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Alyson Magoon
Dennis Port, MA, USA
Post Op - BMI: 30.2
Surgery Type: RNY
Member ID: C1070064426
Contact: Click here to send a Personal Message
Surgeon: David Lautz

Click here for Alyson's surgery support page
Click here for the 10/2004 Reunion Page
Click here to print Alyson's cards
(You can print your own cards, and if you're good at it,
you can help print cards for your friends as well!)

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Update on July 23 2004... I had my consult with Dr Lautz in Boston! I am going to be having a LAP RNY in January, just have to schedule the exact date :) Yay!

Update on August 2 2004... I have my date! October 5 2004 I will be joining you people on the losing side :) Talk to my angel Kimberly O'Connell for more info when I go in :)

< href='http://www.neopets.com/refer.phtml?username=baby_victoria_4_4'>

Update on August 23 2004... I had my nutrition visit and my psych eval.. seems I'm not insane! The psych lady approved me for the surgery! Now all I have to do it have the surgeon's office send the paperwork to insurance and make a copy of my medical letter so that I can have and and hubby has one so he can take those 2 weeks off of work!

Update on September 1 2004... Called the insurance office to check on how things are going... they have the papers and they are "pending" right now... hopefully the pending will lead to approval!

Update on September 9 2004... I AM APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESS! see you all on the losing side soon!

Hey people, 4 days left and I just found out that my Mom is coming from Germany to visit! So, I will make my last post on the boards on MONDAY the 4th and then I won't be online until Friday at the earliest (If all goes well, and it will, I will be out of the hospital on Friday morning) Kim OConnell my angel will update!

Well, here it is, 1 week postop and doing fine :) I can't tolerate the CIB, it tastes so gross! So today hubby and I went out and picked up some Fuzzy Navel Nectar. It's more tolerable than the CIB, but I wish I had gotten the Caribbean Cooler flavor, I love pina coladas! Although I think I would have gotten sick of them fast :) I am 18 lbs down from my last preop appointment, almost off the pain meds, and SO HUNGRY! I am eating like 6 oyster crackers right now, verrrry slowly and chewing like a maniac. I don't want anything getting stuck but I can't do this liquid thing! Jello I'm sick of, popsicles and broth just taste gross to me so that is out. If anyone has suggestions, I will take them! Until then, I'm gonna go watch my team get killed in the world series playoffs (poor Red Sox, we are getting beat down tonight!)

Hi, October 17 2004, and I prepare to watch my beloved Sox meet their doom... unless they win tonight! I am having a hard time still with my liquids and whatnot... the Nectar tastes gross to me unless I cut it, 8 oz water and 1/2 scoop of powder, but I have some new tricks to try so we'll see. I am hungry all the time, so I'll be calling the nutritionist (aka nut) tomorrow to ask if I can start solids early. I might even have an egg tonight, or a bite of one, or maybe get a cup of yogurt. I AM STARVING! On the plus side, I weigh 250 now! 23 lbs down since my last preop checkup! Tomorrow is Jonathan's last day off, I am a little worried about coping with the munchkin by myself, but hopefully it will be ok. I HATE LIQUIDS! seems the only liquids my poor new tummy will do are ice water and bouillon. Gonna go watch the Sox hopefully beat the Yanks and stay in this series, ttyl!


UPDATE::: THE SOX WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Halloween is here (October 31st, for those of you who don't know) and I have lost a total of 30 lbs! 30 lbs in 26 days! WHOOHOO! I went from 273 to 243! YESS! I went to a party last night with the hubby, and wore a dress that I've worn before, and DAMN, I looked good! Had lots fun, ate cheese and pineapple and a swedish meatball (very small) and a cracker :) Danced and drank water and had fun.. hubby called me a cheap date :) hehe :) Well, off to do laundry, more updates later!

November 28
Ok, I know I haven't updated in a LONG time... but lots has been going on! Hubby and I just spent a week in MEXICO (Los Cabos, on the tip of the Baja peninsula) and loved it... I am also down 40 lbs! YAY! And I'm not even 2 months out! WHOOHOO! I was feeling pretty good in Cabo, I did some stuff that I normally wouldn't have done; but I won't post that here because some people (family prudes, you know who you are!) would get offended... so you pervs know where to look... I will post the whole story soon :) TTYL, I gotta go thru my clothes! I think I'm finally in 22's!

December 6
Hi people! I am now 2 months out and minus 45 lbs! YAY ME! I'm doing well huh? Only 100 or less pounds to go until I get to my goal weight :) Doctor's appointment is on the 23rd. I'll update again after that. Also, hubby is coming to my support group meeting on Thursday! That is a BIG thing! Love you all, keep losing!

