The next step...

Feb 22, 2007

Well I've been doing a LOT of research about the lap band, and I'm going to take the next step and go to a seminar next Tuesday 2/27 to begin the process.  I have to attend that before I make an appointment for the consult. 

I've been doing Weight Watchers the last few weeks since Feb 8th, and I weighed in today.  I've lost 6 lbs so far.  I've started to change my eating habits, and funny enough I don't feel too deprived.  It's coming off slow, but it's coming off nevertheless.

After the lap band I'm sure it will come off much faster initially! 

Ok off to watch Lost! (I fell asleep last night and had to tape the darn

Have a wonderful evening everyone!!! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!!!

A sample of my big fat butt as of today... lol

Feb 19, 2007

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About Me
Fresno, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 92

Latest Blog 72
My second Grandson was born - 2 months premature
My new Grandson, Blake Matthew
It's been a year....
Slow, slow, slow...
Goals achieved in 2007...goals for 2008
I knew something was wrong with my band!!!
My grandbaby's first heartbeat recorded!!!
I can't wait to be a Grandma!!!
