
Oct 05, 2007

Received a call from my PCP telling me they heard from the insurance and my authorization for the surgery had been denied.   HUH!!!!, The reason they gave was I need a 6 month medical supervised dr & at least 6 months of WW, Jenny Craig or nationally known program.....I did that and it was attached so some isn't read the material.   So I'm starting the appeal process with help from  Keep you posted.

Waiting Game

Sep 22, 2007

September 22, 2007

I received a call from the dr's office today letting me know they received all my info and everything looks good and will be forwarding it to the insurance company.  But in the in time, she suggested I start losing some weight I do have a high liquid diet here I come.  

Struggle Right Along

Aug 25, 2007

  2002: I seem to fighting a losing battle.. I have been approved for the surgery thru Blue Choice and was scheduled a date (Nov 21)  2003 with Dr. Kevin Mitchell and three days before surgery, he called and informed me that I need to lose about 20 lbs before I can have the surgery.....I have tried really hard and so far have lost about 6 lbs and new insurance kicks in January and then I have to start the review process all over again.....I really like Dr. Mitchell and I understand that his hands are tied if the hospital policy changed to reflect this, but I felt since everything was already in place...the surgery should have taken place and anyone that came after me that weighed over 400 lbs should be required to follow that policy....So I guess I'm damn if I do and damn if I don't.

Third Time A Charm: August 24, 2007: Update I have decided to try once again but to go with the lapband instead. I have submitted everything to my physician and need additional info for the insurance..Mercy I'm working on that and hopefully to finish by year's end.  Mainly the documentation of two failed attempts at weight loss....any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

About Me
St. Louis, MO
Dec 07, 2000
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Waiting Game
Struggle Right Along
