I completed Army basic training

Oct 25, 2008

I spent 10 weeks a Fort Jackson runnning marching , running and sweting. I did it . I have joined the Army reserve and completed basci training. The pyscholgist told me to " blue  sky" this experience. Made it with the help of God to 158 pounds

My weight loss has slowed down

Jan 07, 2008

Just looking at Holiday food has made me slow down. I joined a group at the gym. Today we did physicall assements . I ddi like 19 pushups in one minute about 27 situps i a minuet and I ran a whole mile in 12 minutes. I was not liking the treadmill but I need to kick myself into fifth gear and lose the rest of this weight .


Dec 13, 2007

I was 250 and now that I am 179 I look in the mirror and sometimes wonder who that person is.  Guys now make eye contact with me. I can not imagine getting any smaller everyday I have something iI try on that is too big imagine that. My new obession now that I do not eat food is making things neat and clean like my house car etc. I am just hoping that i can stop at my goal of 150 becaue i have lost over seventy pounds in less than five months. I workout everyday . I am hoping not to become anorexic and think that I am too fat . NOw my skin sags and of course the breasts too.  I am hoping to have plastic surgery but wonder if I will truly be happy with my self if I am size six wth perky breasts. 

This has been an incredible journey

Dec 10, 2007

I do not know where to begin. I am down to 179.6. I am so happy that I am not going to return to my previous weight. I can walk up hills with my stroller without passing out. I have been working my behind off literally at the gym. Some people have noticed a change and given me compliments. You know how women are with compliments we take them but hen we complain that our breasts are droopy. I thank God for Bariatric surgery. Only issue I am having is I seem to either be constipated or eliminating all my waste at once. I try to get in a lot of water and fiber and avoid sugar. I had my blood work done and everything is good but my cholesterol so I am taking Lipitor. My goal is to make it to 170 by the end of the year and then 160 by my birthday on Jan 29.
   Bye for now

Today I tried fitness yoga

Nov 08, 2007

I have been trying to cross train my favorite classes a the gym are cardio kickboxing,  the cardio dance classeslike hip hop, water aerobics and cycling. I aboslutely hate just walking on the treadmill or having a personal trainer tell me to do more reps.  I was feeling confindent and wanted to try fitness yoga. I had the hardest time trying to sit indan style but I made it thru that . I made it thru about 25 minutes and gave up . I do want to work on strenth flexibility and balance but it was very hard.  Maybe when I get smaller I will be able to do more activities susch as yoga and pilates. I really need to wokr on my core muscles because I have horrible posture and that is where all my fat is around the middle.

I need new clothes

Nov 07, 2007

Last nite I went to the support groups semi annual clothing exchange and found thre pairs of pants. I got to size tens and a a size fourteen dress pant that actually fit when I got it home.  My next goal is to work on fitting in the size tens I got. Someone told me today that they were not trying to offend me but I have a pretty face beacuse now I am slimmer you can see my bone structure . I thought that I was a big girl with a pretty face. I guess i do look better without the chubby cheeks. I am going to break down and buy some sweaters one day because it is starting to get cold.

Under 200

Oct 19, 2007

I weight myself daily which is a big no no but I got up this morning and I was 198.8 of course without clothes. I am really enjoying eating fresh seafood. Last night I went  to Garrisons and their food was delicious even ate some lobster without butter.

I started a Meetup group I an actually meet you guys/gals face

Oct 18, 2007

http://www.meetup.com/swf/membership_badge.swf?chapterid=712143" width="214" height="142" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
Click">http://wls.meetup.com/105/?track=i3/mu_xu9cila1nx">Click here to check out
The Alpharetta Weight Loss Surgery Meetup Group!

Cleaning out my closet

Oct 01, 2007

Today was bittersweet . I absoulutely needed to clean out my closet. I had to get rid of the size 18 , 20 , 22 and even 24 . WOWI can not believe I had all of those sizes I am down to 14/16 and I was able zip up these jeans I wore seven years ago . I have paid a lot of money for clothes but now it is time to move on and take them to the the support group for a clothing exchange. I have lost 50 pounds since March I know this because Quick Weight loss called me to come in and weigh. They were hoping to sell me some more weeks on their program I started at 258.5 when I was there is in March and my goal was 230 but now I am 209 on their scale and it is unbelievable.

Walk from Obesity

Sep 28, 2007

Today I did the walk from obesity . Next year will try to run and win an award for women my age. It was fun walking three miles made me hungry.

About Me
Alpharetta, GA
Surgery Date
Jul 23, 2007
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 14
I completed Army basic training
My weight loss has slowed down
This has been an incredible journey
Today I tried fitness yoga
I need new clothes
Under 200
I started a Meetup group I an actually meet you guys/gals face
Cleaning out my closet
Walk from Obesity