December 14
Hi! I HAVE LOST 50 LBS! OMG! I am sooo psyched! Hubby did come to the support group meeting, ti was good for him to be there and see what went on and why it is so important for me to go... And big news! On The 23rd, when I have my appointments, hubby has the day off, and the munchkin is with her Auntie for the day/night! We are going to do my appointments, hit the Boston Aquarium (my fave place in Boston), maybe the Science Museum (another fun one!) and then dinner at Durgin Park (awesome traditional Irish resteraunt)... followed by a trip to a special ind of club *wink*! YAY! Merry Christmas! *wink* Should be fun!

January 11 2005!
Hi everyone, and a happy new year! Well, I am 3 months out and almost 60 lbs down! Yup, I have lost 58 lbs! I am 2 sizes down in jeans, and I'm fitting back into my prepregnancy clothes! Hubby is pretty happy with the way I look. I'm getting more confident! Energy is still a bit low, but that will change soon. More later, I gotta go to bed, its late!

February 2, 2005
Well, it's a month later almost and I've lost 63 lbs! I think my weight loss is starting to slow down, so I'm going to really keep on top of my water and protein, I think it's too many carbs that's throwing me off. Gotta cut down on those! The energy is still low, and it varies from day to day; hell, it varies hour to hour! But I deal with it, and I seem to be getting more done around the house.. and let's not forget that I have a 19 month old lol so she is LOTS of work! She has a pageant coming up in April and I'm looking for sponsors, so if anyone is interested let me know :) See you all later, I'll probably update after the dreaded V-Day (yup, Feb 14th looms its ugly head)

February 9, 2005
Ok, I am now down to 205, which means a loss of 68 lbs! Not bad for a week later, kinda strange tho, it goes up and down... I think I'm retaining water or something sometimes... I'll be 205 one day and 209 the next! The energy is still waffling, I do what I can. I just wish my sex life was better :( I mean, we do it and all, but no O for me :( Oh well! I'll update again either after Vday or in March... not sure when!

March 6, 2005
Ok, I am DEFINETELY slowing down alot, mostly because I am not watching my carbs as much as I should...But the good news, I'm out of the 200's! I hit 199 yesterday morning, and I woke up both hubby and munchkin when I yelled.... :) I am sooo excited! On Wednesday I tried on some old clothes... some size 18 shorts.... THEY FIT... some size XL and L tops... THEY FIT...and a size 16 dress.... IT FIT (doesn't look good yet, but it will!) Sooo excited, that definetely makes me feel lots better. Ahh, soon it will be summer and I get a whole new wardrobe thanks to my wonderful mother... my one wish has been to go shopping with my sister, who, of course, has the perfect figure, but I never could because when you can only shop at Lane Bryant, shopping isn't fun :( So this summer I get to go shopping on Mom's credit card, instead of getting presents at Christmas and for my birthday :) Yay! That means when hubby and I go back to Cabo in November (I can't wait!) I will have sexy lingerie, a new bathing suit, cute and sexy new outfits! Whoo hoo! Well, time to go do dishes and cook and whatnot, I will update when I hit another milestone or if something major happens.

April 05, 2005
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! I have now lost 80 lbs, I am down to 193 :) WEARING size 18s, out of the house, they look good and are even a little baggy, I can zip and button the 16's but they aren't wearable yet :) I've been going out to a club with my friends on Friday nights, having lots of fun! I've been altering my clothes, well, more specifically, my skirts! Took 3 long dowdy "fat" skirts, made them short n sexxxy for my nights out at the club! I actually get hit on now, which hubby doesn't like, but it's a HUGE ego boost :P We also got down the BIG bag of "skinny clothes" (16-18 pants, L and XL shirts) from the attic and I tried them on... everything fit or will fit within a month easy :) Had to ditch the bathing suits though, my thighs are horribly saggy, so I am going to look for a cute tankini with a miniskirt type thing for the summer... if any guys on the pervie board wanna buy it for me I'll model it for you ;) hehehe See you all later and Kim B, YOU OWE ME GIRL AND I INTEND TO COLLECT! Till later, losers!

Thursday May 12, 2005
Ok, well I've not lost much in the last month... I'm down to 189ish and have hit a plateau, and at the same time have a BAD cold that is making me miserable. So, I decided to take advantage of this lack of appetite (sick = no appetite for me) and go back to basics... soup, protein drinks, sf pudding, sf jello and sf popsicles (and of course water and Crystal Lite) will be on the menu for the next week or so, then building back up s l o w l y :) Hopefully this will kickstart things again :) My birthday was fun, Kim B came out to the club and we swapped some spit ;) mmmmmmm she is a great kisser! I have support group tonight, so hopefully I will get through that okay... I will update either next month or when something significant happens.

