PeggyH 21 years, 1 month ago

You know Scott I was wondering about that drug too. I don't know if it works. I'll check around and see if anyone has really spent the money to try it.

kimberley B. 21 years, 1 month ago

Scott, BIG HUGS to ya. Not smoking is one of the hardest things TO NOT do when preparing yourself for surgery. To avoid developing blood clots your body needs all the movement and oxygen that you can get. A good surgeon will tell anyone regardless of what type of surgery that is being preformed NOT to smoke before surgery. Since getting up and moving around after surgery is so important if you develop lung or breathing problems post op you are compromising your health. If you need a venilator to assist with breathing you can not get up and walk when you need to. Healing time for smokers is also much slower then the non smoker. Some people have issues with inscisions after surgery so not smoking places you in a better position. Another reason that docs don't want you to smoke post op is that if you have to cough it hurts like hell after surgery and breathing treatments are no fun. With all of that said, do the best that you can. You might talk to your doc about a script for one of the current meds to help you stop while calming your nerves. Best of luck my friend. KimmieTN

Karen N. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hey Scott- way to wake up the smokers and former smokers! And BTW, you DO have someone to walk each step of the journey with you; in fact you have thousands! By being part of AMOS, you are not doing this alone. Short note on the smoking- if you want this surgery bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes to have it done. 'Nuff said. As for me, been there, done that, got the leftover smokers patches right here in my T shirt... Best wishes-

JamiesMum 21 years, 1 month ago

Hello, Scott. I see you already have a huge response to your post, so let me just say: I'm a smoker, too. My surgeon requires 6 months non-smoking. I've heard that most smokers end up on a vent after the surgery due to their diminished lung capacity. Eventually to be taken off, but STILL...longer hospital stay, the discomfort of a vent, stuck in bed...yuck! As for support, well, look at this page! Also, if you decide you'd like one, I am a volunteer Angel coordinator here at AMOS. Good luck and don't let anyone tell ya what to do! This surgery is a life saver for some, and too drastic for others. Follow your heart.

Karen A. 21 years, 1 month ago

Scott, try the drug Wellbutrin along w/nicoderm patches- It works great in combination. Good luck to you on your surgery. I had my surgery several years ago went from size 24 to 8. Don't let the "quit smoking" issue stop you from having this surgery, it saved my life. You may email me if you have any further questions.

Jolinda C. 21 years, 1 month ago

Scott - re: quitting smoking - I know it's tough. I, too, smoked for almost 15 years but I didn't start until I was in my late 20's. I'll be 44 in August and have started to quit smoking 3 weeks ago. My last "real" cig was 3/30/03 and my last fake/nicotine-free cig was 6 days ago. I know how hard this is. But you *need* to do it. <br><br> In Oct '99, I had to have emergency exploratory surgery - I hadn't quit smoking yet. Because I was not only a smoker, but also M.O., they had a very difficult time with the anesthesia during surgery, and then I wouldn't breathe on my own after surgery. I will grant that there were other factors that also caused me to not breathe properly but the fact that I was a smoker just made things a lot worse. Do yourself a favor - get your Dr. to help you with medication to help you quit. It will be the best thing you could do.

OLD RODEO C. 21 years, 3 months ago

Scott, good luck on making your decision. Personally, I think having an open rny was the best decision I ever made in my life. I started out at 450 lbs, had my surgery in Oct 2001 and have now lost 215 lbs!!!! I feel wonderful and younger. I invite you to click on my name below ( on your surgery page only!) and read my profile and see how good you can feel after this surgery. Good luck to you whichever way you decide to go.

WLS_Deb 21 years, 3 months ago

hey GUY!!!! laffin...send me the em I wanna see .... ya owe me.

amahsweet 21 years, 4 months ago

scott- i have tried to answer your emails however i keep getting back that your email is not accepting email from here goes some answers for you first I know I dont write complete sentences in my page because I write like I talk, whatever comes to mind, however no it was not my husband,next I am Kind of shocked that you are looking into WLS after the last time we had talked and you told me it was a cop-out easy way to lose weight, however i am glad that you have finally came to your senses and decided that it is not a cop-out but a new beginning on life. I am now 13 mons post op and loving life, the depression went away and life came back and that is what will happen to you when you have the proceedure....make sure you are very prepared as you know i went through a hard time after surgery for a couple of months but I would do it again in a heart beat. I would suggest you ask the doctor do it lap and not open like mine was first so you wont have a huge scar( and have to have it fixed like mine-surgery date again feb 12th and the 24th) and less downtime. Again I congradulate you on your decision and I hope all works out for you!!! IF you need anything email me well make sure your email is working and i will try to answer any questions you have.......also I suggest that you start attending WLS meetings they are a great way to get support. I Love ours but of course I run it!!lol... Best wishes

Laura S. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Scott, I just wanted to give you my 2 cents worth of advice. Whatever you decide to do, sounds like RNY, have it done laprascopically. If your insurance is going to cover it anyways, trust me, you will be glad you did. Down-time is much shorter, the scars are MUCH smaller, you're out of the hospital sooner, not to mention you're less likely to herniate yourself in the future. Depending on the Dr, you probably won't have to deal with "drains" either. This is my personal opinion, I'm sure there are some who'd disagree, but you're a young, handsome man and I think you'd appreciate not having an 8-10 in. scar running down your *soon-to-be* flat stomache. Best wishes to you on your weight loss surgery journey!
About Me
Arlington, VA
Nov 19, 2002
Member Since
