Weight Loss

Jan 17, 2008

I am now 3 months and 7 days post operation.  My weight is at 245.  I am very happy with my weight loss and hopeful that it will continue.   

2 months & 12 days after surgery

Dec 22, 2007

40 Days after surgery - I've lost 35 pounds!!

Nov 19, 2007

Yeah! I'm so happy.  I can't believe I'm really loosing weight this fast!! It's amazing but it has been difficult.  I want to eat things that I can't have right now.  I'm feeling great.  My stomach is a little sore under my scar.  I'm assuming that is natural.

10 Days - I have lost 20 POUNDS ALREADY!!

Oct 20, 2007

10 Days after my surgery

Oct 20, 2007

So far my new life has been tough.  I have  been in  and out of the emergency room two times in 10 days.   This last time was because I couldn't keep water or food  in me.   I had diarrea for 2 1/2 days all day.  I mean ALL day long.  IMAGINE how it feels to drink a few sips of water and then immediately run to the bathroom.  I have cried and have felt lost.

I hope it gets better.  I am so thirsty, and hungry. 

It was a bacterial infection.

7 Days after my surgery

Oct 16, 2007

    Well, I'm doing okay.  I had the Open RNY one week ago.  I stayed in the hospital for wed, thurs and came home friday afternoon.  I'm still in pain.  I also have an infection in my throat, it's not strep but something similar to it.  So, it is really bothering me the most right now.  NOT FUN.

I am planning on going back to work on Monday, (5 days away) so I have to get off the pain medication first so I can drive. 

I have lost maybe 10 pounds in week 1.
God protected me, and I am so grateful!!!

11 days left until my surgery

Sep 29, 2007

Well, I'm very nervous.  My husband told me this morning that he is afraid for me to do the surgery and that he doesn't want me to do it.  I told him that everything will be okay.  Although, I am as afraid as he is.  I hope I am doing the right thing. 

I believe in God and I know he will help me through this fear.

About Me
Huber Heights, OH
Surgery Date
Sep 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 17
September 20th 2008 175 Pounds!!
My mother's birthday! July 30th
190 pounds July 12
200 Pounds!!
May 22 2008
April 30th (6 1/2 months after surgery
I'm down to 240 pounds!!