Monday, May 16 2005
Well, still slightly sick, my nose isn't running anymore but it is still stuffy, I am still coughing periodically and bringing up some yukky phlegm, but that means I'm getting better! I'm still doing mostly liquids, but with protein only solids (cheese, egg, ground turkey, yogurt, cottage cheese) and that, plus being sick, plus dancing my ass off on my Friday night out with the girls has caused me to go from 188-189 to 186-187! yay! I'm going to continue the liquid/protein for the rest of the week, then next week do all protein (meat, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, egg, jerky, etc) and lots of water... then after a week or 2 of that start slowly adding a little fruit, carbs, veggies.. Hopefully the weight loss is picking back up again, but not losing anything in a month and being 7 months out kinda freaked me out! I have a wedding to go to on June 4, and the dress looks okay, let's hope it looks better by that time.. it's a size 14 and I'm in size 18 jeans! Unbelieveable that it zips and looks pretty decent! TTYL!

June 14, 2005
Well, I've lost 90 lbs now, I was on a plateau for a while but I am now doing 2-3 protein drinks per day and lots of other protein so I think that is helping me kick myself off this plateau...

July 5, 2005
Well, I'm in size 16's now, maybe even in 14's! I've lost 94 lbs, so even if lbs aren't going, inches are! whoohoo!

July 25, 2005
Well, Now I am apparently in 14/16's, and I've lost about 97 lbs... here is a new pic of me, don't I look faaaabulous!

September 25, 2005
Wow, it's been a while since I updated... I am now at 172 lbs... Ive got 6 months to lose the rest of my weight.. I'm wearing 14's and I think I could fit in 12's since the 14's are a bit baggy n big... another new pic of me!

October 15, 2005
I'm in 12's! No more weight is coming off but I'm not being the best... inches are going tho.. and home life is good. I've officially lost hmmm 104.5 lbs so I'm very happy about that!

November 10, 2005
Still in 12's, which is making me quite happy! I've lost 2 more lbs, which puts me at 170, which is pretty good! I have a wedding to go to in 2 days, and I am wearing a size 12 dress that I wore in high school (it literally fit for that one time and I was never able to get into it again!) so I'm excited! Hopefully I can get a few new shirts sometime soon, one pair of jeans should be good enough for now :)

January 22, 2006
Ok, I know it's been FOREVER since I've updated, but I've been quite busy with all the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years/Vacation crapola around here... So a quick update... As of my last post, I was stuck between around 167 and 170 or thereabouts... Thanksgiving was good, we went out with hubby's dad and the munchkin to a resteraunt, where I ate about 2 bites and had the rest as leftovers for the next 2 meals...
Early December the Cape had a HUGE storm with freezing temperatures and a loss of power for over 24 hours... we went to a friend's house.. three days later my child has LICE... I flipped out, of course, and we went through a few lice shampoos and a LOT of combing for a week or so... by Christmas she had been lice-free for a week, thank GOD! Still have no idea where she got them though...
Christmas was good, we had it at our house with hubby's dad again, it was quite nice; my husband gave me a gorgeous heart-shaped diamond necklace, and my daughter gave me the Cinderella DVD (which I SWEAR she's seen more than I have, but hubby knows I love that movie). For New Years, we had fondue (not the cheese kind, but the kind with hot broth that you cook beef or shrimp or whatever in) with hubby's dad, and then went to a friend's house for drinking and fun (the kiddo was asleep in another room hehe)
Fast forward another week, and we were getting ready to go to Los Cabos in Mexico (just the two of us, NO KID! she stayed with friends) Our week in paradise was great... good food, great tequila and drinks (hubby enjoyed it alot, considering I'm a cheap date with both food and alcohol haha) Much of the time I either got an appetizer, or just ONE taco or something(the waiters always looked at me funny, they asked how many, I said one, they gave the "you only want ONE taco?!?!" look) And I shared a drink with hubby quite a few times, seeing as down there, the drinks are HUGE and I couldn't finish one if I tried, I'd be passed out in my own puke haha... But we walked EVERYWHERE, and when I came back, I was weighing in at 165!!!! Plateau broken! yay!
Yesterday, I went to the mall to play a little DDR (Dance Dance Revolution, that dancing game at the arcade) It is SO fun and addicting, I've been playing since hmm early November I think, so now I can do harder songs, which means more calories burned... I played for maybe 45 minutes to an hour, and when I came home, weighed myself... 163! And still 163 this morning! This is the best exercise I've found, and it doesn't FEEL like exercise, it's just hella fun! Anyways, more later, and pics of course, from Cabo once I get them uploaded *whew*

February 3, 2006
Well, some pretty big news... I'm pregnant! It happened right after we got back from Cabo, so we are surprised and happy... I'll update more later, but our daughter is quite excited about having a baby around the house... Lots to do!!! Oh, and I'm down to 162 :)

February 13, 2006
I had a miscarriage. No baby. Thanks for the support.

