November Already?

Nov 02, 2011

Well its been a while, huh? I've recently been trying to visit OH at least every other day (I'd like to do it everyday but...I forget >o_<

And I know if I don't start making time for health and fittness in my schedule now then I will be super SCREWED in the spring semester because I will not only be taking some very time consuming theories classes but also still doing my internship (8-10 hours a week) AND I will be forced to take a math class...a HARD math class. Dealing with stuff I havent even looked at since like...10th grade? And guess what? I SUCK at math!! My mind is not very mathmatical... Writing, Analytical thinking, reading articles and discussing them...those, THOSE are my strong suits. Not equations and numbers and the like.

So I need to get on the ball like yesterday! Or else next semester I will not only burn myself out but I'll burn myself out AND be fat. Super sad, no? Exactly.

My plan? Right now I'm trying to look into exercise options that arent "exercise- like" and that are not super time consuming. I have thought of trying a zumba class. I figure if I can make a zumba class or something like that 2 or 3 times a week then on the weekends (when I have no interning or classes to go to..only homework) I can haul my tushy to the gym and do gym stuff (treadmill, eliptical, stregnth training stuff).  And then I need to write down a list of healthy proteiny snacks and quick foods I can get from the store and plan my meals for the week ahead of time to avoid incidents like this afternoon's mcrib fiasco! Don't judge me, I took half the bun off and only finished half the mcrib (wasnt worth the calories either way, bah).

So there. Thats my plan thus far.  Get to 170lbs pounds, rock my internship, keep my 3.6 gpa, and NOT FAIL MATH.  That is the game plan for 2012.  I'm just trying to get started a tad bit earlier...especially on the weight loss part. 45lbs to go people! 105lbs down so far.  I know I can do this, I just need to...DO IT.

Wish me luck xoxo

Wow it seems like its been forever!

May 31, 2011

I haven't been on OH for a few months! Yikes! I really do miss this site though. But school and life just kind of got in the way I guess.  And even though I have been losing, it hasn't been much (in my opinion). I feel I could and should be doing so much better! So now that school is out for summer and I have free time, I'm taking these next 12-ish weeks to kick my butt back into gear! I've been doing OKAY food wise but I could be doing better, and my vitamins are...well...yeah, I'm very bad about those but I'm trying to get better!  And I've been very lazy exercise wise but since I finished my last final a week ago, I've been starting to step it up.  Last week i exercised 4 times, once at the gym (its been so hot lately and going outside with my asthma is not a great my car has no a/c so drives to and from the gym are pretty horrible).  But Leslie Sansone has been saving the day with her walk at home plan. I usually do the intermediate cardio one on ON Demand but now I have the 5 mile DVD of hers. I tried it on my laptop today and I cant get past 4 minutes before it freezes and shuts down my media player. So frustrating!!

I don't know if it is a defective DVD or my media player, but I'm going to find out tomorrow. It sucks because i have no room to do the DVD in my room (the only place i have a DVD player) so if I cant do it on my laptop out in the living room then I'm SOL.  The only other spot (the best one actually (no carpet, much more space) is my basement but we have no DVD player hooked up to the TV down there (plus... the spiders are coming back...*shiver*).  Sooo hopefully I will get it worked out soon.  My plan is to do 2-3 days at the gym, 3-4 days at home doing a DVD, and one day of rest I guess.  I'm working on it, I hope that by the end of August when school starts up again, I'll be down at least 35- 40lbs.  If I can do that, and get a regular workable workout schedule down then I feel I MIGHT be able to reach my next goal of being at 175lbs by my birthday in February. 

Hopefully my new start will include more visits to OH too. I'm so nervous and afraid of failing myself, but I'm still hopeful. I've slacked a bit before but I'm hoping its not too late to change things around! So I will go at the positively and patiently.  Wish me luck guys!

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