was discovered that she had a small blood clot that wet right through the heart and which act probably saved her life. Further testing is bding done, but the prognosis, though serious, looks good that she will recover fully. Prayers are requested for Susie and her family.

Maggie N. 23 years, 7 months ago

Susie is up and walking after her lap RNY this morning at 7:30. I understand that she went thru the procedure with flying colors and almost no problem at all. I hope that I will have such a good surgery. I called twice today and talked to Susie's hubby Matthew and her nurse. They say "All is well"! Congratulations Susie McKinney! I know we will all still be keeping you in our prayers. Maggie

Maggie N. 23 years, 7 months ago

Susie - You are so precious, and I feel as though I have known you for years. I am praying that your surgery goes smoothly and that you are so pleased and with no regrets that you have undertaken this major step toward a new life. You will be in my heart and prayers all week. Maggie Nichols - Tupelo

William C. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi Susie, Good luck Monday I hope everything goes great for you. I will say a prayer for you to have a safe and successful surgery. May God Bless You

Kimberly S. 23 years, 7 months ago

Susie--what a wonderful day we share. I will be thinking of you on this momentous day. God bless and keep you.
About Me
Pontotoc, MS
Surgery Date
Oct 10, 2000
Member Since