May 7, 2007
Well, alot has happened since my last profile update... hubby and I are no longer together, which is good for the both of us, we were pretty miserable and after trying and trying, it just wasn't working. I ended up meeting a wonderful guy (Joey) who is pretty damned near perfect; he just happens to be my best friend's brother... .that didn't go over so well with her, needless to say! Victoria (my daughter with hubby) loves him to death, and we are living together... Oh, did I forget to mention that we have a baby? Hannah Alyson, born April 17th, 5lbs 7oz, 18 1/2 inches long :) Victoria is quite excited about being a big sister, and Joey is a wonderful dad :) He does diapers, feedings, baths, plays with her, and burps her, since she almost never burps for me. If you want pics of Miss Hannah, just drop me an email! Also, I am now at my goal weight of 135!!!!!!!! And I'm in size 10 pants... I think I'd be an 8 if it wasn't for the extra skin...yuk

May 2, 2008
Ok, so it's been a year since I updated, LITERALLY! Things with family have been going great, but since I stopped breastfeeding Hannah the weight has crept back on, mostly because I wasn't watching what I was eating. So I'm going to do the 5 day pouch test and shrink Ms. Pouchy back to normal! Then more exercise (since I haven't been getting any) and fitday.com like I did in the good ol days when I kept track of stuff :) Weight now: 155. Goal: 130! Wish me luck!

October 21, 2008
Here I am again! Weight now: 165... I had a VERY hard time sticking to any kind of meal plan due to stress... Joey's mom died on Father's Day so we all went into "whatever" mode... ate whatever, did whatever, just blah-depressed-who cares. After that we moved, twice, so now I think I am ready to commit to eating what I should. I do exercise, the food is the issue now.

October 22, 2008
Ok I had a few people ask about this recipe, so here it is!

Beef Fajita Burgers
2 pounds of ground beef (or chicken or turkey)
2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbs Chili powder
1 1/2 tsp Ground Cumin
2-3 Tbs fresh thyme leaves
2 Tbs grill seasoning (I used McCormick's Mesquite Grill Seasoning)
Flour Tortillas
1 onion
1 pepper, any color

Cut the onion and pepper into strips, sautee, set aside
Heat a grill pan or large skillet over medium-high heat.
In a large bowl combine the meat, worcestershire sauce, spices, thyme, and grill seasoning. Score and divide the meat into 4 sections. Halve those to make 8 patties. Cook for 5-6 minutes or till desired doneness/
Put peppers and onion on a tortilla, top with a burger (and a piece of cheese if you like) and enjoy! Salsa is great with these :)

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Profile created by Linda M - Sept 11, 2004
This profile was made by an OH volunteer
Want your profile spruced up? email us:
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Joey and me about 2 weeks before Hannah was born (beginning of April 2007)

Hannah and her Daddy

Member Interests:
  • Crafts - I love to do stuff like this, I'm very creative!

  • Musical Performance - I love to perform! But I'm selfconscious so I don't do it in public anymore.

  • Parenting - I have 2 girls, my motivation (1 preop, 1 postop)

  • Tattoo - A butterfly and a pentacle... both on the backs of my shoulders

  • Frogs - I love 'em! I'm a big collector

  • Hair Stylist - can't know too much about beauty...*sigh* I'm one to talk

Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

Surgeon Info:
Surgeon: David Lautz
Dr. Lautz was wonderful! He and his office woman Eileen were phenomenal in getting all of my appointments made the same day so I didn't have to travel. The surgery went well, I was very confident in his abilities.
Insurer Info:
Blue Cross Blue Shield, PPO 90/70


ObesityHelp is dedicated to the education, empowerment and support of all individuals affected by obesity, along with their families, friends, employers, surgeons and physicians.

© 2013 ObesityHelp, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


About Me
Dennis Port, MA
Surgery Date
Nov 28, 2003
Member Since

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Latest Blog 1
