Jeanine S. 22 years ago

Liz....Give us an update and tell us how you are doing???? How much weight lost?? How are YOU feeling? Hope all is well...please let us know! Jeanine

Jacqueline A. 22 years, 1 month ago

WOOOHOOO Go girl!!! congrats on the great job you're doing.....Jackie

Jeanine S. 22 years, 1 month ago

^j^ ANGEL REPORTING ^j^.... Liz is just over 4 weeks post op (surgery was 3/18)...I received this email from her today..and I am PROUD TO SAY SHE HAS LOST 30 POUNDS FOREVER!!! WOO-HOOOO!!!... This is her email this evening: <p> Jeanine......I have now lost 30 pounds in the first month. Not too bad, I was actually hoping to have lost more, but I should not complain, 30 is good and I feel pretty good as well. I just joined All-Sport Gym and start on Monday morning. This should also help me on this journey. Actually more nervous about going to the gym then I was about the surgery. Strange. I do not have to see Dr. Artuso for a month, yeah. So when is your date for surgery? I returned to work on saturday night, it was actually harder than I expected. I was hurting when I got home on sunday morning. I do not know what I did but my right side was bothering me and it wrapped around my side to my back. That morning was the first time I had to take a pain pill since I got home from the hospital. Now I am wondering if I pushed myself too hard by returning too work so soon. Thank goodness he said I should only start with one day a week (at least one of us had a brain). <p> Let's give LIZ some encouragement and words of CHEER....1 month post op 30 pounds gone forever!! Way to go Liz!!!....keep up the good work, and take it easy on yourself for a while. If you are in pain make sure you call Dr. Artuso if it keeps up! Love & ((HUGS)) Jeanine

Vicki K. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi Liz, congrats on the awesome job so far! HOLY COW... 20 pounds, gone FOREVER! Soon you will be feeling even better and believe it or not eventually you will even be able to eat those eggs!! Keep up the great work and welcome to your new life!! ((hugs)) Vicki Kelly

Jeanine S. 22 years, 2 months ago

^j^ ANGEL REPORTING ^j^ Liz emailed me today and I am GLAD to report that she is doing very well 2 weeks post-op. She has lost 20 lbs and feels pretty good!! In her own words.... <p> 4/2/02 I had my first post-op appointment today. It went really well. I lost 20 lbs in two weeks and I feel great. My energy level is back to normal and he cleared me to return to work earlier than expected. Initially he said about 8 (!!)weeks but after my appointment today I can return after 4 weeks, thank goodness. I am so glad I did this, for me, it was much easier than I initially expected. I have had no nausea or vomiting and I can now eat the soft foods which I am tolerating well. It can only get better from here. LIZ <p> I did receive another email from Liz saying that Dr Artuso told her she could start eating eggs....which she tried when she got home...and it did not work to she is going to lay off them for a while. All in all I think Liz had a VERY successful surgery and recovery and is doing awesome!! WAY TO GO LIZ!!!! YOU BIG LOSER!!! LOL..... **Please visit her surgery pages and send her some messages of "CHEER" and "CONGRATULATIONS"!! Thanks! (*This makes me SOOOOO happy Liz #1 because you are OK and doing GREAT...and #2 it eases my mind knowing I will be in the hands of the same surgeon in about 8 weeks!!!....It's just very calming for me!) Good Luck Liz!!! Keep up the good work!

Jeanine S. 22 years, 2 months ago

^j^ ANGEL REPORTING ^j^...I just received an email from Liz, and I am happy to say she is home and feeling pretty good! (Which makes me happy for two reasons...she is healthy and doing well #1 and #2 we both share the same surgeon, which sets my mind at surgery is coming up hopefully in June. Anyway...I think her words would be the best to read to know her condition... this is from her email to me: <p> Hello Jeanine,<p> I am now home from the hospital. No complications so it was not as bad as I was expecting. I was pretty spacey the first 2 days, lots of morphine!! At least when you called you were finally able to get through to the floor. My friend who lives in Washington state and my brother were both told by whomever answered the phones in the facility that "she's gone" "She not here". Lovely. <P> The doctors took out the drain this morning. Oh not fun, not bad, but not fun. I'm tolerating my fluids well I have had no nausea or vomiting (yeah). I thought that I would have staples at the surgical site but it is steri-stripped together. Should make for great healing with little scar. Gotta go.......quite tired. Thanks.....LIZ <p> YEAH LIZ YOU DID IT>>>>>AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! Hang in there!!! AMOS sisters and brothers please go to Liz's surgery page and leave her some messages of cheer!!! PLEASE!!! THanks!

Jeanine S. 22 years, 2 months ago

^j^ ANGEL FLYING IN.....^j^....Liz had surgey on Monday 3/18/02. I tried calling the hospital both Monday night and yesterday but was unable to get any info. I just called now and spoke to the nurses station on her floor after being #1 given the wrong room number and #2 wrong phone number...and then to learn her phone was not even on in her I couldn't speak directly to her. The nurse would only tell me that she was "OK" and in a regular room...and her condition was "STABLE". Those are good words to hear!! I pray that the rest of her stay is non-eventful...and that her recovery is SWIFT! Please go to her surgery page and leave her some words of cheer & inspiration!! SHE DID IT!!!! YEAH LIZ!!!! thanks all!

Yvette W. 22 years, 2 months ago

Liz - just wanted to wish you well tomorrow. We are going over on the same day. I am scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Just think - this time tomorrow night we will be on the other side. God speed in your recovery.

sheryl titone 22 years, 2 months ago

my prayers r with u for a safe surgery & a speedy recovery.

Lisa J. 22 years, 2 months ago

May bright brilliant blessings be carried with you into that operating room. Allow His light to surround you in healing. Keep us posted on your outcome !! :) Sincerely ~ Lisa Jordan oregon
About Me
Hyde Park, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2002
Member Since
