Hernia Surgery is a Pain!

Sep 23, 2007

Well, hernia repair surgery went well. Not near as bad as Gastric Bypass! I guess with any surgery there's pain, and this was pretty rough for the first week, but I'm feeling a little better now.  Kinda' started to freak out when the incision started "leaking". I called the poor on-call Dr at 2am Friday night. I guess I panicked a little. I just couldn't bear the thought of possibly getting another infection and being out of work again. He assured me I'd be ok and to call in the morning if I had any other concerns. My 2 week checkup is Wednesday with Dr. Arnold.

Bachelor of General Studies Degree, Anyone?

Sep 15, 2007


I've been thinking lately about trying to go after my bachelor degree. There are so many opportunities to do it online these days. 

It would take a lot more organization and determination, but I think it would also allow me to do it at my own pace. From what I understand, you can get your class finished in as little as 3 or 4 weeks but up to 6 months.

If I could get it done faster, I think I would be more motivated. Once I go to more part-time hours at work, seems like there would be adequate time.

(By the way, I am writing this the day after my hernia repair surgery - so, right now I'm in between doses of pain meds... My spelling and grammar are probably not quite up to par for someone talking about getting a college degree ;)-  hee hee hee)

Hey, I DO Have a Lap!

Sep 03, 2007

Wow, I can't believe it. I was just sitting down to surf a little bit, when I thought, "Hey, I'll just grab the laptop and finish watching 'Murder She Wrote' while I surf the internet.

So I grabbed the laptop, plopped it in my LAP, and started surfing. Then it occurred to me, "Oh My Goodness! I HAVE A LAP!" I was so excited I just had to add this to my blog!

Have a wonderful day, and I hope everyone takes time to notice the little things that change during your weight loss. I am determined to not focus on just the numbers on the scale, the size I wear or the way I look. 

The Seatbelt WORKS Afterall!

Sep 02, 2007

For the longest time I hated riding passenger in my husband's car. I didn't like the way the seatbelt fit. After buckling myself in, the belt would slide back in and a rachet-type mechanism would prevent it from adjusting in & out. 

I thought it was because it's a Suzuki and that's just the way they build them. Come to find out, the seatbelt DOES work afterall! Before my surgery (and initially afterwards) I was so large that I had to pull the seatbelt out all the way to the very end for it to fit around me and click into place. 

Now that I've lost almost 80 pounds, I am not quite so large and don't need that much of the belt. So I have come to learn that if you don't pull the belt all the way out, the rachet-type mechanism doesn't engage, and the belt INDEED freely moves in and out, allowing for adjustments for a more comfortable ride at any time.

Isn't it funny how the small things make such a BIG DIFFERENCE?!

Bad "Tummy Day"

Aug 31, 2007

My tummy gave me fits today. I am dealing with a hernia that needs to be repaired. It feels kinda crampy, and sometimes it's hurts if I stand up too quickly. If I don't eat RIGHT on schedule, my stomach feels like it's trying to eat itself. Nothing stops that until I eat my meal or drink my protein shake - whichever I'm due for.

I keep having to "push" my hernia back in. I can feel my tummy get a certain kind of cramp or pain (don't know exactly how to describe it) and I can just tell that it has popped back out again. A few times I have been able to hear it squish as it goes back in!!! Ugh!

I'm scheduled for hernia repair surgery on Sept 14. I hope this fixes what's been going on! I can't be out from work too long since I am self employed! I know Dr. Arnold & his staff will take good care of me! I am ready to get this over with! 

I actually had to wait an extra week because the doc's wife is expecting a baby next week, so I guess he wanted to be there for that or something...   :)

I guess that's a cause worth waiting for!
(Hope everything goes well for your family Dr. A!)


Aug 30, 2007

The one thing I regret is not keeping track of my weight loss on a weekly basis. I have been pretty faithful about having my husband take my picture each month. But I'm really wishing that I could have had the presence of mind to write down my "numbers". 

I have heard of some people doing spreadsheets etc... That would be wonderful to look at in the end, but maybe kinda' tedious to keep up with. 

I am starting this Blog in hopes of having some sort of written record/journal for the rest of the "ride".

About Me
Arlington, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 6
Hernia Surgery is a Pain!
Bachelor of General Studies Degree, Anyone?
Hey, I DO Have a Lap!
The Seatbelt WORKS Afterall!
Bad "Tummy Day"
