Almost 9 months post op

Apr 25, 2010

I will be 9 months post op on Wednesday and decided to finally measure myself since the day of surgery (or the night before, who can remember now which it was???).  I have lost a total of approximately 42.5 inches from the various parts of my body plus roughly 67 pounds.  I have been feeling great and not needing to visit the doctor half as much as what I did before.  Any colds I have gotten have been basically just the run of the mill colds.  I may soon try dying my hair again as it is badly needed.  I did try back in January but my hair was damaged quite a bit then so I decided to hold off for a few months to hopefully not to damage my hair any further.  Plus I have been trying to take Biotin to help that as well.  One thing I have noticed in my finger nails is lines that I had not seen pre-op.  I am hoping that will eventually correct itself as well.  I am close to my goals that I had set pre-op and now am really looking at trying to tone up some of the sagging areas.  I have fortunately not had too much extra skin.  The only embarrassing area is my arms, but fortunately that also isn't too bad so I won't be limited to wearing long sleeve shirts.  Overall I am happy with my decision and look forward to many years with the new me!!!

About 3 1/2 months post-op

Nov 11, 2009

Well, I am about 3 1/2 months post op and have lost roughly 45 pounds.  I have started losing my hair which has been the only thing that has somewhat depressed me throughout the whole process.  Since I knew it was going to happen and why, I guess I'm not as bad as what I could be.  Even though I knew it was coming when I started seeing a lot of hair on my comb in the morning and in my tub, it really isn't something you get over quickly.  One person told me that she was losing her hair for about 3-4 months and another said she lost it for a month, but it took a while for it to start getting thicker again.  So, I don't know which way I will go.  I am really trying to grow my hair longer so the thought of cutting it to reduce the amount that might go down the drain really isn't something I want to do.  I know that I will be able to try to grow it again eventually, but I do tend to shed quite a bit anyway, so cutting it may not help anything.  Not sure of what I will do.  One thing that I have noticed other than I am really starting to need smaller clothes was that the other day I crossed my legs.  May not seem like something big, but I really couldn't remember the last time that I had done it.  It was a weird but good feeling, now if only I would start losing in my back side then I think that my weight loss will look even better.  We'll see.  So far I am happy with how things are going.  I am still needing to work on slowing down and fully chewing my food before swallowing and getting that protein in.  My biggest problem of finding something to eat is breakfast.  I have always for the most part had cereal because it is quick, but I can't eat much of it due to time and then I'm hungry later.  Fortunately we do not have a vending machine at work.

Tough Day

Aug 06, 2009

Today has been a tough day, been a little nauseous tried laying down for a while.  Tried to sip a protein shake which all I managed was a couple of sips then had to throw up for the first time since the surgery.  Basically all it ended up being was dry heaves.  Laid down on the futon with a cold wash cloth for a little bit which seemed to help, but the thought of any kind of protein right now is making me sick.  I might be able to get some soup down later.  Have been still getting what liquids I can down, the best thing I have had today has been crystal light popsicles.  Also I have been very bored at home.  Trying to stay busy isn't too hard, but I am the only one at home during the day so not much diversion.  I did make a trip to Watertown yesterday, but trying to not overdo it.  Seem to be ok for the most part right now although feel a little warm.  I hope this passes soon.
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At home

Jul 31, 2009

Well, I am finally home so the road to recovery begins.  I will probably be bored with not being able to do too much over the next few weeks.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate so that I can get some walks in outside.  The biggest thing I am dealing right now is that I itch, not just where my incisions were, but on my well.  I know that means that it is healing, but it is driving me crazy.   Will soon be posting my pictures that I took the night before my surgery.  Now to go take a shower and hopefully the itching will lessen a little bit.

In the hospital

Jul 30, 2009

Well, I am still in the hospital, but this wasn't completely unexpected.  I was in recovery for over 4 hours as I could not seem to stop coughing.  Dr. Hill ordered lasix for me and that seemed to clear it up or else I was going to be in ICU for the night.  The pain wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.  The pain meds definitely helped.  Dr. Hill was going to discharge me today, but he left the decision up to me.  Just before he came in to see how I was doing, my nose started to bleed which really isn't that unusual with me and that nostril, but I am also on a blood thinner.  Got that cleared up and the other nostril started to bleed about an hour later.  So, no more blood thinner for me.  I should be discharged tomorrow.  I'm glad that I decided to stay another night or else that 2nd nosebleed would have happened on the way home and that wouldn't have been too good.  I just had one of my sisters here with her 2 kids and they were having so much fun in here although they didn't want to stay long.  They started playing with my Bari Bear (coughing buddy) and looking out over the lake as I have a really nice view from my room.  I couldn't believe how many flowers came, one my parents got because they were just going to be thrown out, another from all my sisters, brothers, niece and nephews and one from my church.  It will be interesting getting those home and I plan on pressing some of them for my scrapbook.  I was bascially on a water only diet for the first half of the day yesterday and then increased to stage 2 which included jello, sorbet and crystal lite drink.  At lunch I was put up to level 3 which now includes broth and protein shakes and I will be on this level for 2 weeks so I had better get used to its.  It was basically the same as my pre-op diet except I will be able to have cream based soup as well with a scoop of the unflavored protein powder, that should be interesting when I try that.  I dont know how the pureed stage will go and not sure if I really want to be working when I first try that out, but we'll see.  I guess I seem to be doing better than most which is encouraging.
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heading to the hospital

Jul 27, 2009

Well, basically everything is all packed and I will be heading to the hospital soon.  Can't wait to have the surgery over and start my new life.  This is going to be short so I can get the car loaded and my dog Lady taken care of with food and water while I'm gone.  My parents will be here so she won't run out.

The date is getting closer.

Jul 16, 2009

  Well, yesterday was a busy day in the morning at least.  I had my last visit with the dietician before surgery, got my shake mix and met with Dr. Hill.  I wasn't sure how my Mom was going to be but decided to bring her along.  She wasn't completely ok with all that is going on, but knows that she won't change my mind.  I think after going to the visits with me that she at least understands things a litle better.  Both Dr. Hill and a nurse both seemed optimistic and I think that helped.  Still over a week till the surgery date, but Sunday starts the pre-op diet.

Just over a month to go

Jun 19, 2009

Well, I do have my surgery date scheduled for July 28th.  Just over a month to go and really trying to start paying closer attention to how I eat and what I eat.  Looking forward to getting this all over with and curious to see how my body will react as I have never really had surgery before.  I never considered tubes in my ears as surgery although it is a surgery code and the first time I did get general anethesia (I was around 6 or 7 years old at the time).  My struggle will be to avoid going to McDonalds for the iced coffee, especially since I usually get something else as well.  I am going to try to back off on the caffeine, so probably soon I will switch to decaf or maybe a mixture of the two.

About Me
Star Lake, NY
Surgery Date
May 01, 2009
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