Dianne J. 19 years, 9 months ago

Hello Sonya: Hang in there! You will soon get around all those WLS road blocks. *****Believe in the magic of your dreams****

Jill S. 20 years, 11 months ago

Oh, Sonya, I read your post and I just wanted to give you a cyber-hug. *HUG* The office sounds like they're on your side and doing all they can, so you've got help over there on that side. On this side, we'll all pray for you. By the way, you are a very beautiful person - you're gonna be drop dead gorgeous when everything's done with! Be strong, Sonya!

deanaferrari 20 years, 11 months ago

Sonya, honey, keep your chin up. I know how rough the ride is on the way to surgery (I'm still going through it, myself - and I didn't even bother with insurance), but it is SOOOO worth it! Remember, we're here for you and understand why this is such a painful process - but also remember we (and hopefully, you) think it is the very best thing we can do for our future. I'll say a prayer for you and I hope your journey from here on out is smooth. Best wishes and (((hugs))).

neneburge 20 years, 11 months ago

Sonya dont dispair!! I truly believe though the battle may be a rough one, if God says it is to be , it will have to be!! Remember the battle is not yours it is the Lord's! Give it to him and pray for wisdom in how to proceed! Hugggsss!!

HelpMeRhonda !! 20 years, 11 months ago

Many prayers for you as you begin your journey. 7/10/02 OPEN RNY

Sonya P. 20 years, 11 months ago

Tomorrow is my psyche eval and the last step in being approved for this surgery. I am so nervous about it. I hope this will be the last step in approval.

Sharon Neva 20 years, 11 months ago

SONYA~~Your day WILL come! And you can shout from the rooftop that you are approved... I hope that it comes soon! So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable

Sharon Neva 21 years ago

SONYA~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~ May the world hug you today with its warmth, and love.....Pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart.....And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!~~

MommaAngel 21 years ago

HI SONYA I just want you to know that I am praying that everything will go smooth as you journey to the losing side. LORD BLESS

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi there, Best wishes to you on your wls journey. May you have a quick approval process. Hang in there. Hugs
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Camden, AR
Apr 03, 2003
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